A pathway to success

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“Some of my best memories come from my time as a student at College of the Rockies.”

Looking to complete her diploma, Stephanie Mervyn found many reasons to choose College of the Rockies’ Human Kinetics program (now Kinesiology). In the end, her educational experience was even more than she had hoped for.

“The program was close to home, was transferable to university, and I wasn’t ready to move to a big city or university yet,” she said. “When I arrived at the College, I found a tight knit human kinetics community and incredible instructors like Sandi Lavery and Steve Kamps.”

Not only did Stephanie feel she received the knowledge she needed, but she relished the experiences the program also offers.

“The College’s program completely prepared me in terms of a solid understanding of how the body moves and works,” she said. “It helped me expand my love of fitness and health by providing me with a solid educational background and many hands-on opportunities. Teaching adults with special needs was among my favourite experiences. I was also able to get my CSEP certification within the program and continue my personal training career in Cranbrook at one of the gyms.”

With her diploma in hand, Stephanie went on to earn a Bachelor of Kinesiology degree as well as both Bachelor and Master of Education degrees. Her master’s thesis explored the transitions of motherhood, with a specific focus on teachers. In her study of how mothers transition in and out of their teaching career due to pregnancy and parental responsibilities, she found that a number of supports are lacking.

“I am currently a full-time high school teacher – instructing physical and health education,” she said. “I was a member of the BC curriculum writing team for physical and health education, so I was able to help write the BC PHE curriculum. I also teach a Physical and Health Education course with the UBC West Kootenay Teacher Education Program (WKTEP) as an adjunct professor.”

She credits her time at the College for preparing her for her advanced studies.

“The College is a wonderful place, both academically and socially,” she said. “Smaller class sizes and the opportunity to get to know your instructors make a huge difference, especially as a young adult from a small town. The College prepared me to transfer to UBC – I arrived there with high grades and an academic background that provided me with the confidence I needed to succeed.”

Though she grew up in the West Kootenay, Stephanie thoroughly enjoyed her time in the East Kootenay – and especially the College.

“College of the Rockies is a great place and Cranbrook is a nice community with lots of local hiking and activities,” she said. “I would highly recommend the College. I think it is a bit of a hidden gem in the Kootenays.”

Learn more about College of the Rockies’ Kinesiology program.