
Scheduled maintenance: Web services will be offline from midnight to 4:00 a.m. (MST) - Jan 22, potentially affecting international users. Dismiss

Safety and Security

Safety and Security

College of the Rockies strives to provide a safe, secure and inclusive environment for the entire College community including students, faculty, staff, visitors, and guests.

Our Cranbrook Campus Security Officers are on duty during operational hours and are the first responders to all emergencies including medical emergencies. They patrol all buildings and parking areas.

It is the responsibility of each individual to report any crime or violent incident immediately.

  • To reach our On-Campus Security Officer, dial 222 from a College phone
  • For all other emergencies (fire or medical) dial 911

View our Sexualized Violence Prevention and Response information page.

Please report any incidents to either the Director of Student Affairs or Director of Facilities.