
Co-Curricular Record

Co-curricular - Participate - Validate - Communicate

Elevate your academic journey by engaging in co-curricular activities. Co-curricular activities and positions provide you with experiences that take place outside the traditional classroom setting yet complement your academic learning, helping you develop employment, leadership, teamwork, and other essential skills. 

Our Co-curricular Catalogue offers a comprehensive list of activities including on-campus paid positions, volunteer roles, leadership opportunities, and self-development programs.

What are the benefits of participating in co-curricular activities?

Participating in co-curricular activities fosters the development of your skills and contributes to personal growth, ultimately preparing you for future employment opportunities or educational pursuits. For instance, working as an Avalanche Game Day staff member can teach you organization and teamwork, planning an event can enhance your leadership skills, coordinating a food drive fosters civic engagement, and participating on a College committee helps build effective communication skills.

Get Started Now!

View the Co-curricular Catalogue (non-interactive mode) without logging in.

To interact with the Co-curricular Catalogue, apply for positions or participate in activities, log into the Experience Portal using your student credentials and search the Co-curricular Catalogue for available opportunities:

  • Log into the Experience Portal
  • Click on Student – Student Login (top of page) Enter your COTR user Login and password credentials (example: c0000000@cotr.bc.ca)
  • Click on Co-curricular in the sidebar of the Experience portal and then the Co-curricular Catalogue.

Participate – Take part in a co-curricular opportunity

Validate – Reflect and select the competencies you gained

Communicate – Share your Experience Record