Having a hard time choosing a post-secondary school? Perhaps you really like the thought of attending a small school that will provide the supports you need to be successful, but you also want to earn a university degree. Good news! This is one time you can have your cake and eat it too (and what’s the point of cake if you can’t eat it?).
College of the Rockies’ dual admission agreements with the University of Victoria and the University of Lethbridge give you the best of both post-secondary worlds. When accepted as a dual admission student, you’ll be considered a student at College of the Rockies and a student at either UVIC or ULeth at the same time.
Start your degree on the right foot by completing your first two years at the College, enjoying the lower tuition (you could save thousands), small class sizes, and personalized attention you can only get at a small school. Fun fact: we’re pretty sure the small school advantage led to College of the Rockies students doing better academically after transferring to university than most of their peers!
Once you’ve completed your time at the College, you’ll move directly into your spot at either UVIC or ULeth. Not only are you well-prepared to complete the remainder of your degree, but you also have access to perks like co-op program opportunities, financial awards and scholarships for both institutions, early course registration when you transfer to university, coordinated academic advising, and more (specific benefits depend on which university you choose).
As a dual admission student, our Education Advisors are available to help you choose the courses you need to seamlessly move from the College to the university of your choice. Online appointments are available all summer long.
Justin Miller was a dual admission student who went on to take the University of Lethbridge by storm, not only earning a degree but also winning a research award. With a long-term goal to become a surgeon, he has a very bright future ahead of him.
When asked about his time at the College, Justin said, “I cannot say enough about the incredible professors at the College, especially in the biology, chemistry, and math department.” He also added that, “small class sizes make all the difference in your early educational career.”
So, if your goal is to earn an undergraduate degree, and you want a path that will increase your chances of success, consider applying to become a dual admission student. Now, about that cake….