
Thank you for choosing to study at College of the Rockies!

Application and Registration Process

Your first step to becoming a College of the Rockies student is to apply. You can apply online or by submitting an application form in-person or by mail.

Note: After we have received and reviewed your application, we will send you a reply via email with your next steps. Please check your inbox and spam folder, just in case.  This process can take a few weeks, so please reach out to Admissions directly if you haven’t received an email within three weeks of submitting your application.

Applying Online:

Applying by Mail:

  • Our printable Application for Program Admission Form is available for you to download and fill out.
  • Remembering to include your transcripts and/or supporting documentation will help the process to go more quickly.

 Mail to:

College of the Rockies
2700 College Way, Box 8500, Cranbrook B.C. V1C 5L7
Phone: 250-489-2751 | Toll Free: 1-877-489-2687
Fax: 250-489-1790

International Students:

To apply for a program, visit: How to Apply

For All Students:

After you’ve submitted your application and have paid your application fee, we will email you within two weeks to inform you of your admission status. Further instructions will be included in this email, so you’ll want to be sure to read it carefully.

Congratulations! You’ve been admitted to your program of choice! Now what?

Registration Process:

If you are successfully admitted into your program, you will receive an email letting you know when it is time to register for courses:

If your program has a predetermined block of courses (i.e., Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Dental Assistant, Practical Nursing, Health Care Assistant, Trades, and Adult Upgrading (directed studies) programs) you can relax – you will be registered into your courses by the Enrolment Services Office.

If your program requires you to choose your own courses (University Arts & Sciences, Business Management, Child, Youth and Family Studies, Tourism Management, Recreation Management, Kinesiology, and Adult Upgrading (semester), you will be able to register via our online registration service: AccessCOTR.

If you are an Office Administration student, the OFAD Program Coordinator will work with you to create a course plan. The OFAD student then has to connect with Admission and Registration Services to register for each course in the correct semester.

We are excited to have you join us!