Feel Good Story of the Week

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Image shows man in suit frantically trying to gather papers blowing in the wind.

I’d like to share an experience I had on my way home yesterday.  It wasn’t anything of great magnitude or importance that would change the way the world operates, but a simple act of kindness toward a fellow-student that had an impact not just on one individual – but also elevated the day of those of us who took notice.

If you live in or visit Cranbrook, you  know it can get windy here.  The past few days we’ve been experiencing a lot of wind – cold wind.  After work I hurried to my car in an effort to quickly escape the chill and prepared to drive home for the evening.  I happened to drive along the road directly in front of the Kootenay Centre building and noticed that a young lady (it appeared) had dropped her binder on the sidewalk in front of the entrance.  Her papers had come loose – and with the howling wind – took flight.  Papers were everywhere.

My heart broke a little for her.  Who knew if there was a semester’s worth of notes threatening to be lost forever.  Or the rough draft of a term paper, or her future award-winning novel.  Or perhaps it wasn’t anything so substantial – but still I felt terribly for her as she scrambled to try to stop the paperwork from disappearing forever.

But then, in the next instant, a young man waiting for the bus began running after some of the papers blowing his way.  Then another student began chasing the swirling sheets as well.  And then another.

I don’t know if all the papers were recovered.  I don’t know the importance of the contents held within.  What I do know is that a willingness to help out someone in need is one of the things that makes College of the Rockies such a great place to be.  #SmallCollegeProud