Nursing Exchange – Denmark

Nursing Online Exchange and Field Trip

October 2024 – February 2025

Compare and contrast healthcare and nursing education in Canada and Denmark. Collaborate with students from a different region of Canada, then share the results of your collaboration with students in Denmark.

Aurora College and College of the Rockies, 2nd year Bachelor of Science in Nursing students will have the opportunity during the Fall Semester to work with peers through a partnership between VIA University in Denmark, Aurora College and College of the Rockies, 2nd year Bachelor of Science in Nursing students will have the opportunity during the Fall Semester to work with Aurora College nursing students on a project related to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Participants in this exchange from College of the Rockies and Aurora College will then visit Denmark from February 14-23, 2025 to learn firsthand about nursing and healthcare in Denmark.

Several college students in a boat sitting on dry land in Denmark
Two nursing students in a training hospital in Denmark. Students are smiling.