Building Capacity for Positive Women’s and Children’s Health Outcomes in Kenya

Between 2012 and 2017, College of the Rockies partnered with Kenya’s Dedan Kimathi University of Technology to implement MAISHA – the Maternal Access and Infant Survival for Health Advancement project in rural Kenya. MAISHA, which is the Swahili word for “life”, contributed to reducing maternal and infant mortality rates in Migori and Nyeri Counties by reinforcing the health care system at the community level. MAISHA’s approach was in contrast to development projects that focus on the overall system or on the construction of facilities, infrastructure improvements or the acquisition of high-tech, expensive and possibly not relevant equipment. Rather, MAISHA focused on enhancing human capacity, building knowledge, and changing behaviours. MAISHA was a success, exceeding its targets for births attended to by skilled health personnel.

Read the entire final report and executive summary: Maternal Access and Infant Survival for Health Advancement