Staging a Symphony

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Image shows seven individuals sitting or standing near a wood platform, with carpentry tools around them.

Did you happen to catch Symphony on the Mountain in Kimberley on Saturday, July 4?  This amazing event features some of the best of what makes the Kootenays the Kootenays – the outstanding Symphony of the Kootenays playing against a backdrop of the breathtaking Rocky Mountains.

The event, which took place at the top of Northstar Mountain was accessible via the quad chairlift and, by all accounts, was an evening to remember.

What attendees may not have been aware of is that the stage used by the Symphony was constructed by our very own Carpentry students.  Above you’ll see a photo of most of them, along with instructor Mark Knusgaard on a section of stage in construction.  We are proud to have our program support such a great event as the Symphony on the Rockies.  You can also see the work of Carpentry and Timber Frame students at Fort Steele (water wheel), the Marysville Falls (bridge) and other locations throughout the Kootenays.