Name Department Campus
Daprocida, Jake Trades Cranbrook
Davidson, Brittany Continuing Education and Contract Training Cranbrook
Davies, Evan Continuing Education and Contract Training Creston
Davies, Mary Human Resources and Payroll Cranbrook
Davis, Bruce Trades Cranbrook
Davis, Cory Trades Cranbrook
Davis, Geoff Trades Cranbrook
Davis, Heather Golden Campus Golden
de Hoog, Kaitlin Creston Campus Creston
Dean, Cherrie Continuing Education and Contract Training Creston
Dearden, Diana Upgrading for Academic and Career Entry Cranbrook
Death, John Trades Cranbrook
DeBruyne, Yvonne University Studies Cranbrook
Demaine, Sharon Office Administration Cranbrook
Demers, Brittany Financial Services Cranbrook
Devlin, Bruce Campus Operations, Continuing Education and Contract Training Invermere
Dick, David University Studies Cranbrook
Diotte, Kristyann Student and Enrolment Services Cranbrook
Dirk, Marcel University Studies Cranbrook
Dixon, Marian Human Resources and Payroll Cranbrook