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Kids on Campus

On Campus Childcare – Kids on Campus

The Community Campus Children’s Society Board and Kids on Campus Children’s Centre staff would like to extend a warm welcome to you and your children. Our primary goal is to provide a warm, safe and caring environment that enriches children’s lives.

Our Vision:

Our vision is to create a special place where children and families feel welcomed, respected and appreciated. 

We believe that all children are entitled to participate in programs that understand and value childhood. The Society, its employees, programs and services actively work to: 

  • Respect the rights of children and families in a safe, diverse, inclusive environment that reflects the natural ecosystem of the surrounding area.
  • Build supportive, trusting environments with children, parents, college and community.
  • Nurture relationships in creative, caring, needs based play learning environments.
  • Use open, proactive communication and guiding approaches that respect culture and personal identity.
  • Model lifestyles that promote healthy bodies, minds and spirits.
  • Design program experiences that reflect a quality based emergent curriculum.

Our staff:

We employ staff who are qualified Early Childhood educators, Infant Toddler and Special Needs Educators with current First Aid Training and clear criminal record checks. Casual employees also must complete a criminal record check and be certified as Early Childhood Educators and/or have an Assistant Certificate. 

Employees use the Early Childhood Educators of BC Code of Ethics, BC Early Learning Framework and ECERS/ITERS rating scales to guide practice, program plan and create safe and healthy age appropriate environments.


All families are welcome to register; however, priority is given to students attending programs at the College of the Rockies who are taking a minimum of 9 credits per semester. Childcare spaces are offered on a first come, first serve basis. When spaces are available, first priority is given to families registered as students at the College of the Rockies, then to employees of the college, and then to families in the community. 

  • To register your child(ren) you must: contact Kids on Campus Children’s Centre and add your family to our wait list. Once a space becomes available for your child, a representative from the daycare will call and make arrangement for you to come and tour the center and provide you with a registration package. 
  • You will need to provide a College of the Rockies application receipt (required for college students) giving proof that you are enrolled for 9 or more credits. 

Note: A “program” is considered a series of courses within a particular area of study.

Our Services:

We provide care for: 

  • 8 spaces for  infants and toddlers (birth to 36 months)
  • 32 spaces for three to five year olds (30 months to school age) in two separate programs

Our Fees:

Infants and toddlers: (0-36 months)

  • $885.00 per month
  • $44.55 per day 
  • Subsidy covers up to $750.00 month 

Group Care: (3-5 years)

  • $715.00 per month
  • $36.55 per day 
  • Subsidy covers up to $550.00 month

Kid’s on Campus Children’s Centre is non-profit children’s centre operated by the Community Campus Children’s Society Board of Directors. The society is comprised of parents and community volunteers. The Society is a separate entity from the College and carries the responsibility for all of it’s programs and services. All board members are volunteers and committed to providing a unique, quality childcare experience for you and your family.