Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR)

We recognize that adults may have acquired college-level learning through life experience such as self-directed study, paid employment, volunteer work, travel, and non-college courses. Through the Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) process, learning may be recognized for credit in college programs.

PLAR Policies and Procedures

Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition Process:

Adequate time is required for consideration and evaluation of PLAR requests. Candidates must plan in advance. If planning to use PLAR towards a program or course requirement in an upcoming term, candidates should normally initiate their requests 3-4 months in advance of the start of the term. All candidates are encouraged to check with the Education Advisor.


A. Apply

  1. The candidate submits application for admission to College of the Rockies (the College) program.
  2. The College determines the candidate to be eligible for admission.

B. Preliminary Information on PLAR

  1. Potential candidate and Education Advisor discuss general process of PLAR.
  2. Education Advisor may initiate discussion with the relevant Department Head on the availability of a Faculty Assessor.
  3. Faculty Assessor considers request and decides if PLAR is possible in accordance with limitations specified in the policy. If the request is denied, the Faculty Assessor must provide a rationale.

C. Plan

  1. Faculty Assessor and candidate discuss options and complete PLAR Planning and Reporting Form, including signatures to agree to the stated expectations and terms.
  2. The candidate registers and pays fee for course(s).

D. Complete Activities

  1. In consultation with the Faculty Assessor, the candidate completes and submits required activities/evidence of prior learning.

E. Evaluation

  1. Faculty Assessor evaluates submissions and assigns a grade.

F. Reporting

  1. Faculty assessor completes PLAR Planning and Reporting Form to document the grade and submits to the Office of the Registrar to update the student’s record.