
CIST-204 - Windows Interactive Application Programming

Minimum Credits: 3 Length: 60 hours Prerequisites: CIST 109 Delivery Method: Blended Cost: $681.87 Course Outline: https://sps.cotr.bc.ca/Outlines/Course%20Outlines/CIST204.pdf

In this hands-on course students will build upon their previous generic programming courses to build graphical user interfaces and design Windows application software. The Windows platform is the predominant OS (Operating System) and it has a complex ecosystem for developing advanced GUI (Graphical User Interface)-based applications. Students will program with C# using .NET framework, XAML (eXtensible Application Markup Language), and Windows Forms to build industry standard GUIrich applications with interesting and sophisticated backends. It is important that students use modern programming constructs and well-known patterns such as classes and objects, interfaces, observers, abstract factories in their projects in this course.