
Taking Pride

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College of the Rockies embraces and supports members of 2SLGBTQIA+ community and values the diverse sexual and gender identities and expressions that make up our community. We believe everybody is entitled to feel safe and respected on campus and have free and equal access to everything offered at the College. We were excited by the creation of a Pride Club and wholeheartedly support the work they are doing.

The College welcomed a Pride Club which ran through the 2018/19 academic year but as students moved on the Club ceased to exist. In 2023, College students Sadie, Jess, and Hayley revived the COTR Pride Club for a couple of reasons. Both Sadie and Hayley were interested in creating a safe space for themselves and others while Jess recognized the need for representation for 2SLGBTQIA+ individuals on the campus.

Sheila and Josie joined the club because they wanted a space to be their selves and to be part of the community. Though they feel the Cranbrook community is slowly progressing they still find some intolerance which makes it even more important that they have a safe place to be themselves and to be accepted. They are also hoping to help others to be more tolerant.

The Club is first focused on community building but also hopes to reduce intolerance through helping others to consider the 2SLGBTQIA+ perspective.

“We are trying to collect resources to help bring education and safe space within the College for everyone,” Sadie said.

Member Jess agreed and added, “We need a larger support base for minorities, too.”

One of the most visible results of the work they are doing are the rainbow stairs leading into the College’s entrance by the cafeteria. Those steps are a reminder to all of the importance of tolerance and allyship.

To continue to do the work they have started and would like to build upon, they are hoping more members will join the Pride Club come September. There is no registration and members can easily be contacted on Instagram @COTRPride. The Club is open to allies as well,

“Come and find us in September,” Sadie adds.