Legal Disclaimer
The College of the Rockies reserves the right to revise the statements and offerings made on this web site as dictated by events. The statements on this web site are not to be regarded as an irrevocable contract between the student and the College of the Rockies. The College reserves the right to make changes deemed necessary. The College expressly denies responsibility or liability to any person or persons who may suffer loss or may otherwise be adversely affected by any change.
Freedom of Information/Protection of Privacy
College Of The Rockies complies with the Freedom of Information/Protection of Privacy legislation of the Province of British Columbia. Information collected on application forms is used in the normal course of College operations in accordance with this legislation. The main uses of the Provincial Education Number (PEN) will be for measuring participation in post-secondary education and for student registration purposes. As well, the PEN will be used for program research and evaluation but any personal information disclosed for these purposes will be in non identifiable form. These uses have been reviewed and approved by the Information and Privacy Commissioner. Students are required to supply this information to complete their registration in courses or programs at the institution.
More Information
If you have questions or concerns about freedom of information and privacy at College of the Rockies, please contact our Freedom of Information Officer:
College of the Rockies
2700 College Way, Cranbrook, BC V1C 5L7
Phone: 250-489-2751 or 1-877-489-2687
Fax: 250-489-1790