Name Department Campus
Heyde, Ben University Studies Cranbrook
Heykamp-Smith, Reid Trades Cranbrook
Hicks, Jamie Fernie Campus Fernie
Hicks, Robin Academic and Applied Research Cranbrook
Hill, Jackie Student and Enrolment Services Cranbrook
Hill, Sandi Health and Human Services Cranbrook
Hirn, Stephanie Donor and Alumni Cranbrook
Hockley, Michael Fire Training Kimberley
Hoechsmann, Andrea Health Cranbrook
Hoerz, Daniel Golden Campus Golden
Hofmeister, Marty Learning Resource Centre Cranbrook
Holden, Brenda Continuing Education Invermere
Holloway, Cathy Human Resources and Payroll Cranbrook
Holomego, Kelsey Financial Services Cranbrook
Hom, Angelica Facilities Cranbrook
Hougen, Renae International and Regional Development Cranbrook
Howard, Deirdre Continuing Education and Contract Training Creston
Hulbert, Avery University Studies Cranbrook
Hunter, Barb Continuing Education and Contract Training Creston
Husar, Stephen Upgrading for Academic and Career Entry Creston