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Name Department Extension Campus Title Room Email
Name Department Extension Campus Title Room Email
Longstreet, Shaun Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Learning 3685 Cranbrook Dean, Innovation in Teaching and Learning KC120 SLongstreet@cotr.bc.ca
Newton, Brandon Facilities 3443 Cranbrook Auxiliary Senior Facilities Attendant Mechanical 227B BNewton@cotr.bc.ca
Knipfel, Suzy Practical Nursing 3341 Cranbrook PN Auxilary Faculty KC261B SKnipfel@cotr.bc.ca
Ramirez, Nicole Continuing Education and Contract Training N/A Fernie CE Instructor N/A NRamirez@cotr.bc.ca
Tiege, Paul Academic Department 3568 Cranbrook Manager, Applied Research and Innovation KC104 PTiege@cotr.bc.ca
Brown, Kyle IT Services 3599 Cranbrook Manager KC109 KBrown@cotr.bc.ca
Brons, Kristy Continuing Education and Contract Training 3359 Cranbrook Regional Programmer S120 KBrons@cotr.bc.ca
Mottl, Ashley Continuing Education and Contract Training 5104 Fernie Red Cross Instructor Fernie AMottl@cotr.bc.ca
Singer, Laura Student and Enrolment Services 3266 Cranbrook Enrolment Services Officer KC218 LSinger@cotr.bc.ca
Trinder, Cori Student and Enrolment Services 3236 Cranbrook Auxiliary KC218 CTrinder@cotr.bc.ca
McKinnon, Amy Finance Services 3595 Cranbrook Controller S209 AMcKinnon2@cotr.bc.ca
Holomego, Kelsey Finance Services 3205/3204 Cranbrook Director of Finance S209 KHolomego@cotr.bc.ca
Giberson, Melisa Finance and Corporate Services 3205 Cranbrook Director - Finance S217 MGiberson@cotr.bc.ca
Shellborn, Logan Communications and Marketing 3527 Cranbrook Lead Graphic Designer S119 LShellborn@cotr.bc.ca
Richter, Haley Department Heads 3370 Cranbrook Department Head Administrative Assistant KC246B HRichter@cotr.bc.ca
Teghtmeyer, Mya Bachelor of Science in Nursing 3525 Cranbrook Auxiliary Faculty KC261B MTeghtmeyer@cotr.bc.ca
Shuflita, Katherine Health Programs 3299 Cranbrook BSN Instructor KC249-5 KShuflita2@cotr.bc.ca
Reiser, Meghan Student and Enrolment Services 3463 Cranbrook Accessibility Services Coordinator KC230C MReiser@cotr.bc.ca
McLean, Linley Golden Campus 6109 Golden Auxiliary Administrative Assistant G101 LMcLean2@cotr.bc.ca
Newel, Emily Finance Services 3595 Cranbrook Controller S215 ENewel2@cotr.bc.ca
Bhandari, Sachin International Department 3517 Cranbrook International Enrolment Services Coordinator KC 229D SBhandari3@cotr.bc.ca
Bhattacharya, Ranjan Trades 3224 Cranbrook Dean, Trades and Technology 245B3 RBhattacharya@cotr.bc.ca
Willier, Everett Indigenous Programming 3449 Cranbrook Manager of Indigenous Education PWPG D104 EWillier2@cotr.bc.ca
Strong, Larissa International Department 3578 Cranbrook Director KC229F LStrong@cotr.bc.ca
Imano, Saori International Department 3550 Cranbrook International Student and Homestay Coordinator KC229A simano@cotr.bc.ca
Lara, Livia Student and Enrolment Services 3282/3332 Cranbrook Student Housing Coordinator Purcell House Residence LLara@cotr.bc.ca
Lucas, Rachel University Studies & Business Management 3370 Cranbrook Faculty N/A RLucas@cotr.bc.ca
McNeely, Jim Facilities 3443 Cranbrook Auxiliary Facilities Attendant KC227B JMcNeely@cotr.bc.ca
Morin, Dan Facilities 3443 Cranbrook Auxiliary Facilities Attendant KC227B DMorin2@cotr.bc.ca
Wilkie, Trent Continuing Education and Contract Training 4102 Creston Con Ed Instructor N/A TWilkie2@cotr.bc.ca
Yeats, Bailey Continuing Education and Contract Training 7102 Invermere ConEd Instructor I-102 BYeats@cotr.bc.ca
Williams, Lynne Continuing Education and Contract Training 3440 Cranbrook Instructor N/A LWilliams@cotr.bc.ca
Richards, Kyla Continuing Education and Contract Training 3242 Cranbrook ConEd Instructor Gold Creek KRichards2@cotr.bc.ca
Rodriguez, Luis Continuing Education and Contract Training N/A Cranbrook Faculty N/A LRodriguez@cotr.bc.ca
Salzbrenner, Andrea Continuing Education and Contract Training 7102 Invermere ConEd Instructor I-102 ASalzbrenner@cotr.bc.ca
Sarsons, Angela Invermere Campus 7102 Invermere Mental Health Instructor N/A ASarsons2@cotr.bc.ca
Stankevich, Crystal Continuing Education and Contract Training 4102 Creston ConEd Instructor C103 CStankevich2@cotr.bc.ca
Sutherland, Bradley Continuing Education and Contract Training 4103 Creston ConEd Instructor N/A BSutherland2@cotr.bc.ca
Tenta, Alan Continuing Education and Contract Training 7102 Invermere ConEd Instructor N/A ATenta@cotr.bc.ca
Wilhelm, Wesley Continuing Education and Contract Training 5102 Fernie ConEd Instructor F101 WWilhelm@cotr.bc.ca
Versteeg, Howard Continuing Education and Contract Training 3242 Cranbrook ConEd Instructor N/A HVersteeg@cotr.bc.ca
Watson, Anne Continuing Education and Contract Training N/A Creston ConEd Instructor N/A AWatson3@cotr.bc.ca
Sharp, Karen Invermere Campus N/A Invermere ConEd Instructor 106 KSharp2@cotr.bc.ca
Webber, Elke Continuing Education and Contract Training 5104 Fernie Coned Instructor N/A EWebber@cotr.bc.ca
Reynolds, Eleanor Continuing Education and Contract Training 4102 Cranbrook ConEd Instructor N/A EReynolds@cotr.bc.ca
Thompson, Amethyst Continuing Education and Contract Training 4102 Creston ConEd Instructor N/A AThompson3@cotr.bc.ca
Reid, Erin Continuing Education and Contract Training 7102 Invermere Instructor I102 EReid@cotr.bc.ca
Treadwell, Ayla Continuing Education and Contract Training 5104 Cranbrook Coned Instructor N/A ATreadwell@cotr.bc.ca
Routley, Colleen Continuing Education and Contract Training 3751 Kimberley Instructor K11B CRoutley@cotr.bc.ca
Wass, Sharon Continuing Education and Contract Training N/A Invermere Con-Ed Instructor N/A SWass2@cotr.bc.ca
Weaver, Kim Continuing Education and Contract Training N/A Invermere ConEd Instructor N/A KWeaver@cotr.bc.ca
Rosgen, Sadie Fernie Campus N/A Fernie Red Cross Babysitter and StaySafe Instructor N/A SRosgen2@cotr.bc.ca
McKay, Jeff Continuing Education and Contract Training 3242 Cranbrook ConEd Instructor Gold Creek JMcKay3@cotr.bc.ca
McKay, Kathy Continuing Education and Contract Training 3242 Cranbrook ConEd Instructor Gold Creek KMcKay3@cotr.bc.ca
Morgan, Nicole Continuing Education and Contract Training 7102 Invermere Coned Instructor N/A NMorgan@cotr.bc.ca
Neumann, Horst Continuing Education and Contract Training 6102 Golden ConEd Instructor G101 HNeumann@cotr.bc.ca
Newill, Allegra Invermere Campus 7102 Invermere First Aid Instructor N/A ANewill2@cotr.bc.ca
ODonnell, Jennifer Continuing Education and Contract Training 5102 Fernie ConEd Instructor F101 JODonnell@cotr.bc.ca
Pinsent, Wes Continuing Education and Contract Training 5102 Fernie ConEd Instructor F101 WPinsent@cotr.bc.ca
Quinn, Dave Continuing Education and Contract Training 3752 Kimberley Coned Instructor N/A DQuinn2@cotr.bc.ca
Miller, Tracey Continuing Education and Contract Training 5104 Fernie First Aid Instructor N/A TMiller3@cotr.bc.ca
Powers, Max Continuing Education and Contract Training 7102 Cranbrook Con Ed instructor N/A MPowers2@cotr.bc.ca
Miller, Signe Continuing Education and Contract Training 4103 Creston Coned Instructor N/A SMiller2@cotr.bc.ca
Mitchel, Brendan Continuing Education and Contract Training N/A Creston ConEd Instructor N/A BMitchel@cotr.bc.ca
Ravichandran, Winnie Continuing Education and Contract Training N/A Invermere ConEd Instructor N/A WRavichandran@cotr.bc.ca
Nickurak, Karen Continuing Education and Contract Training 7104 Invermere ConEd Instructor N/A KNickurak2@cotr.bc.ca
Piccinin, Jessica Continuing Education and Contract Training 4102 Creston ConEd Instructor N/A JPiccinin2@cotr.bc.ca
Piccirilli, Mathilde Continuing Education and Contract Training 4102 Creston ConEd Instructor N/A MPiccirilli@cotr.bc.ca
Prettie, Angela Continuing Education and Contract Training 4102 Creston ConEd Instructor N/A APrettie@cotr.bc.ca
Oaks, Jazlyn Continuing Education and Contract Training 7102 Invermere Instructor I104 JOaks2@cotr.bc.ca
Mitchell, Jeff Continuing Education and Contract Training 3242 Cranbrook Instructor Online JMitchell7@cotr.bc.ca
Rapin, Nicole Continuing Education and Contract Training 5103 Fernie First Aid Instructor F101 NRapin@cotr.bc.ca
Jonsson, Mikael Continuing Education and Contract Training 3242 Cranbrook ConEd Instructor Gold Creek MJonsson@cotr.bc.ca
Kallies, Steve Continuing Education and Contract Training 5102 Fernie ConEd Instructor F101 SKallies@cotr.bc.ca
Knight, Trevor Fire Training 3370 Kimberley Fire Services Instructor N/A TKnight@cotr.bc.ca
Lake, Bill Continuing Education and Contract Training 7102 Invermere ConEd Instructor I-102 BLake2@cotr.bc.ca
Lake, Leisha Fire Training N/A Invermere Fire Training First Aid Instructor Kimberley LLake@cotr.bc.ca
Lam, Kyla Continuing Education and Contract Training N/A Invermere ConEd Instructor N/A KLam@cotr.bc.ca
Lothien, Jasmine Continuing Education and Contract Training 4102 Creston ConEd Instructor C103 JLothien@cotr.bc.ca
Macaulay, Jim Continuing Education and Contract Training 3242 Cranbrook ConEd Instructor Gold Creek JMacaulay@cotr.bc.ca
MCCaull, Bonnie Continuing Education and Contract Training 4102 Cranbrook Coned Instructor N/A BMCCaull2@cotr.bc.ca
Macasso, Adam Continuing Education and Contract Training 4103 Creston Instructor C103 AMacasso2@cotr.bc.ca
Jurado, Rodrigo Continuing Education and Contract Training N/A Creston ConEd Instructor N/A RJurado@cotr.bc.ca
Lozecznik, Barbara Continuing Education and Contract Training N/A Creston ConEd Instructor N/A BLozecznik@cotr.bc.ca
McArthur, Donna Invermere Campus N/A Invermere ConEd Instructor N/A DMcArthur3@cotr.bc.ca
Malfair, Christine Continuing Education and Contract Training 7104 Invermere ConEd Instructor 109 CMalfair2@cotr.bc.ca
Manuzzi, Andrea Continuing Education and Contract Training 4102 Creston ConEd Instructor N/A AManuzzi@cotr.bc.ca
Kuhn, Matt Continuing Education and Contract Training 5102 Fernie ConEd Instructor F101 MKuhn@cotr.bc.ca
Knudson, Darlene Creston Campus N/A Creston ConEd Instructor N/A DKnudson@cotr.bc.ca
Kilpatrick, Chris Golden Campus N/A Golden ConEd Instructor N/A CKilpatrick2@cotr.bc.ca
Lopez Munguia, Lissete Fernie Campus N/A Cranbrook ConEd Instructor N/A LLopezMunguia@cotr.bc.ca
Gorrie, Jolene Continuing Education and Contract Training 5103 Fernie ConEd Instructor Fernie JGorrie2@cotr.bc.ca
Grimble, Christine Continuing Education and Contract Training 5102 Fernie ConEd Instructor F101 CGrimble@cotr.bc.ca
Hatt, Melainie Continuing Education and Contract Training 5102 Fernie Red Cross Babysitting Instructor F101 MHatt@cotr.bc.ca
Hebert, Jenepher Continuing Education and Contract Training 3242 Cranbrook ConEd Instructor Gold Creek JHebert@cotr.bc.ca
Hockley, Michael Fire Training N/A Kimberley Con Ed Instructor N/A MHockley@cotr.bc.ca
Holden, Brenda Continuing Education and Contract Training 7102 Invermere ConEd Instructor I-102 BHolden@cotr.bc.ca
Howard, Deirdre Continuing Education and Contract Training 4103 Creston ConEd Instructor N/A DHoward@cotr.bc.ca
Jackson, Dale Creston Continuing Education 4102 Creston ConEd Instructor C103 DJackson@cotr.bc.ca
Gureckas, Ashleigh-Anne Continuing Education and Contract Training 5104 Fernie CE Instructor N/A AGureckas@cotr.bc.ca
Gernhart, Samantha Continuing Education and Contract Training 7102 Cranbrook Coned Instructor N/A sgernhart1@cotr.bc.ca
Hunter, Barb Continuing Education and Contract Training N/A Creston ConEd Instructor N/A BHunter@cotr.bc.ca
Gilberd, Paula Continuing Education and Contract Training N/A Invermere ConEd Instructor N/A PGilberd@cotr.bc.ca
Jarvis, Chisa Continuing Education and Contract Training 4102 Creston ConEd Instructor N/A CJarvis@cotr.bc.ca
Jensen, Roberta Continuing Education and Contract Training 4102 Creston ConEd Instructor N/A RJensen2@cotr.bc.ca
Ede, Jordan Continuing Education and Contract Training 7102 Invermere ConEd Instructor N?A JEde@cotr.bc.ca
Hicks, Jamie Fernie Campus 5104 Fernie CE Instructor -Traffic Control F101 JHicks@cotr.bc.ca
Geselbracht, David Continuing Education and Contract Training N/A Golden Con Ed/ Golden Campus N/A DGeselbracht@cotr.bc.ca
Jesse, Leanna Golden Campus N/A Cranbrook Coned Instructor N/A LJesse2@cotr.bc.ca
Hake, Natalie Continuing Education and Contract Training N/A Fernie Coned Instructor N/A NHake@cotr.bc.ca
Jameson, Scott Continuing Education and Contract Training 5102 Fernie CE Instructor F101 SJameson@cotr.bc.ca
Bourke, Peter Invermere Campus 7102 Invermere ConEd Instructor I-102 PBourke@cotr.bc.ca
Benty, Christina Continuing Education and Contract Training N/A Cranbrook ConEd Instructor N/A CBenty@cotr.bc.ca
Bigelow, Brayenna Invermere Campus 7102 Invermere First Aid Instructor N/A BBigelow2@cotr.bc.ca
Bossio, Liz Continuing Education and Contract Training 5102 Fernie ConEd Instructor F101 LBossio@cotr.bc.ca
Bukovnik, Elli Continuing Education and Contract Training 7102 Invermere ConEd Instructor I-102 EBukovnik@cotr.bc.ca
Cantrell, Kip Continuing Education and Contract Training 4103 Creston Coned Instructor N/A KCantrell@cotr.bc.ca
Carson, Tyler Fernie Continuing Education 5102 Fernie ConEd Instructor F101 TCarson@cotr.bc.ca
Currie, Ron Continuing Education and Contract Training 5102 Fernie ConEd Instructor F101 RCurrie@cotr.bc.ca
Chretien, Denny Fire Training 3571 Kimberley Coned Instructor N/A DChretien2@cotr.bc.ca
Comerford, Zan Continuing Education and Contract Training N/A Cranbrook ConEd Instructor N/A ZComerford@cotr.bc.ca
Bodecker, Alesa Continuing Education and Contract Training 3242 Cranbrook ConEd Instructor N/A ABodecker@cotr.bc.ca
Benoit, Crystal Jaye Continuing Education and Contract Training 4102 Creston ConEd Instructor N/A CBenoit2@cotr.bc.ca
Davies, Evan Continuing Education and Contract Training 4102 Creston ConEd Instructor N/A EDavies2@cotr.bc.ca
Doenni, Vienna Continuing Education and Contract Training 4102 Creston ConEd Instructor N/A VDoenni@cotr.bc.ca
Dunn, Nikolai Continuing Education and Contract Training 5104 Fernie ConEd Instructor N/A NDunn2@cotr.bc.ca
Earl Kenny, Jagan Continuing Education and Contract Training 4102 Creston ConEd Instructor N/A JEarlKenny@cotr.bc.ca
Chokar, Leah Continuing Education and Contract Training N/A Cranbrook Coned Instructor N/A LChokar@cotr.bc.ca
Devlin, Bruce Continuing Education and Contract Training N/A Invermere First Aid Instructor N/A BDevlin2@cotr.bc.ca
Delcaro, Jon Continuing Education and Contract Training N/A Fernie Instructor N/A JDelcaro@cotr.bc.ca
Davis-Boomer, Candice Continuing Education and Contract Training 3242 Cranbrook First Aid Instructor GC101 CDavisBoomer@cotr.bc.ca
Wiens, Daniel Bachelor of Science in Nursing 3564 Cranbrook Faculty S113 DWiens@cotr.bc.ca
Wik, Heather Health Programs 3524 Cranbrook Faculty/Coordinator KC202H WIK@cotr.bc.ca
Wilkins, Erin Continuing Education and Contract Training 3751 Cranbrook Faculty Remote EWilkins@cotr.bc.ca
Wishart, James University Studies 3436 Cranbrook Faculty KC150I WISHART@cotr.bc.ca
Wong, Hannah Invermere Campus 7102 Invermere Auxiliary I-102 HWong@cotr.bc.ca
Wood, Lynn Child Youth and Family Studies 3353 Cranbrook Faculty KC140B WOOD@cotr.bc.ca
Woods, Susan Office of the President 3203 Cranbrook Executive Assistant to President and Board KC246 woods@cotr.bc.ca
Wuthrich, Anna-Lisa Bachelor of Science in Nursing 3340 Cranbrook BSN Instructor KC249-7 AWuthrich2@cotr.bc.ca
Adams, Megan Continuing Education and Contract Training 7102 Invermere ConEd Instructor N/A MAdams5@cotr.bc.ca
Arkhanguelski, Linda Continuing Education and Contract Training 3242 Cranbrook ConEd Instructor Gold Creek LArkhanguelski@cotr.bc.ca
Wuthrich, Adam Information Technology Services 3478 Cranbrook System Analyst KC109 AWuthrich@cotr.bc.ca
Wiest, Danielle Academic Department 3568 Cranbrook Student Researcher 245A DWiest@cotr.bc.ca
Zhao, Tyler Production Support Centre 3365 Cranbrook Document Specialist KC231 TZhao@cotr.bc.ca
Williams, Jheanell International Department 3498 Cranbrook International Recruitment and Admissions Specialist S229C JWilliams4@cotr.bc.ca
Asher, Kathleen Continuing Education and Contract Training 4102 Creston ConEd Instructor N/A KAsher@cotr.bc.ca
Barber, James Continuing Education and Contract Training 4103 Creston ConEd Instructor N/A JBarber@cotr.bc.ca
Winter, Leanna Finance Services 3530 Cranbrook Accounts Payable Clerk S216 LWinter2@cotr.bc.ca
Wiggins, Krysten Trades N/A Cranbrook Auxiliary tool crib assistant N/A KWiggins2@cotr.bc.ca
Albert, Michael Continuing Education and Contract Training N/A Cranbrook Instructor G109 MAlbert2@cotr.bc.ca
Baker, Courtney Continuing Education and Contract Training N/A Fernie Instructor N/A CBaker@cotr.bc.ca
Walker, Karl Production Support Centre 3352 Cranbrook Document Specialist KC231 KWalker2@cotr.bc.ca
Wall, Nicole Certified Dental Assistant 3474 Cranbrook Dental Assistant Program Lab Assistant KC203A NWall2@cotr.bc.ca
Wan, Dave Tourism and Recreation Management 6108 Golden Faculty/Coordinator G108 dwan@cotr.bc.ca
Watson, Tom Trades - Welding 3535 Cranbrook Auxiliary Welding Instructor KC222 TWatson3@cotr.bc.ca
Waugh, David Upgrading for Academic and Career Entry 6110 Golden UACE Faculty G103 DWaugh@cotr.bc.ca
Webb, Stacy Practical Nursing 3635 Cranbrook Faculty HCA and HCAP S109 SWebb@cotr.bc.ca
Webster, Don Tourism and Recreation Management 6117 Golden Faculty G104 DWebster@cotr.bc.ca
Wesley, Dana Indigenous Programming 3472 Cranbrook Executive Director Indigenous Strategy and Reconciliation 245A1 DWesley@cotr.bc.ca
Wetmore, Ashlie University of Victoria Teacher Education 3228 Cranbrook Administrative Assistant KC185 AWetmore@cotr.bc.ca
White, Jan Arts, Humanities, and Social Science 3473 Cranbrook Learning Specialist/Faculty KC230J JWHITE@cotr.bc.ca
White, John Trades - Automotive 3510 Cranbrook Faculty P107 WHITE@cotr.bc.ca
Whiting, Tracey Continuing Education and Contract Training 3235 Cranbrook Manager Gold Creek 121 whiting@cotr.bc.ca
Weatherhead, Colleen Upgrading for Academic and Career Entry 7115 Invermere ABE Instructors I 114 CWeatherhead2@cotr.bc.ca
Wells, Stephanie Business, Arts and Science 3321 Cranbrook Dean 245B1 SWells2@cotr.bc.ca
Wells, Katie Continuing Education and Contract Training 3359 Golden ConEd Instructor N/A KWells@cotr.bc.ca
Warman, Katherine Learning Commons 3294 Cranbrook English Tutor N/A KWarman2@cotr.bc.ca
Ward, Tessie Student and Enrolment Services 3318 Cranbrook Enrolment Services Officer KC218 TWard2@cotr.bc.ca
Ward, Gwen Trades - Hairstyling N/A Cranbrook Instructor, Hairstyling KC322 gward@cotr.bc.ca
Walser, Nicolas Facilities 4102 Creston Program Administrator Auxiliary C103 NWalser2@cotr.bc.ca
Wheeler, Niles Continuing Education and Contract Training 5130 Fernie Haul Truck Instructor F121/F122 NWheeler@cotr.bc.ca
Torgunrud, Amy Human Resources and Payroll 3630 Cranbrook Payroll & Human Resources Technician KC243 ATorgunrud2@cotr.bc.ca
Touzin, Cynthia Trades 3337 Cranbrook Administrative Assistant KC245B Touzin@cotr.bc.ca
Turner, Nadine Math and Science N/A Cranbrook Faculty Remote NTurner@cotr.bc.ca
Unger, Grant Tourism and Recreation Management 3570 Cranbrook Faculty KC150B Unger@cotr.bc.ca
Vallee, Mike Trades - Plumbing 3637 Cranbrook Faculty KC222C-C2 MVallee@cotr.bc.ca
Vallee, Sheryl Continuing Education and Contract Training N/A Cranbrook Mentorship Coordinator, Women in Trades Program N/A SVallee@cotr.bc.ca
Vause, Karen Student and Enrolment Services 3360 Cranbrook Invigilator Coordinator KC239 KVause2@cotr.bc.ca
Veenstra, Brandon University Studies N/A Cranbrook Faculty N/A BVeenstra@cotr.bc.ca
Vishloff, Karla Communications and Marketing 3487 Cranbrook Digital Marketing Coordinator S119 KVishloff@cotr.bc.ca
Vogell, Jani Kinesiology 3454 Cranbrook Faculty/Acting Coordinator KC263D JVogell@cotr.bc.ca
Vogt, Paul Office of the President 3203 Cranbrook President and CEO KC246 PVogt@cotr.bc.ca
Vokey, Shawna Student and Enrolment Services 3243 Cranbrook Auxiliary KC230 SVokey@cotr.bc.ca
Wagner, Brandt Facilities 3282 Cranbrook Facilities Attendant, Student Housing Student Housing Office, Purcell Office BWagner@cotr.bc.ca
Wake, Marnie CBAL/YPEP 3589 Cranbrook Daycare Supervisor MF162 MWake@cotr.bc.ca
Waldie, Angela Arts, Humanities, and Social Science 3370 Cranbrook Auxiliary Instructor University Studies Arts N/A AWaldie@cotr.bc.ca
Wackerle, Sami University Studies 3370 Cranbrook COOP Supervisor N/A SWackerle@cotr.bc.ca
Van Gaalen, Pierce Mine Apprenticeship 3415 Cranbrook Mining Apprentice N/A PVanGaalen2@cotr.bc.ca
Ungaro, Darren Mine Apprenticeship 3415 Cranbrook Mining Apprentice N/A DUngaro2@cotr.bc.ca
Twietmeyer, Samantha Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Learning 3379 Cranbrook Educational Technologist KC120 STwietmeyer@cotr.bc.ca
Turcasso, Krista Fernie Campus N/A Fernie Faculty Auxiliary F115 KTurcasso@cotr.bc.ca
Svitich, Sheena Office Administration 3591 Cranbrook Faculty/Coordinator KC236D SSvitich@cotr.bc.ca
Sykut, Dana Finance Services 3262 Cranbrook Purchasing Agent KC227C DSykut@cotr.bc.ca
Sylvestre, Anita Academic Department 3415 Cranbrook Administrative Assistant KC245B ASylvestre@cotr.bc.ca
Szol, Kevin Trades - Electrical 3552 Cranbrook Faculty PH101 Szol@cotr.bc.ca
Taylor, Michelle Invermere Campus 7101 Invermere Campus Manager I-101 MTAYLOR2@cotr.bc.ca
Terblanche, Noelene Business Management 3594 Cranbrook Faculty Cranbrook Campus NTerblanche@cotr.bc.ca
Teslak, Dianne Finance and Corporate Services 3204 Cranbrook Vice President, Finance & Corporate Services S209 TESLAK@cotr.bc.ca
Thibeault, Carolyn Bachelor of Science in Nursing N/A Cranbrook BSN Instructor N/A CThibeault2@cotr.bc.ca
Thompson, Dylan Student Life and Athletics 3556 Cranbrook Athletics and Student Life Specialist KC200A DThompson@cotr.bc.ca
Thygesen, Patricia Bachelor of Science in Nursing 3404 Cranbrook Faculty KC191B-3 PThygesen@cotr.bc.ca
Tillman, Robin Math and Science 3495 Cranbrook Faculty KC255E RTillman@cotr.bc.ca
Tippett, Ben Math and Science 3428 Cranbrook Faculty KC263F BTippett@cotr.bc.ca
Thompson, Brianna Health Programs 3284 Cranbrook Lab Assistant S115A BThompson4@cotr.bc.ca
Tiberi, Sandra International Department 3618 Cranbrook Auxiliary 229 STiberi2@cotr.bc.ca
Tennant, Ariane Human Resources and Payroll 3207 Cranbrook Executive Director Human Resources KC243E ATennant@cotr.bc.ca
Thomson, Steve Continuing Education and Contract Training N/A Fernie Coned Instructor N/A SThomson2@cotr.bc.ca
Taylor, Tristan Student and Enrolment Services 3380 Cranbrook Regional Transitions Coordinator 249A TTaylor@cotr.bc.ca
Thompson, Jayme University of Victoria Teacher Education N/A Cranbrook UVIC EKTEP Instructor N/A JThompson@cotr.bc.ca
Thierbach, George Mine Apprenticeship N/A Cranbrook MAP N/A GThierbach2@cotr.bc.ca
Smith, Jo Ann Indigenous Programming 3389/3531 Cranbrook Indigenous Education Coordinator & Advisor KC235A JSmith@cotr.bc.ca
Smith, Jody Trades - Welding 3535 Cranbrook Welding Instructor KC222 JSmith12@cotr.bc.ca
Sokoya, Oludare Trades - Technology 3676 Cranbrook Math/Science program coordinator KC183A OSokoya@cotr.bc.ca
Spiers, Candis Bachelor of Science in Nursing 3532 Cranbrook Faculty KC207 CSpiers@cotr.bc.ca
Spitzer, Alison Golden Campus 6106 Golden Auxiliary ATBO Faculty G118 ASpitzer@cotr.bc.ca
Stapleton, Brittney Learning Commons 3294 Cranbrook Library Circulation Assistant KC120 BStapleton@cotr.bc.ca
Stemo, Lisa Practical Nursing 3597 Cranbrook Faculty KC202J LStemo@cotr.bc.ca
Streich, Jan Finance Services 3431 Cranbrook Budget Analyst S217 JStreich@cotr.bc.ca
Struthers, Sally University of Victoria Teacher Education 3228 Cranbrook Faculty KC180B SStruthers@cotr.bc.ca
Svitich, Doug Facilities N/A Cranbrook Facilities Attendant KC227 DSvitich@cotr.bc.ca
St Jean, Julie Continuing Education and Contract Training 3381 Cranbrook Program Administrator GC123 JSt.Jean@cotr.bc.ca
Spyksma, Devin Information Technology Services 3516 Cranbrook IT Coordinator, Applications and Cloud Systems KC109 DSpyksma@cotr.bc.ca
Stolson, Lori Continuing Education and Contract Training N/A Invermere Coned Instructor N/A LStolson2@cotr.bc.ca
Stooshnov, Kyle Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Learning 3737 Cranbrook Educational Technologist KC120 KStooshnov@cotr.bc.ca
Spring, Gillian Bachelor of Science in Nursing 3553 Cranbrook Faculty KC191B-4 GSpring@cotr.bc.ca
Sperling, Charlene International Department 3550 Cranbrook Homestay Coordinator KC229D CSperling2@cotr.bc.ca
Stasuik, Megan Educational Advising 3370 Cranbrook Education Assistant N/A MStasuik@cotr.bc.ca
Stone, Stephen Upgrading for Academic and Career Entry 4105 Creston Auxiliary Faculty C105 SStone1@cotr.bc.ca
Speedie, Oliver Facilities 3443 Cranbrook Auxiliary Facilities Attendant KC227B OSpeedie@cotr.bc.ca
Sheridan, Rhonda Student and Enrolment Services 3691 Cranbrook Co-op and Employment Services Coordinator KC230Q RSheridan@cotr.bc.ca
Sherret, Norma Health and Human Services 3482 Cranbrook Dean 245B2 NSherret@cotr.bc.ca
Shewell, Michelle Child Youth and Family Studies 3479 Cranbrook Auxiliary Faculty KC261A MShewell@cotr.bc.ca
Shier, Mary Fernie Campus 5108 Fernie Faculty, Education Advisor, UACE F104 MSHIER@cotr.bc.ca
Siemens, Jennifer Bachelor of Science in Nursing 3627 Cranbrook Faculty S104 JSiemens@cotr.bc.ca
Smith, Dan Trades 3392/3617 Cranbrook Shop Assistant / Tool Crib Attendant P106 DSmith2@cotr.bc.ca
Smith, Gideon Golden Campus 6107 Golden Faculty G120 GSmith@cotr.bc.ca
Smith, Jenn Student and Enrolment Services 3441 Cranbrook Co-op and Employment Services Coordinator KC230V JSmith1@cotr.bc.ca
Skorzewski, David Trades 3337 Cranbrook Shop Assistant N/A DSkorzewski@cotr.bc.ca
Skretting, Lucie Student and Enrolment Services 3314 Cranbrook Institutional Research Analyst and Scheduling Coordinator KC230F LSkretting@cotr.bc.ca
Shaw, Jennifer Academic Department NA Cranbrook Auxiliary Instructor - ELP program Remote JShaw6@cotr.bc.ca
Skretting, Nathan Information Technology Services 3298 Cranbrook Chief Information Officer KC109A NSkretting@cotr.bc.ca
Sinclair, Andrew Fire Training N/A Cranbrook Fire instructor N/A ASinclair@cotr.bc.ca
Sharpe, Heather University Studies 3395 Cranbrook Biology Lab Technician KC249-6 HSharpe@cotr.bc.ca
Sharpe, Lisa Trades - Hairstyling N/A Cranbrook Auxiliary Instructor N/A LSharpe2@cotr.bc.ca
Sheane, Sue Academic Department N/A Cranbrook Faculty N/A SSheane@cotr.bc.ca
Shimomura, Yuko Child Youth and Family Studies N/A Cranbrook Instructor KC261A YShimomura@cotr.bc.ca
Shaw, Christine Invermere Campus N/A Invermere UACE Instructor N/A CShaw4@cotr.bc.ca
Ryan, Shawna Bachelor of Science in Nursing 3345 Cranbrook Faculty/Coordinator S102 SRYAN@cotr.bc.ca
Sadler, Jill Golden Campus 6101 Golden Manager G101 JSadler@cotr.bc.ca
Sam, Michele Arts, Humanities, and Social Science 3686 Cranbrook Indigenous Studies Instructor KC140J MSam2@cotr.bc.ca
Schmidt, Kristy Upgrading for Academic and Career Entry 5106 Fernie Faculty F112A KSchmidt@cotr.bc.ca
Schultz, Carmen Continuing Education and Contract Training 3752 Kimberley ConEd Instructor K14 CSchultz@cotr.bc.ca
Shackleton, Janice Health Care Assistant 3477 Cranbrook Faculty KC253A JShackleton@cotr.bc.ca
Saffin, Gord Information Technology Services 3382 Cranbrook IT Coordinator, Infrastructure and Operations KC109 GSaffin@cotr.bc.ca
Sharpe, Doreen University of Victoria Teacher Education N/A Cranbrook UVIC Faculty N/A DSharpe@cotr.bc.ca
Scott, Sarah International Department 3469 Cranbrook International Recruiter and Admissions Specialist KC229C SScott@cotr.bc.ca
Schachtel, Kristin Student and Enrolment Services 3310 Cranbrook Associate Registrar and Manager Enrolment Services KC230U KSchachtel@cotr.bc.ca
Seaman, Stephanie Invermere Campus 7102 Invermere Administrative Assistant I-103 SSeaman@cotr.bc.ca
Shannon, James Trades N/A Cranbrook Auxiliary tool crib assistant N/A JShannon2@cotr.bc.ca
Sehgal, Isha International Department N/A Cranbrook South Asia Business Development Officer N/A ISehgal@cotr.bc.ca
Samoil, Tom Learning Commons 3384 Cranbrook Term Librarian KC 120H TSamoil@cotr.bc.ca
Shadgett, Catherine Golden Campus 6102 Cranbrook Administrative Assistant G101 CShadgett@cotr.bc.ca
Schoahs, Tim Fernie Campus 5101 Fernie Manager F100 TSchoahs@cotr.bc.ca
Sartorel, Michelle Academic Department 3504 Cranbrook Manager of Teacher Education KC185 MSartorel@cotr.bc.ca
Sadowsky, Kimberly University of Victoria Teacher Education 3228 Cranbrook Faculty KC185 KSadowsky@cotr.bc.ca
Schnell, Ethan Gold Creek Campus N/A Cranbrook Instructor N/A ESchnell@cotr.bc.ca
Schotanus, Elle Invermere Campus 7102 Invermere Administration Assistant I-104 ESchotanus@cotr.bc.ca
Rautenbach, Anna-Marie Hospitality Management 7107 Invermere Faculty/Coordinator I-108 ARautenbach@cotr.bc.ca
Redmond, Brian Math and Science 3370 Cranbrook Auxiliary Faculty Remote BRedmond@cotr.bc.ca
Regina, Emilio Upgrading for Academic and Career Entry 3370 Cranbrook Faculty KC246B ERegina@cotr.bc.ca
Relkoff, Yvette English Language Program 3503 Cranbrook Faculty N/A YRelkoff@cotr.bc.ca
Remple, Kevi Student and Enrolment Services 3378 Cranbrook Education Advisor KC230E remple@cotr.bc.ca
Richmond, Michelle Finance Services 3632 Cranbrook Finance KC245B MRichmond@cotr.bc.ca
Roberts, Wendy Facilities 3443 Cranbrook Administrative Assistant KC228 WRoberts@cotr.bc.ca
Ross, Shannon Health Care Assistant 3370 Cranbrook Faculty N/A SRoss@cotr.bc.ca
Ross, Tim Trades - Welding 3573 Cranbrook Faculty/Coordinator KC222 TRoss@cotr.bc.ca
Ruiter, Chelsea Continuing Education and Contract Training 3359 Cranbrook Regional Programmer S120 CRuiter@cotr.bc.ca
Russchen, Julie University of Victoria Teacher Education 3228 Cranbrook Faculty KC180B JRusschen@cotr.bc.ca
Rennette, Danielle Fire Training 3754 Kimberley Auxiliary Administrative Assistant K11A DRennette@cotr.bc.ca
Rousselle, Allie Fernie Campus 5113 Fernie First Aid Instructor N/A ARousselle2@cotr.bc.ca
Rayner, Kate Academic Department 6101 Golden Auxiliary Marketing Instructor N/A KRayner@cotr.bc.ca
Rodriques, Ishka Learning Commons 3294 Cranbrook English Tutor N/A IRodriques@cotr.bc.ca
Robertson, Heather Arts, Humanities, and Social Science N/A Cranbrook Auxiliary Instructor N/A HRobertson@cotr.bc.ca
Rennebohm, Heather Invermere Campus 7102 Invermere ConEd Instructor I102 HRennebohm@cotr.bc.ca
Riehl, Marla Academic Department NA Cranbrook Instructor NA MRiehl@cotr.bc.ca
Roy, Vicky Golden Campus N/A Golden Auxiliary Faculty Instructor N/A VRoy@cotr.bc.ca
Pesce, Emily Trades - Hairstyling 3468 Cranbrook Auxiliary Hairstylist instructor KC249-2 EPesce@cotr.bc.ca
Petersen, Amber Arts, Humanities, and Social Science N/A Cranbrook Faculty KC150-F APetersen@cotr.bc.ca
Pickering, Jodie Kinesiology 3539 Cranbrook Faculty KC207C JPickering@cotr.bc.ca
Pitney, Collin Continuing Education and Contract Training N/A Cranbrook Faculty N/A CPitney@cotr.bc.ca
Platt, Allison Upgrading for Academic and Career Entry 3581 Cranbrook Faculty KC191A APlatt@cotr.bc.ca
Plummer, Lisa Fernie Campus 5104 Fernie Program Administrator. F101 LPlummer@cotr.bc.ca
Polley, Krista Golden Campus 6102 Golden Faculty G125 KPolley@cotr.bc.ca
Poole, Judi University of Victoria Teacher Education 3228 Cranbrook EKTEP Instructor 185 JPoole@cotr.bc.ca
Prasad, Richard Fire Training 3216 Kimberley Instructor Kimberley Fire Hall RPrasad@cotr.bc.ca
Quackenbush. Yohanna Bookstore 3695 Cranbrook Campus Store Coordinator KC102 QUACKENBUSH@cotr.bc.ca
Quinn, David Student and Enrolment Services 3239 Cranbrook Admissions Coordinator KC218 DQuinn@cotr.bc.ca
Quinn, Jeff Bachelor of Science in Nursing 3406 Cranbrook Faculty KC207B JQuinn@cotr.bc.ca
Ramdin, Tara Child Youth and Family Studies; University Studies 3452 Cranbrook Faculty KC110A TRamdin@cotr.bc.ca
Picton, Andrew Fernie Campus 5103 Fernie ConEd Instructor F101 APicton@cotr.bc.ca
Ranasinghe, Ravi Information Technology Services 3421 Cranbrook System Analyst KC109 RRanasinghe@cotr.bc.ca
Ramsdale, Kyla University of Victoria Teacher Education N/A Cranbrook UVIC Faculty N/A KRamsdale@cotr.bc.ca
Pesklevits, Alexa Student and Enrolment Services 3237 Cranbrook Enrolment Services Officer KC218 APesklevits2@cotr.bc.ca
Prance, Wayne Trades - Heavy Duty 3331 Cranbrook Faculty P105 WPrance@cotr.bc.ca
Proskova, Barbora Golden Campus 6102 Cranbrook Auxiliary Administrative Assistant G101 BProskova@cotr.bc.ca
Prasad, Sharina Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Learning 3301 Cranbrook Sr. Administrative Assistant KC120 SPrasad@cotr.bc.ca
New, Bonnie Office Administration 3471 Cranbrook Faculty KC236C BNew@cotr.bc.ca
Newton, Cortney Learning Commons 3288 Cranbrook Library Technician, Acquisition and Cataloguing KC120L CNewton@cotr.bc.ca
Newton, Kathy Learning Commons 3294 Cranbrook Library Circulation Assistant Auxiliary KC120 KNewton2@cotr.bc.ca
Nowell, Rick Math and Science 3585 Cranbrook Lab Assistant KC262A NOWELL@cotr.bc.ca
Obara, Stephanie Bachelor of Science in Nursing 3348 Cranbrook Faculty S112 SObara@cotr.bc.ca
Ogilvie, Karin Hospitality Management 7108 Invermere Faculty I108 KOgilvie@cotr.bc.ca
Osberg, Sarah Tourism and Recreation Management 5105 Cranbrook Faculty/ Coordinator F126 SOsberg@cotr.bc.ca
Ostwald, Debbie Production Support Centre N/A Cranbrook Document Specialist KC231 OSTWALD@cotr.bc.ca
Paterson, Jack Fire Training N/A Kimberley Instructor Kimberley Fire Hall JPaterson@cotr.bc.ca
Pelkonen, Becky Business Management; Tourism and Recreation Management 3334 Cranbrook BMGT program coordinator KC150H BPelkonen@cotr.bc.ca
Perry, Dominic Trades - Heavy Duty 3483 Cranbrook Heavy Duty Mechanics Instructor P105 DPerry@cotr.bc.ca
Peinado, Miguel Information Technology Services N/A Cranbrook Web Developer KC109 MPeinado@cotr.bc.ca
Peart, Mark Facilities 3521 Cranbrook Facilities Manager KC228-1 MPeart@cotr.bc.ca
Pakenham, Ana University of Victoria Teacher Education N/A Cranbrook UVIC Faculty N/A APakenham@cotr.bc.ca
Newton, Lindsay Learning Commons 3690 Cranbrook Library Services Technician KC120L LNewton@cotr.bc.ca
Newton, Dave Facilities 3579 Cranbrook Senior Facilities Attendant - Mechanical KC227B DNewton2@cotr.bc.ca
Palmer, Colin Mine Apprenticeship N/A Cranbrook MAP N/A CPalmer3@cotr.bc.ca
Orourke, Kynan Fire Training 3216 Kimberley Fire Training Instructor K11 KOrourke@cotr.bc.ca
Paulson, Trevor Fire Training 4103 Creston Auxiliary Fire Services Training Program Instructor C103 TPaulson@cotr.bc.ca
Paloposki, Jessie Golden Campus N/A Golden Auxiliary Faculty N/A JPaloposki2@cotr.bc.ca
McPherson, Gary Business Management 3315 Cranbrook Faculty KC140I GMcPherson@cotr.bc.ca
McWhirter, Kate Child Youth and Family Studies 3376 Cranbrook Faculty KC110B KMcWhirter@cotr.bc.ca
Mendenhall, Jody Learning Commons 3419 Cranbrook Librarian KC120I JMendenhall@cotr.bc.ca
Mensch, Paul Trades - Electrical 3513 Cranbrook Faculty PH101 PMensch@cotr.bc.ca
Miller, Jonn Mine Apprenticeship 3415 Cranbrook Mining Apprentice N/A JMiller11@cotr.bc.ca
Moore, Wendy Fire Training 3216 Cranbrook Fire Training Administrator Gold Creek WMoore@cotr.bc.ca
Mooy, Courtenay Academic Department 3215 Cranbrook Executive Assistant KC245B CMooy@cotr.bc.ca
Morin, Suzanne Learning Commons 3407 Cranbrook Senior Library Technician KC120L SMorin@cotr.bc.ca
Murdoch, Dave Trades - Electrical 3409 Cranbrook Faculty/Coordinator PH101 murdoch@cotr.bc.ca
Murray, Lois Student and Enrolment Services 3264 Cranbrook Financial Assistance & Awards Advisor KC218 MURRAY@cotr.bc.ca
Nelson, Kathy Child Youth and Family Studies 3322 Cranbrook Faculty KC110B KNELSON@cotr.bc.ca
Neumann, Gina Health and Human Services 3370 Cranbrook Faculty KC249-7 GNeumann@cotr.bc.ca
Merritt, Matthew Mine Apprenticeship 3415 Cranbrook Mining Apprentice N/A MMerritt2@cotr.bc.ca
Muchini, Adreen Human Resources and Payroll 3503 Cranbrook Human Resource Coordinator KC243 AMuchini2@cotr.bc.ca
McPhee, Mike Tourism and Recreation Management N/A Cranbrook Auxiliary Instructor Tourism Management Program N/A MMcPhee@cotr.bc.ca
Middlemiss, Deanna Invermere Campus N/A Invermere HOSP Faculty (COMC 110 Lab) I114 DMiddlemiss@cotr.bc.ca
Milne, Leah Fernie Campus 5102 Fernie Administrative Assistant F101 LMilne@cotr.bc.ca
Muscat, Brian Student Success 3217 Cranbrook Vice President, Student Success S219 BMuscat@cotr.bc.ca
Mendez, Jose University Studies NA Cranbrook Chemistry Lab Instructor NA JMendez@cotr.bc.ca
Marsh, Deni Certified Dental Assistant 3476 Cranbrook Faculty KC203C marsh@cotr.bc.ca
Marti, Heather Health Care Assistant 3276 Creston Term HCA and HCAP Instructor S109 HMarti@cotr.bc.ca
Martyniuk, Colhane Facilities 3576 Cranbrook Facilities Attendant KC227 MARTYNIUK@cotr.bc.ca
Mattson, Vance Arts, Humanities, and Social Science 3363 Cranbrook Faculty KC150C MATTSON@cotr.bc.ca
McArthur, Sarah Bachelor of Science in Nursing 3582 Cranbrook Faculty S106 SMcArthur@cotr.bc.ca
McCallum, Greg Business Management 3623 Cranbrook Faculty KC140D GMcCallum@cotr.bc.ca
McCord, Chris Trades - Electrical 3546 Cranbrook Faculty PH101 CMcCord@cotr.bc.ca
McDonaugh, John Student and Enrolment Services 3486 Cranbrook Education Advisor KC230K JMcDonaugh@cotr.bc.ca
McHolm, Chris Student and Enrolment Services 3308 Cranbrook Counselling and Wellness KC230M CMcHolm@cotr.bc.ca
Markovics, Laszlo Business Management 3559 Cranbrook Business Management Program Instructor KC140 LMarkovics@cotr.bc.ca
McElgunn, Nikita University of Victoria Teacher Education N/A Cranbrook UVIC Faculty N/A NMcElgunn2@cotr.bc.ca
McClelland, Claire Academic Department 7102 Invermere Administrative Assistant I-102 CMcClelland@cotr.bc.ca
Matheson, Justine Academic Department 7104 Invermere Program Administrator I-104 JMatheson@cotr.bc.ca
Martine, Sheila Indigenous Programming 3390/3261 Cranbrook Indigenous Student Navigator KC230Q SMartine2@cotr.bc.ca
McKenzie, Ryan University of Victoria Teacher Education N/A Cranbrook UVIC EKTEP Instructor N/A RMcKenzie2@cotr.bc.ca
McDonald, Lachlan Mine Apprenticeship N/A Cranbrook MAP N/A LMcDonald3@cotr.bc.ca
Matheson, Colin Academic Department N/A Kimberley Fire Service Instructor N/A CMatheson2@cotr.bc.ca
McLean, Ann-Kathrin University Studies N/A Cranbrook Faculty KC246B AMcLean2@cotr.bc.ca
McIvor, Jake University Studies 3518 Cranbrook Instructor KC249-1 JMcIvor@cotr.bc.ca
Laser, Marnie Upgrading for Academic and Career Entry 4121 Creston Faculty C116 MLaser@cotr.bc.ca
Lechmann, Steven Trades - Professional Cook Program 8356 Cranbrook Auxiliary Faculty KC201 SLechmann@cotr.bc.ca
Leiman, Krister Trades - Carpentry 3558 Cranbrook Faculty KC221D KLeiman@cotr.bc.ca
Lesage, Nathalie Arts, Humanities, and Social Science 3385 Cranbrook Faculty KC182B LESAGE@cotr.bc.ca
Lockhart, Josh University Studies 3370 Cranbrook Faculty KC246B JLockhart@cotr.bc.ca
Loganberg, Rachel Office Administration 3370 Cranbrook Auxiliary Instructor N/A RLoganberg@cotr.bc.ca
Long, Penny Learning Commons 3294 Cranbrook Writing Lab Tutor KC120A PLong@cotr.bc.ca
Mackie, Cheryl Health Care Assistant 3450 Cranbrook Faculty KC253A mackie@cotr.bc.ca
MacLean, Joanne Fernie Campus 5103 Fernie Administrative assistant F101 JMacLean@cotr.bc.ca
Maher, Sylvia Student and Enrolment Services 3432 Cranbrook Senior Administrative Assistant KC248A SMaher@cotr.bc.ca
Maki, Lawrence Math and Science 3609 Cranbrook Faculty KC182A LMaki@cotr.bc.ca
Makkreel, Robert Trades - Heavy Duty 3634 Cranbrook Faculty P105 RMakkreel@cotr.bc.ca
Lessard, Koralee Health Practicums 3354 Cranbrook Health Practicum Officer 229H KLessard@cotr.bc.ca
MacKenzie, Allison Academic Department 7118 Invermere HOSP Faculty I-114 AMacKenzie@cotr.bc.ca
Lord, Michelle Bachelor of Science in Nursing 3692 Cranbrook Faculty KC191B-1 MLord@cotr.bc.ca
Lode, Christy Arts, Humanities, and Social Science 3299 Cranbrook Auxiliary Instructor KC249-5 CLode@cotr.bc.ca
Lussier, Kelsie Certified Dental Assistant 3370 Cranbrook Auxiliary Instructor KC203 KLussier2@cotr.bc.ca
Majewski, Jenni International Department 3435 Cranbrook International Enrolment Services Officer KC229 JMajewski@cotr.bc.ca
Maitland, Fiona Health and Human Services 3557 Cranbrook Instructor 249 # 3 FMaitland2@cotr.bc.ca
Kiss, Tammy Business Management 3313 Cranbrook Faculty KC140G KISS@cotr.bc.ca
Kitto, Toni Practical Nursing 3574 Cranbrook Faculty KC202F TKitto@cotr.bc.ca
Klc, Miro Trades - Electrical 3326 Cranbrook Shop Assistant and Tool Crib Attendant PH111 MKlc@cotr.bc.ca
Kneller, Marianne Human Resources and Payroll 3208 Cranbrook Human Resources Manager KC243A MKneller@cotr.bc.ca
Knibbs, Allan Facilities 3227 Cranbrook Director KC245A3 AKnibbs@cotr.bc.ca
Knudsgaard, Mark Trades - Carpentry 3569 Cranbrook Faculty KC221D MKnudsgaard@cotr.bc.ca
Kostuik, Amber Upgrading for Academic and Career Entry 3642 Cranbrook Faculty KC191A AKostuik@cotr.bc.ca
Krisher, Kristie Child Youth and Family Studies 3755 Cranbrook Faculty KC263 KKrisher@cotr.bc.ca
Kuervers, Lynnette Math and Science 3496 Cranbrook Instructor KC255D LKuervers@cotr.bc.ca
Kurtenbach, Sandra Production Support Centre 3323 Cranbrook Document Specialist KC231 SKurtenbach@cotr.bc.ca
Lam, Marifer International Department 3264 Cranbrook Financial Assistance and Awards Officer KC218E LAM@cotr.bc.ca
Langan, Karen Academic Department 3541 Cranbrook Articulation Officer KC245B langan@cotr.bc.ca
Larsen, Sophie Math and Science 3622 Cranbrook Auxiliary Faculty KC249-5 SLarsen@cotr.bc.ca
Knutson, Cheri Trades 3536 Cranbrook Auxiliary Welding Instructor KC2222 CKnutson2@cotr.bc.ca
Labine, Chris Fire Training 4110 Kimberley Fire Instructor C108 CLabine3@cotr.bc.ca
Kowalchuk, Dionne Continuing Education and Contract Training N/A Cranbrook Auxiliary Remote DKowalchuk@cotr.bc.ca
Kocher, Kye Learning Commons N/A Cranbrook Writing Tutor N/A KKocher@cotr.bc.ca
Kupritz, Katelyn Health and Human Services 3567 Cranbrook Instructor KC249-4 KKupritz@cotr.bc.ca
Ivanco, Candace Academic Department N/A Cranbrook Aux Programmer Events Specialist STEM camp coordinator 245 CIvanco2@cotr.bc.ca
Jackson, Heather Communications and Marketing 3258 Cranbrook Manager Communications and Marketing S119A Jackson@cotr.bc.ca
Jackson, Matt Facilities 3501 Cranbrook Facilities Maintenance Coordinator KC227 MJackson2@cotr.bc.ca
Jantz, Rebecca Child Youth and Family Studies 3399 Cranbrook Auxiliary Faculty S109 RJantz@cotr.bc.ca
Johnson, Olivia Continuing Education and Contract Training 5102 Fernie AST 1 Instructor CE course 114 OJohnson2@cotr.bc.ca
Jones, Marla Certified Dental Assistant 3512 Cranbrook Faculty/Coordinator KC202K MJones@cotr.bc.ca
Joy, Greta Child Youth and Family Studies N/A Golden Auxiliary Instructor - CYFS N/A GJoy@cotr.bc.ca
Kamps, Steve Tourism and Recreation Management 3324 Cranbrook Faculty/Coordinator KC255F KAMPS@cotr.bc.ca
Kamstra, Alberta Arts, Humanities, and Social Science NA Cranbrook Faculty KC249-7 AKamstra@cotr.bc.ca
Kaufman, Nicola Human Resources and Payroll 3616 Cranbrook Human Resources Consultant KC243C NKaufman@cotr.bc.ca
Kaun, Joan Office Administration 3402 Cranbrook Faculty KC236A KAUN@cotr.bc.ca
Kennedy, Cathy Child Youth and Family Studies 3377 Cranbrook Faculty KC261A CKennedy@cotr.bc.ca
Kiedyk, Tracy Finance Services 3427 Cranbrook Financial Services Technician S217 KIEDYK@cotr.bc.ca
Jesse, Lee Golden Campus 6102 Golden Faculty G101 LJesse@cotr.bc.ca
Kinar, Nicholas Math and Science 3457 Cranbrook University Studies - Science Instructor KC263C NKinar@cotr.bc.ca
King, Dave Facilities 3445 Cranbrook Auxiliary Facilities Attendant KC227B DKing@cotr.bc.ca
Jimenez, Alex Facilities 3250 Cranbrook Auxiliary Facilities Attendant KC227 AJimenez2@cotr.bc.ca
Kaur, Rajveer Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Learning 3424 Cranbrook Educational Technologist KC120 RKaur4@cotr.bc.ca
Kaufman, Robert Indigenous Programming 3390 Cranbrook Indigenous Student Navigator/Elder & Event Coordinator PWPG RKaufman2@cotr.bc.ca
King, Susan Financial Services 3632 Cranbrook Accounts Payable Clerk S216 SKing3@cotr.bc.ca
Hicks, Robin Academic Department 3245 Cranbrook Vice President Academic KC245B4 RHicks@cotr.bc.ca
Hill, Jackie Student and Enrolment Services 3300 Cranbrook Enrolment Services Officer KC218 JHill@cotr.bc.ca
Hill, Sandi Health and Human Services 3327 Cranbrook Department Head KC246B3 SHILL@cotr.bc.ca
Hoerz, Daniel Golden Campus 6102 Golden Auxiliary Instructor G101 DHoerz@cotr.bc.ca
Hofmeister, Marty Learning Commons 3737 Cranbrook Auxiliary KC120H MHofmeister@cotr.bc.ca
Hulbert, Avery Arts, Humanities, and Social Science 3439 Cranbrook Faculty/Coordinator KC140E AHulbert@cotr.bc.ca
Huscroft, Marguerite Creston Campus 4103 Creston Administrative Assistant C103 MHuscroft@cotr.bc.ca
Hyde, Andrea Math and Science 3598 Cranbrook Faculty KC255C AHyde@cotr.bc.ca
Inglis, Jennifer Communications and Marketing 3383 Cranbrook Recruitment Officer S119 JInglis@cotr.bc.ca
Ingram, Karen Human Resources and Payroll 3630 Cranbrook Auxiliary Payroll Technician KC243 KIngram@cotr.bc.ca
Inman, Emma Communications and Marketing 3317 Cranbrook Marketing Assistant S119 EInman2@cotr.bc.ca
Inshaw, Sue Gold Creek Campus 3522 Cranbrook Coordinator CBT Basin Food Producer Wage Subsidy Gold Creek 122 SInshaw@cotr.bc.ca
Hom, Angelica Facilities 3577 Cranbrook Senior Facilities Attendant - Electrical KC227 AHom@cotr.bc.ca
Hirn, Stephanie Donor and Alumni 3397 Cranbrook Donor and Alumni Relations Coordinator S119 SHirn2@cotr.bc.ca
Innes, Jennifer Human Resources and Payroll 3362 Cranbrook Payroll & Human Resources Technician KC243 JInnes2@cotr.bc.ca
Hoechsmann, Andrea Practical Nursing 3370 Cranbrook BSN Instructor N/A AHoechsmann@cotr.bc.ca
Hogan, Jane Continuing Education and Contract Training 3644 Cranbrook Auxiliary Administrative Assistant 104 JHogan2@cotr.bc.ca
Gustafson, Tiffany Finance Services 3420 Cranbrook Financial Services Coordinator S216 TGustafson@cotr.bc.ca
Gutzman, Jenny Creston Campus 5112 Fernie Faculty C116 JGutzman@cotr.bc.ca
Haggi, Monica Student Life and Athletics 3681 Cranbrook Student Housing Operations Specialist Student Housing Office, Purcell House MHaggi@cotr.bc.ca
Haine, Tim Trades - Industrial Mechanic 3580 Cranbrook Faculty PH101 THaine@cotr.bc.ca
Ham, Jennifer Bachelor of Science in Nursing 3391 Cranbrook Faculty S111 JHam@cotr.bc.ca
Hark, Dale Fire Training N/A Kimberley Fire Training First Aid Instructor N/A DHark@cotr.bc.ca
Harper, Paula Creston Campus 4109 Creston Education Advisor/Faculty C102A PHARPER@cotr.bc.ca
Hawke, Orrin University of Victoria Teacher Education N/A Cranbrook UVIC EKTEP Instructor KC180B OHawke@cotr.bc.ca
Heal, Deb Upgrading for Academic and Career Entry 3307 Cranbrook Faculty KC140C DHEAL@cotr.bc.ca
Heigh, Andrena Math and Science 3347 Cranbrook Faculty KC255A AHeigh@cotr.bc.ca
Heikkinen, Heather Student and Enrolment Services 3571 Cranbrook Assistant Registrar KC218C HHeikkinen@cotr.bc.ca
Hellewell, Ben Business Management 3629 Cranbrook Faculty KC140A BHellewell@cotr.bc.ca
Heyde, Ben Math and Science 3388 Cranbrook Faculty KC253B heyde@cotr.bc.ca
Hall, Nathon Information Technology Services 3296 Cranbrook Media Services Coordinator KC120D HALL@cotr.bc.ca
Hennigar, Skylar Student Life and Athletics 3572 Cranbrook Student Life Programmer & Events Specialist KC200 SHennigar@cotr.bc.ca
Hamilton, Liz Student and Enrolment Services 3687 Cranbrook Accessibility Services Coordinator/Counselling & Wellness KC230B lhamilton3@cotr.bc.ca
Hamlyn, Richard Facilities 3350 Cranbrook Facilities Attendant -Gold Creek Campus 227B RHamlyn@cotr.bc.ca
Heykamp-Smith, Reid Mine Apprenticeship N/A Cranbrook MAP N/A RHeykampSmith@cotr.bc.ca
Hall, Tad Information Technology Services 3566 Cranbrook Media Services Technician KC120D THall2@cotr.bc.ca
Hawke, Tyrel Health and Human Services 3643 Cranbrook Auxiliary Faculty KC191B THawke@cotr.bc.ca
Fraser, Karin Student and Enrolment Services 3463 Cranbrook Accessibility Services Coordinator 230C KFraser2@cotr.bc.ca
Frey-Chale, Roberta Arts, Humanities, and Social Science 3369 Cranbrook Faculty KC138 frey-chale@cotr.bc.ca
Gardener, Ryan Math and Science N/A Cranbrook Auxilliary Instructor N/A RGardener@cotr.bc.ca
Gauthier, Morgan Creston Campus 4101 Creston Campus Manager C101 MGauthier2@cotr.bc.ca
Gauvin, Holly Office Administration 3243/3618 Cranbrook Student Services Auxiliary KC230 HGauvin1@cotr.bc.ca
Gex-Collet, Byron Trades - Industrial Mechanic 3335 Cranbrook Millwright - Tool Crib Attendant PH110 BGex-Collet@cotr.bc.ca
Girvin, Jennifer Health and Human Services 3545 Cranbrook Faculty/Coordinator KC150D JGirvin@cotr.bc.ca
Goforth, Amanda Health Care Assistant; Practical Nursing 3433 Cranbrook Faculty/Coordinator S109 AGoforth2@cotr.bc.ca
Gold, Lisa Health Programs N/A Cranbrook Faculty KC229H LGold@cotr.bc.ca
Groff, Brittany Health and Human Services N/A Cranbrook BSN Instructor N/A BGroff@cotr.bc.ca
Gillham, Maria Creston Campus 4102 Creston Program Administrator C103 MGillham@cotr.bc.ca
Genberg, Nicole Golden Campus 6103 Golden Program Administrator G101 NGenberg2@cotr.bc.ca
Gillespie, Brenda International Department 3281 Cranbrook Executive Assistant, Vice President External Relations S219 BGillespie@cotr.bc.ca
Fyke, Kelly Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Learning 3351 Cranbrook Teaching and Learning Specialist KC120 KFyke@cotr.bc.ca
Fu, Yining Communications and Marketing 3336 Cranbrook Graphic & Design Marketing Technician S119 YFu@cotr.bc.ca
Frederick, Gerry Facilities N/A Cranbrook Facilities Auxiliary Attendant N/A GFrederick2@cotr.bc.ca
Godolphin, Emma Mine Apprenticeship N/A Cranbrook MAP N/A EGodolphin2@cotr.bc.ca
Gurney, Elissa Upgrading for Academic and Career Entry N/A Creston Aux UACE Instructor 112 EGurney@cotr.bc.ca
Gagne, Chantal Health and Human Services 3525 Cranbrook Instructor 261B #2 CGagne@cotr.bc.ca
Dwyer, Sheldon Bachelor of Science in Nursing 3374 Cranbrook Faculty KC202G SDwyer@cotr.bc.ca
Eckersley, Barbara Child Youth and Family Studies 3628 Cranbrook Faculty KC263 BEckersley@cotr.bc.ca
Edmonson, Trudy Continuing Education and Contract Training 3689 Cranbrook Coordinator, Columbia Basin Trust ECE Wage and Training Subsidy Gold Creek122 tedmonson@cotr.bc.ca
Ehnes, Caley Arts, Humanities, and Social Science 3481 Cranbrook Faculty KC263E CEhnes@cotr.bc.ca
Eitle, Andrea Educational Advising 6104 Golden Education Advisor G109 AEitle@cotr.bc.ca
Estrela, Candice Bachelor of Science in Nursing 3688 Cranbrook Faculty KC191B-2 CEstrela@cotr.bc.ca
Farish, Maureen University of Victoria Teacher Education 3342 Cranbrook UVIC EKTEP Instructor KC185A MFarish@cotr.bc.ca
Farrero, Cisco Student Life and Athletics 3319 Cranbrook Head Coach - Men's Volleyball KC180B CFarrero@cotr.bc.ca
Flannigan, Amber Student and Enrolment Services 3401 Cranbrook Admissions Coordinator KC218 AFlannigan@cotr.bc.ca
Flint, Tisha Finance Services 3425 Cranbrook Accounts Receivable Clerk S216 TFlint@cotr.bc.ca
Fontaine, Natasha Practical Nursing 3515/3346 Cranbrook Faculty/Coordinator KC202D/229H NFontaine@cotr.bc.ca
Fraser, Bryan Student Life and Athletics 3328 Cranbrook Avalanche Women's Coach KC180B BFraser2@cotr.bc.ca
Fox, Heidi Bachelor of Science in Nursing 3375 Cranbrook Auxiliary Instructor - BSN program KC191B1 HFox2@cotr.bc.ca
Fiorentino, Stephanie Finance Services 3425 Cranbrook Accounts Receivable/ Reconciliation Clerk S216 SFiorentino@cotr.bc.ca
Foisy, Courtney Certified Dental Assistant 3474 Cranbrook Dental Program Lab Assistant KC203A CFoisy@cotr.bc.ca
Dwyer, Leya Continuing Education and Contract Training 3242 Cranbrook Administrative Assistant GC101 LDwyer@cotr.bc.ca
Eskelin, Jodi Child Youth and Family Studies 3370 Cranbrook Faculty N/A JEskelin2@cotr.bc.ca
Francis, Robert Trades N/A Cranbrook Tool crib assistant N/A RFrancis2@cotr.bc.ca
East, Emily Health and Human Services N/A Cranbrook Instructor N/A EEast@cotr.bc.ca
Fitzsimons-Quail, Alice Invermere Campus 7102 Invermere Term Administrative Assistant I-104 AFitzsimonsQuail@cotr.bc.ca
Dean, Cherrie Continuing Education and Contract Training 4103 Creston Instructor C103 CDean@cotr.bc.ca
Dearden, Diana Upgrading for Academic and Career Entry 3519 Cranbrook Instructor UACE and ELP KC150G DDearden@cotr.bc.ca
Demaine, Sharon Office Administration 3361 Cranbrook Faculty KC236B sdemaine@cotr.bc.ca
Dick, David Math and Science 3417 Cranbrook Faculty KC255b DDick@cotr.bc.ca
Diotte, Kristyann Student and Enrolment Services 3624 Cranbrook Peer Mentor Coordinator/Student Navigator KC232 KDiotte2@cotr.bc.ca
Dirk, Marcel Arts, Humanities, and Social Science 3320 Cranbrook Faculty KC150E Dirk@cotr.bc.ca
Dixon, Marian Human Resources and Payroll 3238 Cranbrook Manager Payroll and Benefits KC243D MDIXON@cotr.bc.ca
Dolson, Laurel Student and Enrolment Services 3528 Cranbrook Mail/Supply Administrative Support Assistant KC230 LDolson@cotr.bc.ca
Drexler, Karen Child Youth and Family Studies 3370 Cranbrook ECE Auxiliary Instructor N/A KDrexler@cotr.bc.ca
Dueck, Nathan Arts, Humanities, and Social Science 3386 Cranbrook Faculty KC150J NDueck@cotr.bc.ca
Dux, Darryl Communications and Marketing 3343 Cranbrook Communications Coordinator S119 DDUX@cotr.bc.ca
DeBruyne, Yvonne Arts, Humanities, and Social Science N/A Cranbrook Auxiliary Instructor - University Studies N/A YDeBruyne@cotr.bc.ca
Dutton, Iain Trades 3331 Cranbrook Term Heavy Duty Mechanics instructor P107 IDutton2@cotr.bc.ca
Durning, Steve Facilities 3443 Cranbrook Auxiliary Facilities Attendant KC227 SDurning@cotr.bc.ca
Doyle, Tracy Finance Services 3262 Cranbrook Auxiliary KC227C TDoyle@cotr.bc.ca
Dwyer, Javan Bookstore 3265 Cranbrook Auxiliary Bookstore JDwyer@cotr.bc.ca
Dunlap, Erin Student and Enrolment Services 3502 Cranbrook Co-op and Employment Services Coordinator KC230R EDunlap2@cotr.bc.ca
Driscoll, Lacey Upgrading for Academic and Career Entry 5106 Fernie Auxiliary Instructor F112 LDriscoll@cotr.bc.ca
Dubey, Ankita Student Life and Athletics 3681 Cranbrook Student Housing Operations Specialist Purcell House Office ADubey@cotr.bc.ca
Dueck, Sharon Student and Enrolment Services N/A Cranbrook Counselling and Wellness N/A SDueck2@cotr.bc.ca
Clarke, Santosh University of Victoria Teacher Education 3228 Cranbrook Faculty KC180B SClarke@cotr.bc.ca
Colombo, Jason Student and Enrolment Services 3236 Cranbrook Registrar and Director of Institutional Research KC230N JCOLOMBO@cotr.bc.ca
Cooper, Jennifer Child Youth and Family Studies 3372 Cranbrook Faculty KC261A JCooper@cotr.bc.ca
Cooper3, Jennifer Human Resources and Payroll 3485 Cranbrook Payroll and Bennefits Technician KC243 JCooper3@cotr.bc.ca
Cummings, Rebecca Student and Enrolment Services 3243 Cranbrook Student Services Representative KC230 rcummings2@cotr.bc.ca
Curnow, Tim Trades - Professional Cook Program 3368 Cranbrook Faculty KC211E Curnow@cotr.bc.ca
Czar, Rick Trades - Industrial Mechanic 3271 Cranbrook Faculty Patterson Hall RCzar@cotr.bc.ca
Davidson, Brittany Continuing Education and Contract Training 3584 Cranbrook Coordinator CBT School Works/Summer Works Program Gold Creek 125 BDavidson@cotr.bc.ca
Davis, Geoff Trades 3370 Cranbrook Auxiliary Shop Assistant N/A GDavis@cotr.bc.ca
de Hoog, Kaitlin Creston Campus N/A Creston Activity Assistant Instructor N/A KdeHoog@cotr.bc.ca
Cowper, Cassandra Practical Nursing 3370 Cranbrook Faculty KC246B CCowper@cotr.bc.ca
Daprocida, Jake Mine Apprenticeship 3415 Cranbrook Mining Apprentice N/A JDaprocida2@cotr.bc.ca
Cote-Valiquette, Gabriel Fernie Campus N/A Fernie Auxiliary MAST Instructor N/A GCoteValiquette@cotr.bc.ca
Davies, Mary Human Resources and Payroll 3283 Cranbrook Human Resources Advisor KC243F MDavies@cotr.bc.ca
Cuillerier, Linda Golden Campus 6109 Golden Auxiliary Administrative Assistant G101 LCuillerier@cotr.bc.ca
Collinson, Allen Fire Training 3216 Kimberley Fire Services Instructor K14A ACollinson@cotr.bc.ca
Davis, Heather Golden Campus N/A Golden Auxiliary MAST Instructor G115 HDavis4@cotr.bc.ca
Cowper, Abbey Learning Commons 3294 Cranbrook Auxiliary Library Circulation/Admin Support Clerk KC120 ACowper@cotr.bc.ca
Collinson, Wyatt Mine Apprenticeship N/A Cranbrook MAP N/A WCollinson2@cotr.bc.ca
Day, Julie Golden Campus 6105 Golden Auxiliary Administrative Assistant G101 JDay@cotr.bc.ca
Brown, Joy Trades and Upgrading for Academic and Career Entry 3330 Cranbrook Department Head KC246B2 JBrown3@cotr.bc.ca
Bruder, Anja English Language Program NA Cranbrook Auxillary Faculty Remote ABruder@cotr.bc.ca
Buliziuk, Holly Fernie Campus 5115 Creston Program Administrator Remote HBuliziuk@cotr.bc.ca
Burles, Katie Math and Science 3316 Cranbrook Faculty/Coordinator KC263B KBurles@cotr.bc.ca
Butalid, Rezin Business Management 3444 Cranbrook Faculty KC140H RButalid@cotr.bc.ca
Caillier-Smith, Leanne Upgrading for Academic and Career Entry 5106 Fernie Faculty/UACE Coordinator F112A LSMITH@cotr.bc.ca
Chen, Demin Student and Enrolment Services 3413 Cranbrook Institutional Research Analyst/Scheduling Coordinator KC230F DChen@cotr.bc.ca
Chris, Amy Continuing Education and Contract Training 4112 Creston Coordinator First Aid Training Centre C110 AChris@cotr.bc.ca
Bryden, Kevin Information Technology Services 3544 Cranbrook Helpdesk / Deskside Support Technician KC109 KBryden@cotr.bc.ca
Brisby, Elicia Indigenous Programming 3390 Cranbrook Indigenous Student Navigator Coordinator Student Housing Office, Purcell House EBrisby@cotr.bc.ca
Cardinal, Star Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Learning 3685 Cranbrook Auxiliary Faculty KC104 SCardinal2@cotr.bc.ca
Bullock, Marie Academic Department N/A Cranbrook Steam Camp Coordinator KC104A MBullock2@cotr.bc.ca
Bush, Carolyn Business Management NA Cranbrook Auxiliary Instructor - Business Management KC191A-3 CBush2@cotr.bc.ca
Brunt, Candace Continuing Education and Contract Training 5102 Fernie Summit Leadership CE Skills Instructor F101 CBrunt@cotr.bc.ca
Cairns, Wynne Continuing Education and Contract Training 5102 Fernie Summit Leadership CE Skills Instructor F101 WCairns@cotr.bc.ca
Castle, Shane University Studies N/A Cranbrook Auxiliary Instructor N/A SCastle@cotr.bc.ca
Buurman, Ian Trades N/A Cranbrook Auxiliary Welder instructor N/A IBuurman@cotr.bc.ca
Bruns, Brenda Upgrading for Academic and Career Entry N/A Creston Aux UACE Instructor 112 BBruns@cotr.bc.ca
Chapman, Marla Continuing Education and Contract Training 3644 Cranbrook Auxiliary Administrative Assistant RM 104 MChapman@cotr.bc.ca
Blake, Oliver Kinesiology 3338 Cranbrook Faculty KC207C OBlake@cotr.bc.ca
Boehmer, Kevin Business Management 3398 Cranbrook Faculty KC140F KBoehmer@cotr.bc.ca
Bouliane, Nicole Finance Services N/A Cranbrook Administrative Assistant Gold Creek NBouliane@cotr.bc.ca
Bouzaara, Kathleen Department Heads 3370 Cranbrook Administrative Assistant KC246B KBouzaara@cotr.bc.ca
Bradish, Leah Continuing Education and Contract Training 3286 Cranbrook Dean S121 lbradish@cotr.bc.ca
Brewer, Karen Bookstore 3484 Cranbrook GM Buyer KC102 KBrewer@cotr.bc.ca
Brinders, Christy Health and Human Services 3370 Cranbrook Dental Program Auxiliary Instructor N/A CBrinders@cotr.bc.ca
Brinkert, Kerry International Department 3631 Cranbrook Manager, International Projects and Partnerships KC229E KBrinkert@cotr.bc.ca
Bonham, Steve Information Technology Services 3526 Cranbrook Systems Architect, Mobile and Telephone Systems KC109 BONHAM@cotr.bc.ca
Borgen, Kennedy Mine Apprenticeship 3415 Cranbrook Mining Apprentice N/A KBorgen2@cotr.bc.ca
Bozanich, Emily Arts, Humanities, and Social Science 3370 Cranbrook Auxiliary Instructor N/A EBozanich@cotr.bc.ca
Belanger, Darren Trades - Welding 3562 Cranbrook Auxiliary Shop Assistant KC222 DBelanger@cotr.bc.ca
Bhandari, Sneha Math and Science 3306 Cranbrook Chemistry Lab Technician KC252 SBhandari2@cotr.bc.ca
Bray, Joan Practical Nursing 3688 Cranbrook Instructor - BSN Program KC 191B JBray@cotr.bc.ca
Bond, Julie English Language Program 4102 Cranbrook Auxiliary Instructor N/A JBond@cotr.bc.ca
Bernard, Dawson University Studies 3299 Cranbrook Auxillary University Studies Instructor KC249-5 DBernard@cotr.bc.ca
Boettger, Amanda Student and Enrolment Services 3266 Cranbrook Call Centre Rooms Booking Coordinator KC218 ABoettger2@cotr.bc.ca
Bhatt, Jay Student and Enrolment Services 3234 Cranbrook Enrolment Services Officer - Student Records and Graduation LC218 JBhatt@cotr.bc.ca
Aarts, Annette English Language Program N/A Cranbrook Faculty KC263A AAarts@cotr.bc.ca
Aaslandhall, Erin Business Management, University Studies 3355 Cranbrook Department Head KC246B1 Aaslandhall@cotr.bc.ca
Adams, Michele Learning Commons 3294 Cranbrook Circulation Clerk KC120 MAdams@cotr.bc.ca
Andrichuk, Cori Student Life and Athletics 3247 Cranbrook Director Student Engagement KC248 CAndrichuk@cotr.bc.ca
Andruschuk, Katie Student and Enrolment Services 7113 Invermere Education Advisor I-108 KAndruschuk@cotr.bc.ca
Bailie, Pamela Student and Enrolment Services 3220 Cranbrook Education Advisor, International Students KC230D PBailie@cotr.bc.ca
Balfour, Shelley University of Victoria Teacher Education 3228 Cranbrook Faculty KC180B SBalfour@cotr.bc.ca
Bartraw, Debbie Certified Dental Assistant 3465 Cranbrook Faculty KC202I DBartraw@cotr.bc.ca
Beaton, Danny Trades - Carpentry 3500 Cranbrook Shop Assistant / Tool Crib Attendant KC221B DBeaton@cotr.bc.ca
Beck, Susan Risk Management 3218 Cranbrook Manager, Contract & Insurance Services S217A SBeck@cotr.bc.ca
Anderson, Donovan Mine Apprenticeship 3415 Cranbrook Mining Apprentice N/A DAnderson8@cotr.bc.ca
Anstey, Lauren Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Learning 3289 Cranbrook Teaching and Learning Specialist KC120 LAnstey@cotr.bc.ca
Agnew, Anna Continuing Education and Contract Training 5104 Fernie Small Water Operations CE Instructor 103 AAgnew@cotr.bc.ca
Baig, Imran Business Management N/A Cranbrook Auxiliary Instructor N/A IBaig@cotr.bc.ca
Bailey, Colleen Communications and Marketing N/A Cranbrook Lead Graphic Designer S119 CBailey@cotr.bc.ca
Ames, Cade Mine Apprenticeship N/A Cranbrook MAP N/A CAmes@cotr.bc.ca
Anoliefo, Chizoba Trades - Technology 3505 Cranbrook Instructor KC142 CAnoliefo@cotr.bc.ca
Adams, Lucy Student and Enrolment Services 3261 Cranbrook STEPS Forward Inclusion Facilitator KC230P LAdams2@cotr.bc.ca
Bathory, Tracy Health and Human Services 3507 Cranbrook Instructor KC261B-3 TBathory@cotr.bc.ca