Shackleton, Janice |
Health Care Assistant |
3477 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC253A |
JShackleton@cotr.bc.ca |
Cuillerier, Linda |
Invermere Campus |
6109 |
Golden |
Auxiliary Administrative Assistant |
G101 |
LCuillerier@cotr.bc.ca |
Tenta, Alan |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
7102 |
Invermere |
ConEd Instructor |
N/A |
ATenta@cotr.bc.ca |
Wilhelm, Wesley |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
5102 |
Fernie |
ConEd Instructor |
F101 |
WWilhelm@cotr.bc.ca |
Wilkie, Trent |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
4102 |
Creston |
Con Ed Instructor |
N/A |
TWilkie2@cotr.bc.ca |
Versteeg, Howard |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
3242 |
Cranbrook |
ConEd Instructor |
N/A |
HVersteeg@cotr.bc.ca |
Watson, Anne |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
N/A |
Creston |
ConEd Instructor |
N/A |
AWatson3@cotr.bc.ca |
Yeats, Bailey |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
7102 |
Invermere |
ConEd Instructor |
I-102 |
BYeats@cotr.bc.ca |
Webber, Elke |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
5104 |
Fernie |
Coned Instructor |
N/A |
EWebber@cotr.bc.ca |
Thompson, Amethyst |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
4102 |
Creston |
ConEd Instructor |
N/A |
AThompson3@cotr.bc.ca |
Treadwell, Ayla |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
5104 |
Cranbrook |
Coned Instructor |
N/A |
ATreadwell@cotr.bc.ca |
Wass, Sharon |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
N/A |
Invermere |
Con-Ed Instructor |
N/A |
SWass2@cotr.bc.ca |
Williams, Lynne |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
3440 |
Cranbrook |
Instructor |
N/A |
LWilliams@cotr.bc.ca |
Weaver, Kim |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
N/A |
Invermere |
ConEd Instructor |
N/A |
KWeaver@cotr.bc.ca |
Pinsent, Wes |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
5102 |
Fernie |
ConEd Instructor |
F101 |
WPinsent@cotr.bc.ca |
Quinn, Dave |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
3752 |
Kimberley |
Coned Instructor |
N/A |
DQuinn2@cotr.bc.ca |
Richards, Kyla |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
3242 |
Cranbrook |
ConEd Instructor |
Gold Creek |
KRichards2@cotr.bc.ca |
Rodriguez, Luis |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
N/A |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
N/A |
LRodriguez@cotr.bc.ca |
Salzbrenner, Andrea |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
7102 |
Invermere |
ConEd Instructor |
I-102 |
ASalzbrenner@cotr.bc.ca |
Sarsons, Angela |
Invermere Campus |
7102 |
Invermere |
Mental Health Instructor |
N/A |
ASarsons2@cotr.bc.ca |
Stankevich, Crystal |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
4102 |
Creston |
ConEd Instructor |
C103 |
CStankevich2@cotr.bc.ca |
Sutherland, Bradley |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
4103 |
Creston |
ConEd Instructor |
N/A |
BSutherland2@cotr.bc.ca |
Powers, Max |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
7102 |
Cranbrook |
Con Ed instructor |
N/A |
MPowers2@cotr.bc.ca |
Sharp, Karen |
Invermere Campus |
N/A |
Invermere |
ConEd Instructor |
106 |
KSharp2@cotr.bc.ca |
Ravichandran, Winnie |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
N/A |
Invermere |
ConEd Instructor |
N/A |
WRavichandran@cotr.bc.ca |
Piccinin, Jessica |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
4102 |
Creston |
ConEd Instructor |
N/A |
JPiccinin2@cotr.bc.ca |
Piccirilli, Mathilde |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
4102 |
Creston |
ConEd Instructor |
N/A |
MPiccirilli@cotr.bc.ca |
Prettie, Angela |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
4102 |
Creston |
ConEd Instructor |
N/A |
APrettie@cotr.bc.ca |
Reynolds, Eleanor |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
4102 |
Cranbrook |
ConEd Instructor |
N/A |
EReynolds@cotr.bc.ca |
Reid, Erin |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
7102 |
Invermere |
Instructor |
I102 |
EReid@cotr.bc.ca |
Routley, Colleen |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
3751 |
Kimberley |
Instructor |
K11B |
CRoutley@cotr.bc.ca |
Rosgen, Sadie |
Fernie Campus |
N/A |
Fernie |
Red Cross Babysitter and StaySafe Instructor |
N/A |
SRosgen2@cotr.bc.ca |
Rapin, Nicole |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
5103 |
Fernie |
First Aid Instructor |
F101 |
NRapin@cotr.bc.ca |
Schaefer, Bryan |
Invermere Campus |
N/A |
Invermere |
Coned Instructor |
N/A |
BSchaefer@cotr.bc.ca |
Macaulay, Jim |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
3242 |
Cranbrook |
ConEd Instructor |
Gold Creek |
JMacaulay@cotr.bc.ca |
MCCaull, Bonnie |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
4102 |
Cranbrook |
Coned Instructor |
N/A |
BMCCaull2@cotr.bc.ca |
McKay, Jeff |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
3242 |
Cranbrook |
ConEd Instructor |
Gold Creek |
JMcKay3@cotr.bc.ca |
McKay, Kathy |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
3242 |
Cranbrook |
ConEd Instructor |
Gold Creek |
KMcKay3@cotr.bc.ca |
Morgan, Nicole |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
7102 |
Invermere |
Coned Instructor |
N/A |
NMorgan@cotr.bc.ca |
Neumann, Horst |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
6102 |
Golden |
ConEd Instructor |
G101 |
HNeumann@cotr.bc.ca |
Newill, Allegra |
Invermere Campus |
7102 |
Invermere |
First Aid Instructor |
N/A |
ANewill2@cotr.bc.ca |
ODonnell, Jennifer |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
5102 |
Fernie |
ConEd Instructor |
F101 |
JODonnell@cotr.bc.ca |
Macasso, Adam |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
4103 |
Creston |
Instructor |
C103 |
AMacasso2@cotr.bc.ca |
Miller, Tracey |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
5104 |
Fernie |
First Aid Instructor |
N/A |
TMiller3@cotr.bc.ca |
Miller, Signe |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
4103 |
Creston |
Coned Instructor |
N/A |
SMiller2@cotr.bc.ca |
Mitchel, Brendan |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
N/A |
Creston |
ConEd Instructor |
N/A |
BMitchel@cotr.bc.ca |
McArthur, Donna |
Invermere Campus |
N/A |
Invermere |
ConEd Instructor |
N/A |
DMcArthur3@cotr.bc.ca |
Malfair, Christine |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
7104 |
Invermere |
ConEd Instructor |
109 |
CMalfair2@cotr.bc.ca |
Nickurak, Karen |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
7104 |
Invermere |
ConEd Instructor |
N/A |
KNickurak2@cotr.bc.ca |
Manuzzi, Andrea |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
4102 |
Creston |
ConEd Instructor |
N/A |
AManuzzi@cotr.bc.ca |
Lucas, Rachel |
University Studies & Business Management |
3370 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
N/A |
RLucas@cotr.bc.ca |
Oaks, Jazlyn |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
7102 |
Invermere |
Instructor |
I104 |
JOaks2@cotr.bc.ca |
Mitchell, Jeff |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
3242 |
Cranbrook |
Instructor |
Online |
JMitchell7@cotr.bc.ca |
Mottl, Ashley |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
5104 |
Fernie |
Red Cross Instructor |
Fernie |
AMottl@cotr.bc.ca |
Howard, Deirdre |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
4103 |
Creston |
ConEd Instructor |
N/A |
DHoward@cotr.bc.ca |
Jackson, Dale |
Creston Continuing Education |
4102 |
Creston |
ConEd Instructor |
C103 |
DJackson@cotr.bc.ca |
Jonsson, Mikael |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
3242 |
Cranbrook |
ConEd Instructor |
Gold Creek |
MJonsson@cotr.bc.ca |
Kallies, Steve |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
5102 |
Fernie |
ConEd Instructor |
F101 |
SKallies@cotr.bc.ca |
Knight, Trevor |
Fire Training |
3370 |
Kimberley |
Fire Services Instructor |
N/A |
TKnight@cotr.bc.ca |
Lake, Bill |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
7102 |
Invermere |
ConEd Instructor |
I-102 |
BLake2@cotr.bc.ca |
Lake, Leisha |
Fire Training |
N/A |
Invermere |
Fire Training First Aid Instructor |
Kimberley |
LLake@cotr.bc.ca |
Lam, Kyla |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
N/A |
Invermere |
ConEd Instructor |
N/A |
KLam@cotr.bc.ca |
Lothien, Jasmine |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
4102 |
Creston |
ConEd Instructor |
C103 |
JLothien@cotr.bc.ca |
Hunter, Barb |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
N/A |
Creston |
ConEd Instructor |
N/A |
BHunter@cotr.bc.ca |
Jurado, Rodrigo |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
N/A |
Creston |
ConEd Instructor |
N/A |
RJurado@cotr.bc.ca |
Lozecznik, Barbara |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
N/A |
Creston |
ConEd Instructor |
N/A |
BLozecznik@cotr.bc.ca |
Jarvis, Chisa |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
4102 |
Creston |
ConEd Instructor |
N/A |
CJarvis@cotr.bc.ca |
Jensen, Roberta |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
4102 |
Creston |
ConEd Instructor |
N/A |
RJensen2@cotr.bc.ca |
Kuhn, Matt |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
5102 |
Fernie |
ConEd Instructor |
F101 |
MKuhn@cotr.bc.ca |
Knudson, Darlene |
Creston Campus |
N/A |
Creston |
ConEd Instructor |
N/A |
DKnudson@cotr.bc.ca |
Jesse, Leanna |
Golden Campus |
N/A |
Cranbrook |
Coned Instructor |
N/A |
LJesse2@cotr.bc.ca |
Kilpatrick, Chris |
Golden Campus |
N/A |
Golden |
ConEd Instructor |
N/A |
CKilpatrick2@cotr.bc.ca |
Jameson, Scott |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
5102 |
Fernie |
CE Instructor |
F101 |
SJameson@cotr.bc.ca |
Lopez Munguia, Lissete |
Fernie Campus |
N/A |
Cranbrook |
ConEd Instructor |
N/A |
LLopezMunguia@cotr.bc.ca |
Gorrie, Jolene |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
5103 |
Fernie |
ConEd Instructor |
Fernie |
JGorrie2@cotr.bc.ca |
Grimble, Christine |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
5102 |
Fernie |
ConEd Instructor |
F101 |
CGrimble@cotr.bc.ca |
Hatt, Melainie |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
5102 |
Fernie |
Red Cross Babysitting Instructor |
F101 |
MHatt@cotr.bc.ca |
Hebert, Jenepher |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
3242 |
Cranbrook |
ConEd Instructor |
Gold Creek |
JHebert@cotr.bc.ca |
Hockley, Michael |
Fire Training |
N/A |
Kimberley |
Con Ed Instructor |
N/A |
MHockley@cotr.bc.ca |
Holden, Brenda |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
7102 |
Invermere |
ConEd Instructor |
I-102 |
BHolden@cotr.bc.ca |
Gureckas, Ashleigh-Anne |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
5104 |
Fernie |
CE Instructor |
N/A |
AGureckas@cotr.bc.ca |
Gernhart, Samantha |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
7102 |
Cranbrook |
Coned Instructor |
N/A |
sgernhart1@cotr.bc.ca |
Gilberd, Paula |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
N/A |
Invermere |
ConEd Instructor |
N/A |
PGilberd@cotr.bc.ca |
Davies, Evan |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
4102 |
Creston |
ConEd Instructor |
N/A |
EDavies2@cotr.bc.ca |
Doenni, Vienna |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
4102 |
Creston |
ConEd Instructor |
N/A |
VDoenni@cotr.bc.ca |
Dunn, Nikolai |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
5104 |
Fernie |
ConEd Instructor |
N/A |
NDunn2@cotr.bc.ca |
Earl Kenny, Jagan |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
4102 |
Creston |
ConEd Instructor |
N/A |
JEarlKenny@cotr.bc.ca |
Ede, Jordan |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
7102 |
Invermere |
ConEd Instructor |
N?A |
JEde@cotr.bc.ca |
Hicks, Jamie |
Fernie Campus |
5104 |
Fernie |
CE Instructor -Traffic Control |
F101 |
JHicks@cotr.bc.ca |
Geselbracht, David |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
N/A |
Golden |
Con Ed/ Golden Campus |
N/A |
DGeselbracht@cotr.bc.ca |
Hake, Natalie |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
N/A |
Fernie |
Coned Instructor |
N/A |
NHake@cotr.bc.ca |
Devlin, Bruce |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
N/A |
Invermere |
First Aid Instructor |
N/A |
BDevlin2@cotr.bc.ca |
Delcaro, Jon |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
N/A |
Fernie |
Instructor |
N/A |
JDelcaro@cotr.bc.ca |
Davis-Boomer, Candice |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
3242 |
Cranbrook |
First Aid Instructor |
GC101 |
CDavisBoomer@cotr.bc.ca |
Bourke, Peter |
Invermere Campus |
7102 |
Invermere |
ConEd Instructor |
I-102 |
PBourke@cotr.bc.ca |
Adams, Megan |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
7102 |
Invermere |
ConEd Instructor |
N/A |
MAdams5@cotr.bc.ca |
Arkhanguelski, Linda |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
3242 |
Cranbrook |
ConEd Instructor |
Gold Creek |
LArkhanguelski@cotr.bc.ca |
Benty, Christina |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
N/A |
Cranbrook |
ConEd Instructor |
N/A |
CBenty@cotr.bc.ca |
Bigelow, Brayenna |
Invermere Campus |
7102 |
Invermere |
First Aid Instructor |
N/A |
BBigelow2@cotr.bc.ca |
Bossio, Liz |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
5102 |
Fernie |
ConEd Instructor |
F101 |
LBossio@cotr.bc.ca |
Bukovnik, Elli |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
7102 |
Invermere |
ConEd Instructor |
I-102 |
EBukovnik@cotr.bc.ca |
Cantrell, Kip |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
4103 |
Creston |
Coned Instructor |
N/A |
KCantrell@cotr.bc.ca |
Carson, Tyler |
Fernie Continuing Education |
5102 |
Fernie |
ConEd Instructor |
F101 |
TCarson@cotr.bc.ca |
Currie, Ron |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
5102 |
Fernie |
ConEd Instructor |
F101 |
RCurrie@cotr.bc.ca |
Zhao, Tyler |
Production Support Centre |
3365 |
Cranbrook |
Document Specialist |
KC231 |
TZhao@cotr.bc.ca |
Chretien, Denny |
Fire Training |
3571 |
Kimberley |
Coned Instructor |
N/A |
DChretien2@cotr.bc.ca |
Comerford, Zan |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
N/A |
Cranbrook |
ConEd Instructor |
N/A |
ZComerford@cotr.bc.ca |
Bodecker, Alesa |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
3242 |
Cranbrook |
ConEd Instructor |
N/A |
ABodecker@cotr.bc.ca |
Asher, Kathleen |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
4102 |
Creston |
ConEd Instructor |
N/A |
KAsher@cotr.bc.ca |
Barber, James |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
4103 |
Creston |
ConEd Instructor |
N/A |
JBarber@cotr.bc.ca |
Benoit, Crystal Jaye |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
4102 |
Creston |
ConEd Instructor |
N/A |
CBenoit2@cotr.bc.ca |
Chokar, Leah |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
N/A |
Cranbrook |
Coned Instructor |
N/A |
LChokar@cotr.bc.ca |
Albert, Michael |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
N/A |
Cranbrook |
Instructor |
G109 |
MAlbert2@cotr.bc.ca |
Baker, Courtney |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
N/A |
Fernie |
Instructor |
N/A |
CBaker@cotr.bc.ca |
Wesley, Dana |
Indigenous Programming |
3472 |
Cranbrook |
Executive Director Indigenous Strategy and Reconciliation |
245A1 |
DWesley@cotr.bc.ca |
Wetmore, Ashlie |
University of Victoria Teacher Education |
3228 |
Cranbrook |
Administrative Assistant |
KC185 |
AWetmore@cotr.bc.ca |
White, Jan |
Arts, Humanities, and Social Science |
3473 |
Cranbrook |
Learning Specialist/Faculty |
KC230J |
JWHITE@cotr.bc.ca |
White, John |
Trades - Automotive |
3510 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
P107 |
WHITE@cotr.bc.ca |
Whiting, Tracey |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
3235 |
Cranbrook |
Manager |
Gold Creek 121 |
whiting@cotr.bc.ca |
Wiens, Daniel |
Bachelor of Science in Nursing |
3564 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
S113 |
DWiens@cotr.bc.ca |
Wik, Heather |
Health Programs |
3524 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty/Coordinator |
KC202H |
WIK@cotr.bc.ca |
Wilkins, Erin |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
3751 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
Remote |
EWilkins@cotr.bc.ca |
Wishart, James |
University Studies |
3436 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC150I |
WISHART@cotr.bc.ca |
Wong, Hannah |
Invermere Campus |
7102 |
Invermere |
Auxiliary |
I-102 |
HWong@cotr.bc.ca |
Wood, Lynn |
Child Youth and Family Studies |
3353 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC140B |
WOOD@cotr.bc.ca |
Woods, Susan |
Office of the President |
3203 |
Cranbrook |
Executive Assistant to President and Board |
KC246 |
woods@cotr.bc.ca |
Wuthrich, Anna-Lisa |
Bachelor of Science in Nursing |
3340 |
Cranbrook |
BSN Instructor |
KC249-7 |
AWuthrich2@cotr.bc.ca |
Wuthrich, Adam |
Information Technology Services |
3478 |
Cranbrook |
System Analyst |
KC109 |
AWuthrich@cotr.bc.ca |
Wells, Stephanie |
Business, Arts and Science |
3321 |
Cranbrook |
Dean |
245B1 |
SWells2@cotr.bc.ca |
Wiest, Danielle |
Academic Department |
3568 |
Cranbrook |
Student Researcher |
245A |
DWiest@cotr.bc.ca |
Williams, Jheanell |
International Department |
3498 |
Cranbrook |
International Recruitment and Admissions Specialist |
S229C |
JWilliams4@cotr.bc.ca |
Wheeler, Niles |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
5130 |
Fernie |
Haul Truck Instructor |
F121/F122 |
NWheeler@cotr.bc.ca |
Winter, Leanna |
Finance Services |
3530 |
Cranbrook |
Accounts Payable Clerk |
S216 |
LWinter2@cotr.bc.ca |
Wiggins, Krysten |
Trades |
N/A |
Cranbrook |
Auxiliary tool crib assistant |
N/A |
KWiggins2@cotr.bc.ca |
Vogell, Jani |
Kinesiology |
3454 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty/Acting Coordinator |
KC263D |
JVogell@cotr.bc.ca |
Vogt, Paul |
Office of the President |
3203 |
Cranbrook |
President and CEO |
KC246 |
PVogt@cotr.bc.ca |
Vokey, Shawna |
Student and Enrolment Services |
3243 |
Cranbrook |
Auxiliary |
KC230 |
SVokey@cotr.bc.ca |
Wagner, Brandt |
Facilities |
3282 |
Cranbrook |
Facilities Attendant, Student Housing |
Student Housing Office, Purcell Office |
BWagner@cotr.bc.ca |
Wake, Marnie |
3589 |
Cranbrook |
Daycare Supervisor |
MF162 |
MWake@cotr.bc.ca |
Walker, Karl |
Production Support Centre |
3352 |
Cranbrook |
Document Specialist |
KC231 |
KWalker2@cotr.bc.ca |
Wall, Nicole |
Certified Dental Assistant |
3474 |
Cranbrook |
Dental Assistant Program Lab Assistant |
KC203A |
NWall2@cotr.bc.ca |
Wan, Dave |
Tourism and Recreation Management |
6108 |
Golden |
Faculty/Coordinator |
G108 |
dwan@cotr.bc.ca |
Watson, Tom |
Trades - Welding |
3535 |
Cranbrook |
Auxiliary Welding Instructor |
KC222 |
TWatson3@cotr.bc.ca |
Waugh, David |
Upgrading for Academic and Career Entry |
6110 |
Golden |
UACE Faculty |
G103 |
DWaugh@cotr.bc.ca |
Webb, Stacy |
Practical Nursing |
3635 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty HCA and HCAP |
S109 |
SWebb@cotr.bc.ca |
Webster, Don |
Tourism and Recreation Management |
6117 |
Golden |
Faculty |
G104 |
DWebster@cotr.bc.ca |
Weatherhead, Colleen |
Upgrading for Academic and Career Entry |
7115 |
Invermere |
ABE Instructors |
I 114 |
CWeatherhead2@cotr.bc.ca |
Waldie, Angela |
Arts, Humanities, and Social Science |
3370 |
Cranbrook |
Auxiliary Instructor University Studies Arts |
N/A |
AWaldie@cotr.bc.ca |
Wackerle, Sami |
University Studies |
3370 |
Cranbrook |
COOP Supervisor |
N/A |
SWackerle@cotr.bc.ca |
Wells, Katie |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
3359 |
Golden |
ConEd Instructor |
N/A |
KWells@cotr.bc.ca |
Ward, Tessie |
Student and Enrolment Services |
3318 |
Cranbrook |
Enrolment Services Officer |
KC218 |
TWard2@cotr.bc.ca |
Ward, Gwen |
Trades - Hairstyling |
N/A |
Cranbrook |
Instructor, Hairstyling |
KC322 |
gward@cotr.bc.ca |
Walser, Nicolas |
Facilities |
4102 |
Creston |
Program Administrator Auxiliary |
C103 |
NWalser2@cotr.bc.ca |
Thygesen, Patricia |
Bachelor of Science in Nursing |
3404 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC191B-3 |
PThygesen@cotr.bc.ca |
Tiege, Paul |
Academic Department |
3568 |
Cranbrook |
Manager, Applied Research and Innovation |
KC104 |
PTiege@cotr.bc.ca |
Tillman, Robin |
Math and Science |
3495 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC255E |
RTillman@cotr.bc.ca |
Tippett, Ben |
Math and Science |
3428 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC263F |
BTippett@cotr.bc.ca |
Torgunrud, Amy |
Human Resources and Payroll |
3630 |
Cranbrook |
Payroll & Human Resources Technician |
KC243 |
ATorgunrud2@cotr.bc.ca |
Touzin, Cynthia |
Trades |
3337 |
Cranbrook |
Administrative Assistant |
KC245B |
Touzin@cotr.bc.ca |
Turner, Nadine |
Math and Science |
N/A |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
Remote |
NTurner@cotr.bc.ca |
Unger, Grant |
Tourism and Recreation Management |
3570 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC150B |
Unger@cotr.bc.ca |
Vallee, Mike |
Trades - Plumbing |
3637 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC222C-C2 |
MVallee@cotr.bc.ca |
Vallee, Sheryl |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
N/A |
Cranbrook |
Mentorship Coordinator, Women in Trades Program |
N/A |
SVallee@cotr.bc.ca |
Vause, Karen |
Student and Enrolment Services |
3360 |
Cranbrook |
Invigilator Coordinator |
KC239 |
KVause2@cotr.bc.ca |
Veenstra, Brandon |
University Studies |
N/A |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
N/A |
BVeenstra@cotr.bc.ca |
Vishloff, Karla |
Communications and Marketing |
3487 |
Cranbrook |
Digital Marketing Coordinator |
S119 |
KVishloff@cotr.bc.ca |
Van Gaalen, Pierce |
Mine Apprenticeship |
3415 |
Cranbrook |
Mining Apprentice |
N/A |
PVanGaalen2@cotr.bc.ca |
Tiberi, Sandra |
International Department |
3618 |
Cranbrook |
Auxiliary |
229 |
STiberi2@cotr.bc.ca |
Thomson, Steve |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
N/A |
Fernie |
Coned Instructor |
N/A |
SThomson2@cotr.bc.ca |
Ungaro, Darren |
Mine Apprenticeship |
3415 |
Cranbrook |
Mining Apprentice |
N/A |
DUngaro2@cotr.bc.ca |
Twietmeyer, Samantha |
Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Learning |
3379 |
Cranbrook |
Educational Technologist |
KC120 |
STwietmeyer@cotr.bc.ca |
Turcasso, Krista |
Fernie Campus |
N/A |
Fernie |
Faculty Auxiliary |
F115 |
KTurcasso@cotr.bc.ca |
Trinder, Cori |
Student and Enrolment Services |
3236 |
Cranbrook |
Auxiliary |
KC218 |
CTrinder@cotr.bc.ca |
Streich, Jan |
Finance Services |
3431 |
Cranbrook |
Budget Analyst |
S217 |
JStreich@cotr.bc.ca |
Struthers, Sally |
University of Victoria Teacher Education |
3228 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC180B |
SStruthers@cotr.bc.ca |
Svitich, Sheena |
Office Administration |
3591 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty/Coordinator |
KC236D |
SSvitich@cotr.bc.ca |
Sykut, Dana |
Finance Services |
3262 |
Cranbrook |
Purchasing Agent |
KC227C |
DSykut@cotr.bc.ca |
Sylvestre, Anita |
Academic Department |
3415 |
Cranbrook |
Administrative Assistant |
KC245B |
ASylvestre@cotr.bc.ca |
Szol, Kevin |
Trades - Electrical |
3552 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
PH101 |
Szol@cotr.bc.ca |
Taylor, Michelle |
Invermere Campus |
7101 |
Invermere |
Campus Manager |
I-101 |
MTAYLOR2@cotr.bc.ca |
Terblanche, Noelene |
Business Management |
3594 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
Cranbrook Campus |
NTerblanche@cotr.bc.ca |
Teslak, Dianne |
Finance and Corporate Services |
3204 |
Cranbrook |
Vice President, Finance & Corporate Services |
S209 |
TESLAK@cotr.bc.ca |
Thibeault, Carolyn |
Bachelor of Science in Nursing |
N/A |
Cranbrook |
BSN Instructor |
N/A |
CThibeault2@cotr.bc.ca |
Thompson, Dylan |
Student Life and Athletics |
3556 |
Cranbrook |
Athletics and Student Life Specialist |
KC200A |
DThompson@cotr.bc.ca |
Thompson, Brianna |
Health Programs |
3284 |
Cranbrook |
Lab Assistant |
S115A |
BThompson4@cotr.bc.ca |
Stooshnov, Kyle |
Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Learning |
3737 |
Cranbrook |
Educational Technologist |
KC120 |
KStooshnov@cotr.bc.ca |
Tennant, Ariane |
Human Resources and Payroll |
3207 |
Cranbrook |
Executive Director Human Resources |
KC243E |
ATennant@cotr.bc.ca |
Taylor, Tristan |
Student and Enrolment Services |
3380 |
Cranbrook |
Regional Transitions Coordinator |
249A |
TTaylor@cotr.bc.ca |
Thompson, Jayme |
University of Victoria Teacher Education |
N/A |
Cranbrook |
UVIC EKTEP Instructor |
N/A |
JThompson@cotr.bc.ca |
Strong, Larissa |
International Department |
3578 |
Cranbrook |
Director |
KC229F |
LStrong@cotr.bc.ca |
Thierbach, George |
Mine Apprenticeship |
N/A |
Cranbrook |
N/A |
GThierbach2@cotr.bc.ca |
Stone, Stephen |
Upgrading for Academic and Career Entry |
4105 |
Creston |
Auxiliary Faculty |
C105 |
SStone1@cotr.bc.ca |
Teghtmeyer, Mya |
Bachelor of Science in Nursing |
3525 |
Cranbrook |
Auxiliary Faculty |
KC261B |
MTeghtmeyer@cotr.bc.ca |
Smith, Dan |
Trades |
3392/3617 |
Cranbrook |
Shop Assistant / Tool Crib Attendant |
P106 |
DSmith2@cotr.bc.ca |
Smith, Gideon |
Golden Campus |
6107 |
Golden |
Faculty |
G120 |
GSmith@cotr.bc.ca |
Smith, Jenn |
Student and Enrolment Services |
3441 |
Cranbrook |
Co-op and Employment Services Coordinator |
KC230V |
JSmith1@cotr.bc.ca |
Smith, Jo Ann |
Indigenous Programming |
3389/3531 |
Cranbrook |
Indigenous Education Coordinator & Advisor |
KC235A |
JSmith@cotr.bc.ca |
Smith, Jody |
Trades - Welding |
3535 |
Cranbrook |
Welding Instructor |
KC222 |
JSmith12@cotr.bc.ca |
Sokoya, Oludare |
Trades - Technology |
3676 |
Cranbrook |
Math/Science program coordinator |
KC183A |
OSokoya@cotr.bc.ca |
Spiers, Candis |
Bachelor of Science in Nursing |
3532 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC207 |
CSpiers@cotr.bc.ca |
Spitzer, Alison |
Golden Campus |
6106 |
Golden |
Auxiliary ATBO Faculty |
G118 |
ASpitzer@cotr.bc.ca |
Stapleton, Brittney |
Learning Commons |
3294 |
Cranbrook |
Library Circulation Assistant |
KC120 |
BStapleton@cotr.bc.ca |
Stemo, Lisa |
Practical Nursing |
3597 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC202J |
LStemo@cotr.bc.ca |
St Jean, Julie |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
3381 |
Cranbrook |
Program Administrator |
GC123 |
JSt.Jean@cotr.bc.ca |
Spyksma, Devin |
Information Technology Services |
3516 |
Cranbrook |
IT Coordinator, Applications and Cloud Systems |
KC109 |
DSpyksma@cotr.bc.ca |
Skorzewski, David |
Trades |
3337 |
Cranbrook |
Shop Assistant |
N/A |
DSkorzewski@cotr.bc.ca |
Skretting, Lucie |
Student and Enrolment Services |
3314 |
Cranbrook |
Institutional Research Analyst and Scheduling Coordinator |
KC230F |
LSkretting@cotr.bc.ca |
Stolson, Lori |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
N/A |
Invermere |
Coned Instructor |
N/A |
LStolson2@cotr.bc.ca |
Spring, Gillian |
Bachelor of Science in Nursing |
3553 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC191B-4 |
GSpring@cotr.bc.ca |
Sperling, Charlene |
International Department |
3550 |
Cranbrook |
Homestay Coordinator |
KC229D |
CSperling2@cotr.bc.ca |
Skretting, Nathan |
Strategy, Budgeting and Operations |
3298 |
Cranbrook |
Vice-President, Strategy, Budget and Operations |
KC109A |
NSkretting@cotr.bc.ca |
Stasuik, Megan |
Educational Advising |
3370 |
Cranbrook |
Education Assistant |
N/A |
MStasuik@cotr.bc.ca |
Speedie, Oliver |
Facilities |
3443 |
Cranbrook |
Auxiliary Facilities Attendant |
KC227B |
OSpeedie@cotr.bc.ca |
Sheridan, Rhonda |
Student and Enrolment Services |
3691 |
Cranbrook |
Co-op and Employment Services Coordinator |
KC230Q |
RSheridan@cotr.bc.ca |
Sherret, Norma |
Health and Human Services |
3482 |
Cranbrook |
Dean |
245B2 |
NSherret@cotr.bc.ca |
Shewell, Michelle |
Child Youth and Family Studies |
3479 |
Cranbrook |
Auxiliary Faculty |
KC261A |
MShewell@cotr.bc.ca |
Shier, Mary |
Fernie Campus |
5108 |
Fernie |
Faculty, Education Advisor, UACE |
F104 |
MSHIER@cotr.bc.ca |
Siemens, Jennifer |
Bachelor of Science in Nursing |
3627 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
S104 |
JSiemens@cotr.bc.ca |
Singer, Laura |
Student and Enrolment Services |
3761 |
Cranbrook |
Enrolment Services Officer |
KC218 |
LSinger@cotr.bc.ca |
Sharpe, Doreen |
University of Victoria Teacher Education |
N/A |
Cranbrook |
UVIC Faculty |
N/A |
DSharpe@cotr.bc.ca |
Shaw, Jennifer |
Academic Department |
NA |
Cranbrook |
Auxiliary Instructor - ELP program |
Remote |
JShaw6@cotr.bc.ca |
Sinclair, Andrew |
Fire Training |
N/A |
Cranbrook |
Fire instructor |
N/A |
ASinclair@cotr.bc.ca |
Sharpe, Heather |
University Studies |
3395 |
Cranbrook |
Biology Lab Technician |
KC249-6 |
HSharpe@cotr.bc.ca |
Sharpe, Lisa |
Trades - Hairstyling |
N/A |
Cranbrook |
Auxiliary Instructor |
N/A |
LSharpe2@cotr.bc.ca |
Shannon, James |
Trades |
N/A |
Cranbrook |
Auxiliary tool crib assistant |
N/A |
JShannon2@cotr.bc.ca |
Sheane, Sue |
Academic Department |
N/A |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
N/A |
SSheane@cotr.bc.ca |
Shimomura, Yuko |
Child Youth and Family Studies |
N/A |
Cranbrook |
Instructor |
KC261A |
YShimomura@cotr.bc.ca |
Shaw, Christine |
Invermere Campus |
N/A |
Invermere |
UACE Instructor |
N/A |
CShaw4@cotr.bc.ca |
Sehgal, Isha |
International Department |
N/A |
Cranbrook |
South Asia Business Development Officer |
N/A |
ISehgal@cotr.bc.ca |
Shadgett, Catherine |
Golden Campus |
6102 |
Cranbrook |
Administrative Assistant |
G101 |
CShadgett@cotr.bc.ca |
Shuflita, Katherine |
Health Programs |
3299 |
Cranbrook |
BSN Instructor |
KC249-5 |
KShuflita2@cotr.bc.ca |
Shellborn, Logan |
Communications and Marketing |
3527 |
Cranbrook |
Lead Graphic Designer |
S119 |
LShellborn@cotr.bc.ca |
Ross, Shannon |
Health Care Assistant |
3370 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
N/A |
SRoss@cotr.bc.ca |
Ross, Tim |
Trades - Welding |
3573 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty/Coordinator |
KC222 |
TRoss@cotr.bc.ca |
Ruiter, Chelsea |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
3359 |
Cranbrook |
Regional Programmer |
S120 |
CRuiter@cotr.bc.ca |
Russchen, Julie |
University of Victoria Teacher Education |
3228 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC180B |
JRusschen@cotr.bc.ca |
Ryan, Shawna |
Bachelor of Science in Nursing |
3345 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty/Coordinator |
S102 |
SRYAN@cotr.bc.ca |
Sam, Michele |
Arts, Humanities, and Social Science |
3686 |
Cranbrook |
Indigenous Studies Instructor |
KC140J |
MSam2@cotr.bc.ca |
Schmidt, Kristy |
Upgrading for Academic and Career Entry |
5106 |
Fernie |
Faculty |
F112A |
KSchmidt@cotr.bc.ca |
Schultz, Carmen |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
3752 |
Kimberley |
ConEd Instructor |
K14 |
CSchultz@cotr.bc.ca |
Saffin, Gord |
Information Technology Services |
3382 |
Cranbrook |
IT Coordinator, Infrastructure and Operations |
KC109 |
GSaffin@cotr.bc.ca |
Rousselle, Allie |
Fernie Campus |
5113 |
Fernie |
First Aid Instructor |
N/A |
ARousselle2@cotr.bc.ca |
Scott, Sarah |
International Department |
3469 |
Cranbrook |
International Recruiter and Admissions Specialist |
KC229C |
SScott@cotr.bc.ca |
Schachtel, Kristin |
Student and Enrolment Services |
3310 |
Cranbrook |
Associate Registrar and Manager Enrolment Services |
KC230U |
KSchachtel@cotr.bc.ca |
Seaman, Stephanie |
Invermere Campus |
7102 |
Invermere |
Administrative Assistant |
I-103 |
SSeaman@cotr.bc.ca |
Samoil, Tom |
Learning Commons |
3384 |
Cranbrook |
Term Librarian |
KC 120H |
TSamoil@cotr.bc.ca |
Schoahs, Tim |
Fernie Campus |
5101 |
Fernie |
Manager |
F100 |
TSchoahs@cotr.bc.ca |
Sartorel, Michelle |
Academic Department |
3504 |
Cranbrook |
Manager of Teacher Education |
KC185 |
MSartorel@cotr.bc.ca |
Roy, Vicky |
Golden Campus |
N/A |
Golden |
Auxiliary Faculty Instructor |
N/A |
VRoy@cotr.bc.ca |
Sadowsky, Kimberly |
University of Victoria Teacher Education |
3228 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC185 |
KSadowsky@cotr.bc.ca |
Schnell, Ethan |
Gold Creek Campus |
N/A |
Cranbrook |
Instructor |
N/A |
ESchnell@cotr.bc.ca |
Schotanus, Elle |
Invermere Campus |
7102 |
Invermere |
Administration Assistant |
I-104 |
ESchotanus@cotr.bc.ca |
Quinn, Jeff |
Bachelor of Science in Nursing |
3406 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC207B |
JQuinn@cotr.bc.ca |
Ramdin, Tara |
Child Youth and Family Studies; University Studies |
3452 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC110A |
TRamdin@cotr.bc.ca |
Rautenbach, Anna-Marie |
Hospitality Management |
7107 |
Invermere |
Faculty/Coordinator |
I-108 |
ARautenbach@cotr.bc.ca |
Redmond, Brian |
Math and Science |
3370 |
Cranbrook |
Auxiliary Faculty |
Remote |
BRedmond@cotr.bc.ca |
Regina, Emilio |
Upgrading for Academic and Career Entry |
3370 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC246B |
ERegina@cotr.bc.ca |
Reiser, Meghan |
Student and Enrolment Services |
3463 |
Cranbrook |
Accessibility Services Coordinator |
KC230C |
MReiser@cotr.bc.ca |
Relkoff, Yvette |
English Language Program |
3503 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
N/A |
YRelkoff@cotr.bc.ca |
Remple, Kevi |
Student and Enrolment Services |
3378 |
Cranbrook |
Education Advisor |
KC230E |
remple@cotr.bc.ca |
Richmond, Michelle |
Finance Services |
3632 |
Cranbrook |
Finance |
KC245B |
MRichmond@cotr.bc.ca |
Roberts, Wendy |
Facilities |
3443 |
Cranbrook |
Administrative Assistant |
KC228 |
WRoberts@cotr.bc.ca |
Ranasinghe, Ravi |
Information Technology Services |
3421 |
Cranbrook |
System Analyst |
KC109 |
RRanasinghe@cotr.bc.ca |
Rennette, Danielle |
Fire Training |
3754 |
Kimberley |
Auxiliary Administrative Assistant |
K11A |
DRennette@cotr.bc.ca |
Ramsdale, Kyla |
University of Victoria Teacher Education |
N/A |
Cranbrook |
UVIC Faculty |
N/A |
KRamsdale@cotr.bc.ca |
Rayner, Kate |
Academic Department |
6101 |
Golden |
Auxiliary Marketing Instructor |
N/A |
KRayner@cotr.bc.ca |
Robertson, Heather |
Arts, Humanities, and Social Science |
N/A |
Cranbrook |
Auxiliary Instructor |
N/A |
HRobertson@cotr.bc.ca |
Rennebohm, Heather |
Invermere Campus |
7102 |
Invermere |
ConEd Instructor |
I102 |
HRennebohm@cotr.bc.ca |
Riehl, Marla |
Academic Department |
NA |
Cranbrook |
Instructor |
NA |
MRiehl@cotr.bc.ca |
Richter, Haley |
Department Heads |
3370 |
Cranbrook |
Department Head Administrative Assistant |
KC246B |
HRichter@cotr.bc.ca |
Ramirez, Nicole |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
N/A |
Fernie |
CE Instructor |
N/A |
NRamirez@cotr.bc.ca |
Pelkonen, Becky |
Business Management; Tourism and Recreation Management |
3334 |
Cranbrook |
BMGT program coordinator |
KC150H |
BPelkonen@cotr.bc.ca |
Perry, Dominic |
Trades - Heavy Duty |
3483 |
Cranbrook |
Heavy Duty Mechanics Instructor |
P105 |
DPerry@cotr.bc.ca |
Pesce, Emily |
Trades - Hairstyling |
3468 |
Cranbrook |
Auxiliary Hairstylist instructor |
KC249-2 |
EPesce@cotr.bc.ca |
Petersen, Amber |
Arts, Humanities, and Social Science |
N/A |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC150-F |
APetersen@cotr.bc.ca |
Pickering, Jodie |
Kinesiology |
3539 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC207C |
JPickering@cotr.bc.ca |
Pitney, Collin |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
N/A |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
N/A |
CPitney@cotr.bc.ca |
Platt, Allison |
Upgrading for Academic and Career Entry |
3581 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC191A |
APlatt@cotr.bc.ca |
Plummer, Lisa |
Fernie Campus |
5104 |
Fernie |
Program Administrator. |
F101 |
LPlummer@cotr.bc.ca |
Polley, Krista |
Golden Campus |
6102 |
Golden |
Faculty |
G125 |
KPolley@cotr.bc.ca |
Poole, Judi |
University of Victoria Teacher Education |
3228 |
Cranbrook |
EKTEP Instructor |
185 |
JPoole@cotr.bc.ca |
Prasad, Richard |
Fire Training |
3216 |
Kimberley |
Instructor |
Kimberley Fire Hall |
RPrasad@cotr.bc.ca |
Quackenbush. Yohanna |
Bookstore |
3695 |
Cranbrook |
Campus Store Coordinator |
KC102 |
QUACKENBUSH@cotr.bc.ca |
Quinn, David |
Student and Enrolment Services |
3239 |
Cranbrook |
Admissions Coordinator |
KC218 |
DQuinn@cotr.bc.ca |
Picton, Andrew |
Fernie Campus |
5103 |
Fernie |
ConEd Instructor |
F101 |
APicton@cotr.bc.ca |
Peinado, Miguel |
Information Technology Services |
N/A |
Cranbrook |
Web Developer |
KC109 |
MPeinado@cotr.bc.ca |
Peart, Mark |
Facilities |
3521 |
Cranbrook |
Facilities Manager |
KC228-1 |
MPeart@cotr.bc.ca |
Pesklevits, Alexa |
Student and Enrolment Services |
3237 |
Cranbrook |
Enrolment Services Officer |
KC218 |
APesklevits2@cotr.bc.ca |
Prance, Wayne |
Trades - Heavy Duty |
3331 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
P105 |
WPrance@cotr.bc.ca |
Proskova, Barbora |
Golden Campus |
6102 |
Cranbrook |
Auxiliary Administrative Assistant |
G101 |
BProskova@cotr.bc.ca |
Prasad, Sharina |
Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Learning |
3301 |
Cranbrook |
Sr. Administrative Assistant |
KC120 |
SPrasad@cotr.bc.ca |
Neumann, Gina |
Health and Human Services |
3370 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC249-7 |
GNeumann@cotr.bc.ca |
New, Bonnie |
Office Administration |
3471 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC236C |
BNew@cotr.bc.ca |
Newton, Cortney |
Learning Commons |
3288 |
Cranbrook |
Library Technician, Acquisition and Cataloguing |
KC120L |
CNewton@cotr.bc.ca |
Nowell, Rick |
Math and Science |
3585 |
Cranbrook |
Lab Assistant |
KC262A |
NOWELL@cotr.bc.ca |
Obara, Stephanie |
Bachelor of Science in Nursing |
3348 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
S112 |
SObara@cotr.bc.ca |
Ogilvie, Karin |
Hospitality Management |
7108 |
Invermere |
Faculty |
I108 |
KOgilvie@cotr.bc.ca |
Osberg, Sarah |
Tourism and Recreation Management |
5105 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty/ Coordinator |
F126 |
SOsberg@cotr.bc.ca |
Ostwald, Debbie |
Production Support Centre |
N/A |
Cranbrook |
Document Specialist |
KC231 |
OSTWALD@cotr.bc.ca |
Paterson, Jack |
Fire Training |
N/A |
Kimberley |
Instructor |
Kimberley Fire Hall |
JPaterson@cotr.bc.ca |
Pakenham, Ana |
University of Victoria Teacher Education |
N/A |
Cranbrook |
UVIC Faculty |
N/A |
APakenham@cotr.bc.ca |
Newton, Lindsay |
Learning Commons |
3690 |
Cranbrook |
Library Services Technician |
KC120L |
LNewton@cotr.bc.ca |
Newton, Dave |
Facilities |
3579 |
Cranbrook |
Senior Facilities Attendant - Mechanical |
KC227B |
DNewton2@cotr.bc.ca |
Palmer, Colin |
Mine Apprenticeship |
N/A |
Cranbrook |
N/A |
CPalmer3@cotr.bc.ca |
Orourke, Kynan |
Fire Training |
3216 |
Kimberley |
Fire Training Instructor |
K11 |
KOrourke@cotr.bc.ca |
Paulson, Trevor |
Fire Training |
4103 |
Creston |
Auxiliary Fire Services Training Program Instructor |
C103 |
TPaulson@cotr.bc.ca |
Paloposki, Jessie |
Golden Campus |
N/A |
Golden |
Auxiliary Faculty |
N/A |
JPaloposki2@cotr.bc.ca |
Newel, Emily |
Finance Services |
3595 |
Cranbrook |
Controller |
S215 |
ENewel2@cotr.bc.ca |
Newton, Brandon |
Facilities |
3443 |
Cranbrook |
Auxiliary Senior Facilities Attendant Mechanical |
227B |
BNewton@cotr.bc.ca |
Okros, Jesse |
Trades - Sampler |
7102 |
Invermere |
Trades Instructor |
Off Site |
JOkros2@cotr.bc.ca |
McPherson, Gary |
Business Management |
3315 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC140I |
GMcPherson@cotr.bc.ca |
McWhirter, Kate |
Child Youth and Family Studies |
3376 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC110B |
KMcWhirter@cotr.bc.ca |
Mendenhall, Jody |
Learning Commons |
3419 |
Cranbrook |
Librarian |
KC120I |
JMendenhall@cotr.bc.ca |
Mensch, Paul |
Trades - Electrical |
3513 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
PH101 |
PMensch@cotr.bc.ca |
Miller, Jonn |
Mine Apprenticeship |
3415 |
Cranbrook |
Mining Apprentice |
N/A |
JMiller11@cotr.bc.ca |
Moore, Wendy |
Fire Training |
3216 |
Cranbrook |
Fire Training Administrator |
Gold Creek |
WMoore@cotr.bc.ca |
Mooy, Courtenay |
Academic Department |
3215 |
Cranbrook |
Executive Assistant |
KC245B |
CMooy@cotr.bc.ca |
Morin, Suzanne |
Learning Commons |
3407 |
Cranbrook |
Senior Library Technician |
KC120L |
SMorin@cotr.bc.ca |
Murdoch, Dave |
Trades - Electrical |
3409 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty/Coordinator |
PH101 |
murdoch@cotr.bc.ca |
Murray, Lois |
Student and Enrolment Services |
3264 |
Cranbrook |
Financial Assistance & Awards Advisor |
KC218 |
MURRAY@cotr.bc.ca |
Nelson, Kathy |
Child Youth and Family Studies |
3322 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC110B |
KNELSON@cotr.bc.ca |
Merritt, Matthew |
Mine Apprenticeship |
3415 |
Cranbrook |
Mining Apprentice |
N/A |
MMerritt2@cotr.bc.ca |
Muchini, Adreen |
Human Resources and Payroll |
3503 |
Cranbrook |
Human Resource Coordinator |
KC243 |
AMuchini2@cotr.bc.ca |
McPhee, Mike |
Tourism and Recreation Management |
N/A |
Cranbrook |
Auxiliary Instructor Tourism Management Program |
N/A |
MMcPhee@cotr.bc.ca |
Middlemiss, Deanna |
Invermere Campus |
N/A |
Invermere |
HOSP Faculty (COMC 110 Lab) |
I114 |
DMiddlemiss@cotr.bc.ca |
Milne, Leah |
Fernie Campus |
5102 |
Fernie |
Administrative Assistant |
F101 |
LMilne@cotr.bc.ca |
Muscat, Brian |
Student Success |
3217 |
Cranbrook |
Vice President, Student Success |
S219 |
BMuscat@cotr.bc.ca |
Mendez, Jose |
University Studies |
NA |
Cranbrook |
Chemistry Lab Instructor |
NA |
JMendez@cotr.bc.ca |
McNeely, Jim |
Facilities |
3443 |
Cranbrook |
Auxiliary Facilities Attendant |
KC227B |
JMcNeely@cotr.bc.ca |
Morin, Dan |
Facilities |
3443 |
Cranbrook |
Auxiliary Facilities Attendant |
KC227B |
DMorin2@cotr.bc.ca |
Marsh, Deni |
Certified Dental Assistant |
3476 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC203C |
marsh@cotr.bc.ca |
Marti, Heather |
Health Care Assistant |
3276 |
Creston |
Term HCA and HCAP Instructor |
S109 |
HMarti@cotr.bc.ca |
Martyniuk, Colhane |
Facilities |
3576 |
Cranbrook |
Facilities Attendant |
KC227 |
MARTYNIUK@cotr.bc.ca |
Mattson, Vance |
Arts, Humanities, and Social Science |
3363 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC150C |
MATTSON@cotr.bc.ca |
McArthur, Sarah |
Bachelor of Science in Nursing |
3582 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
S106 |
SMcArthur@cotr.bc.ca |
McCallum, Greg |
Business Management |
3623 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC140D |
GMcCallum@cotr.bc.ca |
McCord, Chris |
Trades - Electrical |
3546 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
PH101 |
CMcCord@cotr.bc.ca |
McDonaugh, John |
Student and Enrolment Services |
3486 |
Cranbrook |
Education Advisor |
KC230K |
JMcDonaugh@cotr.bc.ca |
McHolm, Chris |
Student and Enrolment Services |
3308 |
Cranbrook |
Counselling and Wellness |
KC230M |
CMcHolm@cotr.bc.ca |
McKinnon, Amy |
Finance Services |
3595 |
Cranbrook |
Controller |
S209 |
AMcKinnon2@cotr.bc.ca |
McElgunn, Nikita |
University of Victoria Teacher Education |
N/A |
Cranbrook |
UVIC Faculty |
N/A |
NMcElgunn2@cotr.bc.ca |
McClelland, Claire |
Academic Department |
7102 |
Invermere |
Administrative Assistant |
I-102 |
CMcClelland@cotr.bc.ca |
Matheson, Justine |
Academic Department |
7104 |
Invermere |
Program Administrator |
I-104 |
JMatheson@cotr.bc.ca |
Martine, Sheila |
Indigenous Programming |
3390/3261 |
Cranbrook |
Indigenous Student Navigator |
KC230Q |
SMartine2@cotr.bc.ca |
McKenzie, Ryan |
University of Victoria Teacher Education |
N/A |
Cranbrook |
UVIC EKTEP Instructor |
N/A |
RMcKenzie2@cotr.bc.ca |
McDonald, Lachlan |
Mine Apprenticeship |
N/A |
Cranbrook |
N/A |
LMcDonald3@cotr.bc.ca |
Matheson, Colin |
Academic Department |
N/A |
Kimberley |
Fire Service Instructor |
N/A |
CMatheson2@cotr.bc.ca |
McLean, Ann-Kathrin |
University Studies |
N/A |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC246B |
AMcLean2@cotr.bc.ca |
McIvor, Jake |
University Studies |
3518 |
Cranbrook |
Instructor |
KC249-1 |
JMcIvor@cotr.bc.ca |
McLean, Linley |
Golden Campus |
6109 |
Golden |
Auxiliary Administrative Assistant |
G101 |
LMcLean2@cotr.bc.ca |
Lechmann, Steven |
Trades - Professional Cook Program |
8356 |
Cranbrook |
Auxiliary Faculty |
KC201 |
SLechmann@cotr.bc.ca |
Leiman, Krister |
Trades - Carpentry |
3558 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC221D |
KLeiman@cotr.bc.ca |
Lesage, Nathalie |
Arts, Humanities, and Social Science |
3385 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC182B |
LESAGE@cotr.bc.ca |
Lockhart, Josh |
University Studies |
3370 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC246B |
JLockhart@cotr.bc.ca |
Loganberg, Rachel |
Office Administration |
3370 |
Cranbrook |
Auxiliary Instructor |
N/A |
RLoganberg@cotr.bc.ca |
Long, Penny |
Learning Commons |
3294 |
Cranbrook |
Writing Lab Tutor |
KC120A |
PLong@cotr.bc.ca |
Longstreet, Shaun |
Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Learning |
3685 |
Cranbrook |
Dean, Innovation in Teaching and Learning |
KC120 |
SLongstreet@cotr.bc.ca |
Mackie, Cheryl |
Health Care Assistant |
3450 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC253A |
mackie@cotr.bc.ca |
MacLean, Joanne |
Fernie Campus |
5103 |
Fernie |
Administrative assistant |
F101 |
JMacLean@cotr.bc.ca |
Maher, Sylvia |
Student and Enrolment Services |
3432 |
Cranbrook |
Senior Administrative Assistant |
KC248A |
SMaher@cotr.bc.ca |
Maki, Lawrence |
Math and Science |
3609 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC182A |
LMaki@cotr.bc.ca |
Makkreel, Robert |
Trades - Heavy Duty |
3634 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
P105 |
RMakkreel@cotr.bc.ca |
Markovics, Laszlo |
Business Management |
3559 |
Cranbrook |
Business Management Program Instructor |
KC140 |
LMarkovics@cotr.bc.ca |
Lessard, Koralee |
Health Practicums |
3354 |
Cranbrook |
Health Practicum Officer |
229H |
KLessard@cotr.bc.ca |
MacKenzie, Allison |
Academic Department |
7118 |
Invermere |
HOSP Faculty |
I-114 |
AMacKenzie@cotr.bc.ca |
Lord, Michelle |
Bachelor of Science in Nursing |
3692 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC191B-1 |
MLord@cotr.bc.ca |
Lode, Christy |
Arts, Humanities, and Social Science |
3299 |
Cranbrook |
Auxiliary Instructor |
KC249-5 |
CLode@cotr.bc.ca |
Lussier, Kelsie |
Certified Dental Assistant |
3370 |
Cranbrook |
Auxiliary Instructor |
KC203 |
KLussier2@cotr.bc.ca |
Majewski, Jenni |
International Department |
3435 |
Cranbrook |
International Enrolment Services Officer |
KC229 |
JMajewski@cotr.bc.ca |
Maitland, Fiona |
Health and Human Services |
3557 |
Cranbrook |
Instructor |
249 # 3 |
FMaitland2@cotr.bc.ca |
Kitto, Toni |
Practical Nursing |
3574 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC202F |
TKitto@cotr.bc.ca |
Klc, Miro |
Trades - Electrical |
3326 |
Cranbrook |
Shop Assistant and Tool Crib Attendant |
PH111 |
MKlc@cotr.bc.ca |
Kneller, Marianne |
Human Resources and Payroll |
3208 |
Cranbrook |
Human Resources Manager |
KC243A |
MKneller@cotr.bc.ca |
Knibbs, Allan |
Facilities |
3227 |
Cranbrook |
Director |
KC245A3 |
AKnibbs@cotr.bc.ca |
Knipfel, Suzy |
Practical Nursing |
3341 |
Cranbrook |
PN Auxilary Faculty |
KC261B |
SKnipfel@cotr.bc.ca |
Knudsgaard, Mark |
Trades - Carpentry |
3569 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC221D |
MKnudsgaard@cotr.bc.ca |
Kostuik, Amber |
Upgrading for Academic and Career Entry |
3642 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC191A |
AKostuik@cotr.bc.ca |
Krisher, Kristie |
Child Youth and Family Studies |
3755 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC263 |
KKrisher@cotr.bc.ca |
Kuervers, Lynnette |
Math and Science |
3496 |
Cranbrook |
Instructor |
KC255D |
LKuervers@cotr.bc.ca |
Kurtenbach, Sandra |
Production Support Centre |
3323 |
Cranbrook |
Document Specialist |
KC231 |
SKurtenbach@cotr.bc.ca |
Lam, Marifer |
International Department |
3264 |
Cranbrook |
Financial Assistance and Awards Officer |
KC218E |
LAM@cotr.bc.ca |
Langan, Karen |
Academic Department |
3541 |
Cranbrook |
Articulation Officer |
KC245B |
langan@cotr.bc.ca |
Lara, Livia |
Student and Enrolment Services |
3282/3332 |
Cranbrook |
Student Housing Coordinator |
Purcell House Residence |
LLara@cotr.bc.ca |
Larsen, Sophie |
Math and Science |
3622 |
Cranbrook |
Auxiliary Faculty |
KC249-5 |
SLarsen@cotr.bc.ca |
Laser, Marnie |
Upgrading for Academic and Career Entry |
4121 |
Creston |
Faculty |
C116 |
MLaser@cotr.bc.ca |
Knutson, Cheri |
Trades |
3536 |
Cranbrook |
Auxiliary Welding Instructor |
KC2222 |
CKnutson2@cotr.bc.ca |
Labine, Chris |
Fire Training |
4110 |
Kimberley |
Fire Instructor |
C108 |
CLabine3@cotr.bc.ca |
Kowalchuk, Dionne |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
N/A |
Cranbrook |
Auxiliary |
Remote |
DKowalchuk@cotr.bc.ca |
Kocher, Kye |
Learning Commons |
N/A |
Cranbrook |
Writing Tutor |
N/A |
KKocher@cotr.bc.ca |
Kupritz, Katelyn |
Health and Human Services |
3567 |
Cranbrook |
Instructor |
KC249-4 |
KKupritz@cotr.bc.ca |
Ivanco, Candace |
Academic Department |
N/A |
Cranbrook |
Aux Programmer Events Specialist STEM camp coordinator |
245 |
CIvanco2@cotr.bc.ca |
Jackson, Heather |
Communications and Marketing |
3258 |
Cranbrook |
Manager Communications and Marketing |
S119A |
Jackson@cotr.bc.ca |
Jackson, Matt |
Facilities |
3501 |
Cranbrook |
Facilities Maintenance Coordinator |
KC227 |
MJackson2@cotr.bc.ca |
Jantz, Rebecca |
Child Youth and Family Studies |
3399 |
Cranbrook |
Auxiliary Faculty |
S109 |
RJantz@cotr.bc.ca |
Johnson, Olivia |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
5102 |
Fernie |
AST 1 Instructor CE course |
114 |
OJohnson2@cotr.bc.ca |
Jones, Marla |
Certified Dental Assistant |
3512 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty/Coordinator |
KC202K |
MJones@cotr.bc.ca |
Joy, Greta |
Child Youth and Family Studies |
N/A |
Golden |
Auxiliary Instructor - CYFS |
N/A |
GJoy@cotr.bc.ca |
Kamps, Steve |
Tourism and Recreation Management |
3324 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty/Coordinator |
KC255F |
KAMPS@cotr.bc.ca |
Kamstra, Alberta |
Arts, Humanities, and Social Science |
NA |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC249-7 |
AKamstra@cotr.bc.ca |
Kaufman, Nicola |
Human Resources and Payroll |
3616 |
Cranbrook |
Human Resources Consultant |
KC243C |
NKaufman@cotr.bc.ca |
Kaun, Joan |
Office Administration |
3402 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC236A |
KAUN@cotr.bc.ca |
Kennedy, Cathy |
Child Youth and Family Studies |
3377 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC261A |
CKennedy@cotr.bc.ca |
Kiss, Tammy |
Business Management |
3313 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC140G |
KISS@cotr.bc.ca |
Jesse, Lee |
Golden Campus |
6102 |
Golden |
Faculty |
G101 |
LJesse@cotr.bc.ca |
Kinar, Nicholas |
Math and Science |
3457 |
Cranbrook |
University Studies - Science Instructor |
KC263C |
NKinar@cotr.bc.ca |
King, Dave |
Facilities |
3445 |
Cranbrook |
Auxiliary Facilities Attendant |
KC227B |
DKing@cotr.bc.ca |
Jimenez, Alex |
Facilities |
3250 |
Cranbrook |
Auxiliary Facilities Attendant |
KC227 |
AJimenez2@cotr.bc.ca |
Kaur, Rajveer |
Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Learning |
3424 |
Cranbrook |
Educational Technologist |
KC120 |
RKaur4@cotr.bc.ca |
King, Susan |
Financial Services |
3632 |
Cranbrook |
Accounts Payable Clerk |
S216 |
SKing3@cotr.bc.ca |
Hicks, Robin |
Academic Department |
3245 |
Cranbrook |
Vice President Academic |
KC245B4 |
RHicks@cotr.bc.ca |
Hill, Jackie |
Student and Enrolment Services |
3300 |
Cranbrook |
Enrolment Services Officer |
KC218 |
JHill@cotr.bc.ca |
Hill, Sandi |
Health and Human Services |
3327 |
Cranbrook |
Department Head |
KC246B3 |
SHILL@cotr.bc.ca |
Hoerz, Daniel |
Golden Campus |
6102 |
Golden |
Auxiliary Instructor |
G101 |
DHoerz@cotr.bc.ca |
Hofmeister, Marty |
Learning Commons |
3737 |
Cranbrook |
Auxiliary |
KC120H |
MHofmeister@cotr.bc.ca |
Hulbert, Avery |
Arts, Humanities, and Social Science |
3439 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty/Coordinator |
KC140E |
AHulbert@cotr.bc.ca |
Huscroft, Marguerite |
Creston Campus |
4103 |
Creston |
Administrative Assistant |
C103 |
MHuscroft@cotr.bc.ca |
Hyde, Andrea |
Math and Science |
3598 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC255C |
AHyde@cotr.bc.ca |
Imano, Saori |
International Department |
3550 |
Cranbrook |
International Student and Homestay Coordinator |
KC229A |
simano@cotr.bc.ca |
Inglis, Jennifer |
Communications and Marketing |
3383 |
Cranbrook |
Recruitment Officer |
S119 |
JInglis@cotr.bc.ca |
Ingram, Karen |
Human Resources and Payroll |
3630 |
Cranbrook |
Auxiliary Payroll Technician |
KC243 |
KIngram@cotr.bc.ca |
Inman, Emma |
Communications and Marketing |
3317 |
Cranbrook |
Marketing Assistant |
S119 |
EInman2@cotr.bc.ca |
Inshaw, Sue |
Gold Creek Campus |
3522 |
Cranbrook |
Coordinator CBT Basin Food Producer Wage Subsidy |
Gold Creek 122 |
SInshaw@cotr.bc.ca |
Holomego, Kelsey |
Finance Services |
3205/3204 |
Cranbrook |
Director of Finance |
S209 |
KHolomego@cotr.bc.ca |
Hom, Angelica |
Facilities |
3577 |
Cranbrook |
Senior Facilities Attendant - Electrical |
KC227 |
AHom@cotr.bc.ca |
Hirn, Stephanie |
Donor and Alumni |
3397 |
Cranbrook |
Donor and Alumni Relations Coordinator |
S119 |
SHirn2@cotr.bc.ca |
Innes, Jennifer |
Human Resources and Payroll |
3362 |
Cranbrook |
Payroll & Human Resources Technician |
KC243 |
JInnes2@cotr.bc.ca |
Hoechsmann, Andrea |
Practical Nursing |
3370 |
Cranbrook |
BSN Instructor |
N/A |
AHoechsmann@cotr.bc.ca |
Heykamp-Smith, Reid |
Mine Apprenticeship |
N/A |
Cranbrook |
N/A |
RHeykampSmith@cotr.bc.ca |
Hogan, Jane |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
3644 |
Cranbrook |
Auxiliary Administrative Assistant |
104 |
JHogan2@cotr.bc.ca |
Gustafson, Tiffany |
Finance Services |
3420 |
Cranbrook |
Financial Services Coordinator |
S216 |
TGustafson@cotr.bc.ca |
Gutzman, Jenny |
Creston Campus |
5112 |
Fernie |
Faculty |
C116 |
JGutzman@cotr.bc.ca |
Haggi, Monica |
Student Life and Athletics |
3681 |
Cranbrook |
Student Housing Operations Specialist |
Student Housing Office, Purcell House |
MHaggi@cotr.bc.ca |
Haine, Tim |
Trades - Industrial Mechanic |
3580 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
PH101 |
THaine@cotr.bc.ca |
Ham, Jennifer |
Bachelor of Science in Nursing |
3391 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
S111 |
JHam@cotr.bc.ca |
Hark, Dale |
Fire Training |
N/A |
Kimberley |
Fire Training First Aid Instructor |
N/A |
DHark@cotr.bc.ca |
Harper, Paula |
Creston Campus |
4109 |
Creston |
Education Advisor/Faculty |
C102A |
PHARPER@cotr.bc.ca |
Hawke, Orrin |
University of Victoria Teacher Education |
N/A |
Cranbrook |
UVIC EKTEP Instructor |
KC180B |
OHawke@cotr.bc.ca |
Heal, Deb |
Upgrading for Academic and Career Entry |
3307 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC140C |
DHEAL@cotr.bc.ca |
Heigh, Andrena |
Math and Science |
3347 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC255A |
AHeigh@cotr.bc.ca |
Heikkinen, Heather |
Student and Enrolment Services |
3571 |
Cranbrook |
Assistant Registrar |
KC218C |
HHeikkinen@cotr.bc.ca |
Hellewell, Ben |
Business Management |
3629 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC140A |
BHellewell@cotr.bc.ca |
Heyde, Ben |
Math and Science |
3388 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC253B |
heyde@cotr.bc.ca |
Hall, Nathon |
Information Technology Services |
3296 |
Cranbrook |
Media Services Coordinator |
KC120D |
HALL@cotr.bc.ca |
Hennigar, Skylar |
Student Life and Athletics |
3572 |
Cranbrook |
Student Life Programmer & Events Specialist |
KC200 |
SHennigar@cotr.bc.ca |
Hamilton, Liz |
Student and Enrolment Services |
3687 |
Cranbrook |
Accessibility Services Coordinator/Counselling & Wellness |
KC230B |
lhamilton3@cotr.bc.ca |
Hamlyn, Richard |
Facilities |
3350 |
Cranbrook |
Facilities Attendant -Gold Creek Campus |
227B |
RHamlyn@cotr.bc.ca |
Hall, Tad |
Information Technology Services |
3566 |
Cranbrook |
Media Services Technician |
KC120D |
THall2@cotr.bc.ca |
Hawke, Tyrel |
Health and Human Services |
3643 |
Cranbrook |
Auxiliary Faculty |
KC191B |
THawke@cotr.bc.ca |
Gustafson, Aly |
Information Technology Services |
3565 |
Cranbrook |
Helpdesk Deskside Support Technician |
KC109 |
AGustafson2@cotr.bc.ca |
Fraser, Karin |
Student and Enrolment Services |
3463 |
Cranbrook |
Accessibility Services Coordinator |
230C |
KFraser2@cotr.bc.ca |
Frey-Chale, Roberta |
Arts, Humanities, and Social Science |
3369 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC138 |
frey-chale@cotr.bc.ca |
Gardener, Ryan |
Math and Science |
N/A |
Cranbrook |
Auxilliary Instructor |
N/A |
RGardener@cotr.bc.ca |
Gauthier, Morgan |
Creston Campus |
4101 |
Creston |
Campus Manager |
C101 |
MGauthier2@cotr.bc.ca |
Gauvin, Holly |
Office Administration |
3243/3618 |
Cranbrook |
Student Services Auxiliary |
KC230 |
HGauvin1@cotr.bc.ca |
Gex-Collet, Byron |
Trades - Industrial Mechanic |
3335 |
Cranbrook |
Millwright - Tool Crib Attendant |
PH110 |
BGex-Collet@cotr.bc.ca |
Girvin, Jennifer |
Health and Human Services |
3545 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty/Coordinator |
KC150D |
JGirvin@cotr.bc.ca |
Goforth, Amanda |
Health Care Assistant; Practical Nursing |
3433 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty/Coordinator |
S109 |
AGoforth2@cotr.bc.ca |
Gold, Lisa |
Health Programs |
N/A |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC229H |
LGold@cotr.bc.ca |
Groff, Brittany |
Health and Human Services |
N/A |
Cranbrook |
BSN Instructor |
N/A |
BGroff@cotr.bc.ca |
Gillham, Maria |
Creston Campus |
4102 |
Creston |
Program Administrator |
C103 |
MGillham@cotr.bc.ca |
Genberg, Nicole |
Golden Campus |
6103 |
Golden |
Program Administrator |
G101 |
NGenberg2@cotr.bc.ca |
Gillespie, Brenda |
International Department |
3281 |
Cranbrook |
Executive Assistant, Vice President External Relations |
S219 |
BGillespie@cotr.bc.ca |
Fyke, Kelly |
Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Learning |
3351 |
Cranbrook |
Teaching and Learning Specialist |
KC120 |
KFyke@cotr.bc.ca |
Frederick, Gerry |
Facilities |
N/A |
Cranbrook |
Facilities Auxiliary Attendant |
N/A |
GFrederick2@cotr.bc.ca |
Godolphin, Emma |
Mine Apprenticeship |
N/A |
Cranbrook |
N/A |
EGodolphin2@cotr.bc.ca |
Gurney, Elissa |
Upgrading for Academic and Career Entry |
N/A |
Creston |
Aux UACE Instructor |
112 |
EGurney@cotr.bc.ca |
Gagne, Chantal |
Health and Human Services |
3525 |
Cranbrook |
Instructor |
261B #2 |
CGagne@cotr.bc.ca |
Giberson, Melisa |
Finance and Corporate Services |
3205 |
Cranbrook |
Director - Finance |
S217 |
MGiberson@cotr.bc.ca |
Dwyer, Sheldon |
Bachelor of Science in Nursing |
3374 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC202G |
SDwyer@cotr.bc.ca |
Eckersley, Barbara |
Child Youth and Family Studies |
3628 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC263 |
BEckersley@cotr.bc.ca |
Edmonson, Trudy |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
3689 |
Cranbrook |
Coordinator, Columbia Basin Trust ECE Wage and Training Subsidy |
Gold Creek122 |
tedmonson@cotr.bc.ca |
Ehnes, Caley |
Arts, Humanities, and Social Science |
3481 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC263E |
CEhnes@cotr.bc.ca |
Eitle, Andrea |
Educational Advising |
6104 |
Golden |
Education Advisor |
G109 |
AEitle@cotr.bc.ca |
Estrela, Candice |
Bachelor of Science in Nursing |
3688 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC191B-2 |
CEstrela@cotr.bc.ca |
Farish, Maureen |
University of Victoria Teacher Education |
3342 |
Cranbrook |
UVIC EKTEP Instructor |
KC185A |
MFarish@cotr.bc.ca |
Farrero, Cisco |
Student Life and Athletics |
3319 |
Cranbrook |
Head Coach - Men's Volleyball |
KC180B |
CFarrero@cotr.bc.ca |
Flannigan, Amber |
Student and Enrolment Services |
3401 |
Cranbrook |
Admissions Coordinator |
KC218 |
AFlannigan@cotr.bc.ca |
Flint, Tisha |
Finance Services |
3425 |
Cranbrook |
Accounts Receivable Clerk |
S216 |
TFlint@cotr.bc.ca |
Fontaine, Natasha |
Practical Nursing |
3515/3346 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty/Coordinator |
KC202D/229H |
NFontaine@cotr.bc.ca |
Fraser, Bryan |
Student Life and Athletics |
3328 |
Cranbrook |
Avalanche Women's Coach |
KC180B |
BFraser2@cotr.bc.ca |
Fox, Heidi |
Bachelor of Science in Nursing |
3375 |
Cranbrook |
Auxiliary Instructor - BSN program |
KC191B1 |
HFox2@cotr.bc.ca |
Fiorentino, Stephanie |
Finance Services |
3425 |
Cranbrook |
Accounts Receivable/ Reconciliation Clerk |
S216 |
SFiorentino@cotr.bc.ca |
Foisy, Courtney |
Certified Dental Assistant |
3474 |
Cranbrook |
Dental Program Lab Assistant |
KC203A |
CFoisy@cotr.bc.ca |
Dwyer, Leya |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
3242 |
Cranbrook |
Administrative Assistant |
GC101 |
LDwyer@cotr.bc.ca |
Eskelin, Jodi |
Child Youth and Family Studies |
3370 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
N/A |
JEskelin2@cotr.bc.ca |
Francis, Robert |
Trades |
N/A |
Cranbrook |
Tool crib assistant |
N/A |
RFrancis2@cotr.bc.ca |
East, Emily |
Health and Human Services |
N/A |
Cranbrook |
Instructor |
N/A |
EEast@cotr.bc.ca |
Fitzsimons-Quail, Alice |
Invermere Campus |
7102 |
Invermere |
Term Administrative Assistant |
I-104 |
AFitzsimonsQuail@cotr.bc.ca |
Dean, Cherrie |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
4103 |
Creston |
Instructor |
C103 |
CDean@cotr.bc.ca |
Dearden, Diana |
Upgrading for Academic and Career Entry |
3519 |
Cranbrook |
Instructor UACE and ELP |
KC150G |
DDearden@cotr.bc.ca |
Demaine, Sharon |
Office Administration |
3361 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC236B |
sdemaine@cotr.bc.ca |
Dick, David |
Math and Science |
3417 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC255b |
DDick@cotr.bc.ca |
Diotte, Kristyann |
Student and Enrolment Services |
3624 |
Cranbrook |
Peer Mentor Coordinator/Student Navigator |
KC232 |
KDiotte2@cotr.bc.ca |
Dirk, Marcel |
Arts, Humanities, and Social Science |
3320 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC150E |
Dirk@cotr.bc.ca |
Dixon, Marian |
Human Resources and Payroll |
3238 |
Cranbrook |
Manager Payroll and Benefits |
KC243D |
MDIXON@cotr.bc.ca |
Dolson, Laurel |
Student and Enrolment Services |
3528 |
Cranbrook |
Mail/Supply Administrative Support Assistant |
KC230 |
LDolson@cotr.bc.ca |
Drexler, Karen |
Child Youth and Family Studies |
3370 |
Cranbrook |
ECE Auxiliary Instructor |
N/A |
KDrexler@cotr.bc.ca |
Dueck, Nathan |
Arts, Humanities, and Social Science |
3386 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC150J |
NDueck@cotr.bc.ca |
Dux, Darryl |
Communications and Marketing |
3343 |
Cranbrook |
Communications Coordinator |
S119 |
DDUX@cotr.bc.ca |
DeBruyne, Yvonne |
Arts, Humanities, and Social Science |
N/A |
Cranbrook |
Auxiliary Instructor - University Studies |
N/A |
YDeBruyne@cotr.bc.ca |
Dutton, Iain |
Trades |
3331 |
Cranbrook |
Term Heavy Duty Mechanics instructor |
P107 |
IDutton2@cotr.bc.ca |
Durning, Steve |
Facilities |
3443 |
Cranbrook |
Auxiliary Facilities Attendant |
KC227 |
SDurning@cotr.bc.ca |
Doyle, Tracy |
Finance Services |
3262 |
Cranbrook |
Auxiliary |
KC227C |
TDoyle@cotr.bc.ca |
Dwyer, Javan |
Bookstore |
3265 |
Cranbrook |
Auxiliary |
Bookstore |
JDwyer@cotr.bc.ca |
Dunlap, Erin |
Student and Enrolment Services |
3502 |
Cranbrook |
Co-op and Employment Services Coordinator |
KC230R |
EDunlap2@cotr.bc.ca |
Driscoll, Lacey |
Upgrading for Academic and Career Entry |
5106 |
Fernie |
Auxiliary Instructor |
F112 |
LDriscoll@cotr.bc.ca |
Dubey, Ankita |
Student Life and Athletics |
3681 |
Cranbrook |
Student Housing Operations Specialist |
Purcell House Office |
ADubey@cotr.bc.ca |
Dueck, Sharon |
Student and Enrolment Services |
N/A |
Cranbrook |
Counselling and Wellness |
N/A |
SDueck2@cotr.bc.ca |
Clarke, Santosh |
University of Victoria Teacher Education |
3228 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC180B |
SClarke@cotr.bc.ca |
Colombo, Jason |
Student and Enrolment Services |
3236 |
Cranbrook |
Registrar and Director of Institutional Research |
KC230N |
JCOLOMBO@cotr.bc.ca |
Cooper, Jennifer |
Child Youth and Family Studies |
3372 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC261A |
JCooper@cotr.bc.ca |
Cooper3, Jennifer |
Human Resources and Payroll |
3485 |
Cranbrook |
Payroll and Bennefits Technician |
KC243 |
JCooper3@cotr.bc.ca |
Cummings, Rebecca |
Student and Enrolment Services |
3243 |
Cranbrook |
Student Services Representative |
KC230 |
rcummings2@cotr.bc.ca |
Curnow, Tim |
Trades - Professional Cook Program |
3368 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC211E |
Curnow@cotr.bc.ca |
Czar, Rick |
Trades - Industrial Mechanic |
3271 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
Patterson Hall |
RCzar@cotr.bc.ca |
Davidson, Brittany |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
3584 |
Cranbrook |
Coordinator CBT School Works/Summer Works Program |
Gold Creek 125 |
BDavidson@cotr.bc.ca |
Davis, Geoff |
Trades |
3370 |
Cranbrook |
Auxiliary Shop Assistant |
N/A |
GDavis@cotr.bc.ca |
de Hoog, Kaitlin |
Creston Campus |
N/A |
Creston |
Activity Assistant Instructor |
N/A |
KdeHoog@cotr.bc.ca |
Cowper, Cassandra |
Practical Nursing |
3370 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC246B |
CCowper@cotr.bc.ca |
Daprocida, Jake |
Mine Apprenticeship |
3415 |
Cranbrook |
Mining Apprentice |
N/A |
JDaprocida2@cotr.bc.ca |
Cote-Valiquette, Gabriel |
Fernie Campus |
N/A |
Fernie |
Auxiliary MAST Instructor |
N/A |
GCoteValiquette@cotr.bc.ca |
Davies, Mary |
Human Resources and Payroll |
3283 |
Cranbrook |
Human Resources Advisor |
KC243F |
MDavies@cotr.bc.ca |
Collinson, Allen |
Fire Training |
3216 |
Kimberley |
Fire Services Instructor |
K14A |
ACollinson@cotr.bc.ca |
Davis, Heather |
Golden Campus |
N/A |
Golden |
Auxiliary MAST Instructor |
G115 |
HDavis4@cotr.bc.ca |
Cowper, Abbey |
Learning Commons |
3294 |
Cranbrook |
Auxiliary Library Circulation/Admin Support Clerk |
KC120 |
ACowper@cotr.bc.ca |
Collinson, Wyatt |
Mine Apprenticeship |
N/A |
Cranbrook |
N/A |
WCollinson2@cotr.bc.ca |
Day, Julie |
Golden Campus |
6105 |
Golden |
Auxiliary Administrative Assistant |
G101 |
JDay@cotr.bc.ca |
Brown, Joy |
Trades; Upgrading for Academic and Career Entry |
3330 |
Cranbrook |
Department Head |
KC246B2 |
JBrown3@cotr.bc.ca |
Bruder, Anja |
English Language Program |
NA |
Cranbrook |
Auxillary Faculty |
Remote |
ABruder@cotr.bc.ca |
Buliziuk, Holly |
Fernie Campus |
5115 |
Creston |
Program Administrator |
Remote |
HBuliziuk@cotr.bc.ca |
Burles, Katie |
Math and Science |
3316 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty/Coordinator |
KC263B |
KBurles@cotr.bc.ca |
Butalid, Rezin |
Business Management |
3444 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC140H |
RButalid@cotr.bc.ca |
Caillier-Smith, Leanne |
Upgrading for Academic and Career Entry |
5106 |
Fernie |
Faculty/UACE Coordinator |
F112A |
LSMITH@cotr.bc.ca |
Chen, Demin |
Student and Enrolment Services |
3413 |
Cranbrook |
Institutional Research Analyst/Scheduling Coordinator |
KC230F |
DChen@cotr.bc.ca |
Chris, Amy |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
4112 |
Creston |
Coordinator First Aid Training Centre |
C110 |
AChris@cotr.bc.ca |
Bryden, Kevin |
Information Technology Services |
3544 |
Cranbrook |
Helpdesk / Deskside Support Technician |
KC109 |
KBryden@cotr.bc.ca |
Bullock, Marie |
Academic Department |
N/A |
Cranbrook |
Steam Camp Coordinator |
KC104A |
MBullock2@cotr.bc.ca |
Bush, Carolyn |
Business Management |
NA |
Cranbrook |
Auxiliary Instructor - Business Management |
KC191A-3 |
CBush2@cotr.bc.ca |
Brunt, Candace |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
5102 |
Fernie |
Summit Leadership CE Skills Instructor |
F101 |
CBrunt@cotr.bc.ca |
Cairns, Wynne |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
5102 |
Fernie |
Summit Leadership CE Skills Instructor |
F101 |
WCairns@cotr.bc.ca |
Castle, Shane |
University Studies |
N/A |
Cranbrook |
Auxiliary Instructor |
N/A |
SCastle@cotr.bc.ca |
Buurman, Ian |
Trades |
N/A |
Cranbrook |
Auxiliary Welder instructor |
N/A |
IBuurman@cotr.bc.ca |
Bruns, Brenda |
Upgrading for Academic and Career Entry |
N/A |
Creston |
Aux UACE Instructor |
112 |
BBruns@cotr.bc.ca |
Chapman, Marla |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
3644 |
Cranbrook |
Auxiliary Administrative Assistant |
RM 104 |
MChapman@cotr.bc.ca |
Brown, Kyle |
IT Services |
3599 |
Cranbrook |
Manager |
KC109 |
KBrown@cotr.bc.ca |
Chou, Phoebe |
Student Life and Athletics |
3411 |
Cranbrook |
Student Housing Assistant |
Student Housing Office |
PChou@cotr.bc.ca |
Blake, Oliver |
Kinesiology |
3338 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC207C |
OBlake@cotr.bc.ca |
Boehmer, Kevin |
Business Management |
3398 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC140F |
KBoehmer@cotr.bc.ca |
Bouliane, Nicole |
Financial Services |
3427 |
Cranbrook |
Administrative Assistant |
S217 |
NBouliane@cotr.bc.ca |
Bouzaara, Kathleen |
Department Heads |
3370 |
Cranbrook |
Administrative Assistant |
KC246B |
KBouzaara@cotr.bc.ca |
Bradish, Leah |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
3286 |
Cranbrook |
Dean |
S121 |
lbradish@cotr.bc.ca |
Brewer, Karen |
Bookstore |
3484 |
Cranbrook |
GM Buyer |
KC102 |
KBrewer@cotr.bc.ca |
Brinders, Christy |
Health and Human Services |
3370 |
Cranbrook |
Dental Program Auxiliary Instructor |
N/A |
CBrinders@cotr.bc.ca |
Brinkert, Kerry |
International Department |
3631 |
Cranbrook |
Manager, International Projects and Partnerships |
KC229E |
KBrinkert@cotr.bc.ca |
Brons, Kristy |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
3359 |
Cranbrook |
Regional Programmer |
S120 |
KBrons@cotr.bc.ca |
Bonham, Steve |
Information Technology Services |
3526 |
Cranbrook |
Systems Architect, Mobile and Telephone Systems |
KC109 |
BONHAM@cotr.bc.ca |
Borgen, Kennedy |
Mine Apprenticeship |
3415 |
Cranbrook |
Mining Apprentice |
N/A |
KBorgen2@cotr.bc.ca |
Bozanich, Emily |
Arts, Humanities, and Social Science |
3370 |
Cranbrook |
Auxiliary Instructor |
N/A |
EBozanich@cotr.bc.ca |
Bhandari, Sneha |
Math and Science |
3306 |
Cranbrook |
Chemistry Lab Technician |
KC252 |
SBhandari2@cotr.bc.ca |
Bhandari, Sachin |
International Department |
3517 |
Cranbrook |
International Enrolment Services Coordinator |
KC 229D |
SBhandari3@cotr.bc.ca |
Bray, Joan |
Practical Nursing |
3688 |
Cranbrook |
Instructor - BSN Program |
KC 191B |
JBray@cotr.bc.ca |
Bond, Julie |
English Language Program |
4102 |
Cranbrook |
Auxiliary Instructor |
N/A |
JBond@cotr.bc.ca |
Bernard, Dawson |
University Studies |
3299 |
Cranbrook |
Auxillary University Studies Instructor |
KC249-5 |
DBernard@cotr.bc.ca |
Boettger, Amanda |
Student and Enrolment Services |
3266 |
Cranbrook |
Call Centre Rooms Booking Coordinator |
KC218 |
ABoettger2@cotr.bc.ca |
Bhattacharya, Ranjan |
Trades |
3224 |
Cranbrook |
Dean, Trades and Technology |
245B3 |
RBhattacharya@cotr.bc.ca |
Bhatt, Jay |
Student and Enrolment Services |
3234 |
Cranbrook |
Enrolment Services Officer - Student Records and Graduation |
LC218 |
JBhatt@cotr.bc.ca |
Aarts, Annette |
English Language Program |
N/A |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC263A |
AAarts@cotr.bc.ca |
Bailie, Pamela |
Student and Enrolment Services |
3220 |
Cranbrook |
Education Advisor, International Students |
KC230D |
PBailie@cotr.bc.ca |
Anstey, Lauren |
Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Learning |
3289 |
Cranbrook |
Teaching and Learning Specialist |
KC120 |
LAnstey@cotr.bc.ca |
Agnew, Anna |
Continuing Education and Contract Training |
5104 |
Fernie |
Small Water Operations CE Instructor |
103 |
AAgnew@cotr.bc.ca |
Ames, Cade |
Mine Apprenticeship |
N/A |
Cranbrook |
N/A |
CAmes@cotr.bc.ca |
Anoliefo, Chizoba |
Trades - Technology |
3505 |
Cranbrook |
Instructor |
KC142 |
CAnoliefo@cotr.bc.ca |
Aaslandhall, Erin |
Business Management, University Studies |
3355 |
Cranbrook |
Department Head |
KC246B1 |
Aaslandhall@cotr.bc.ca |
Adams, Michele |
Learning Commons |
3294 |
Cranbrook |
Circulation Clerk |
KC120 |
MAdams@cotr.bc.ca |
Andrichuk, Cori |
Student Life and Athletics |
3247 |
Cranbrook |
Director Student Engagement |
KC248 |
CAndrichuk@cotr.bc.ca |
Andruschuk, Katie |
Student and Enrolment Services |
7113 |
Invermere |
Education Advisor |
I-108 |
KAndruschuk@cotr.bc.ca |
Balfour, Shelley |
University of Victoria Teacher Education |
3228 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC180B |
SBalfour@cotr.bc.ca |
Bartraw, Debbie |
Certified Dental Assistant |
3465 |
Cranbrook |
Faculty |
KC202I |
DBartraw@cotr.bc.ca |
Beaton, Danny |
Trades - Carpentry |
3500 |
Cranbrook |
Shop Assistant / Tool Crib Attendant |
KC221B |
DBeaton@cotr.bc.ca |
Beck, Susan |
Risk Management |
3218 |
Cranbrook |
Manager, Contract & Insurance Services |
S217A |
SBeck@cotr.bc.ca |
Anderson, Donovan |
Mine Apprenticeship |
3415 |
Cranbrook |
Mining Apprentice |
N/A |
DAnderson8@cotr.bc.ca |
Baig, Imran |
Business Management |
N/A |
Cranbrook |
Auxiliary Instructor |
N/A |
IBaig@cotr.bc.ca |
Bailey, Colleen |
Communications and Marketing |
N/A |
Cranbrook |
Lead Graphic Designer |
S119 |
CBailey@cotr.bc.ca |
Belanger, Darren |
Trades - Welding |
3562 |
Cranbrook |
Auxiliary Shop Assistant |
KC222 |
DBelanger@cotr.bc.ca |
Adams, Lucy |
Student and Enrolment Services |
3261 |
Cranbrook |
STEPS Forward Inclusion Facilitator |
KC230P |
LAdams2@cotr.bc.ca |
Bathory, Tracy |
Health and Human Services |
3507 |
Cranbrook |
Instructor |
KC261B-3 |
TBathory@cotr.bc.ca |