
Accessibility Services

At College of the Rockies, we are committed to maximizing success and reducing barriers so that students with disabilities have equal opportunities and equal access to information. We provide a variety of support services and accommodations for students with learning disabilities, physical or psychological challenges, as well as those with temporary disabilities.

We support students on all campuses, and there is no charge for any of the services provided. Please note: Students who require accessibility services encouraged to contact the Accessibility Services Coordinator at least three months prior to commencing studies.

We provide:

  • A variety of support services and accommodations to students with learning disabilities, physical or psychological challenges. 
  • Assistance to eligible students to access funding for equipment, adaptive software and other programs and services.
  • Assistance for students with temporary disabilities (i.e. broken bones, surgery, etc.)
  • All College of the Rockies campuses are wheelchair accessible and offer preferred parking. (Should you require a location close to the College, a permit will be issued which allows parking in spots with a disability designation)
  • The Cranbrook Campus has automatic doors, elevators, stair lifts, and adapted washrooms. The automatic doors are located at the main and East entrances.


Services and accommodations are offered to students with permanent disabilities such as:

  • Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD/HD)
  • Learning Disabilities
  • Mobility impairments
  • Deafness or Hard of Hearing
  • Head injuries or other neurological disabilities
  • Mental Health Conditions
  • Visual Impairments
  • Chronic Health Problems

We also provide support and assistance for students who suspect they may have, but have not yet been diagnosed with a disability, including learning disabilities. All information obtained by the Accessibility Services Coordinator will be treated as confidential.

If you require books in alternate format, sign language interpreters, or Typewell services, please contact the Accessibility Services Coordinator at least three months prior to commencing studies.

Support Services

Supports offered may include:

  • Referral to our Learning Specialist for a Learning Skills Assessment
  • Study/learning strategies
  • Career planning
  • Assistance with course selection and registration
  • Instructor liaison
  • Assistance with applying for grants
  • General advocacy


Accommodations are adaptations made to the academic environment that help create equal educational opportunities and provide equal access to information. They are implemented to reduce barriers caused by the disability.

Students seeking accommodations are required to provide current documentation (within the last 5 years) of their medical condition/disability from their physician or medical specialist.

Examples of accommodations:

  • Note takers in the classroom
  • Course materials in alternate formats
  • Exam accommodations
  • One-to-one tutors
  • Recording of lectures
  • Textbooks in alternate formats such as digital audio
  • Reduced course load

Adaptive Technologies

Available Funding for Students with Disabilities