ENGL-060 - English Fundamental Level 6

Length: 30 hours Prerequisites: Students must have successfully completed ENGL 050 or College of the Rockies assessment. Delivery Method: Directed Studies, On-campus Cost: $27.31 Course Outline: https://outlines.cotr.bc.ca/pdf/courses/Course-outline-ENGL-060-Fall-2022.pdf

ENGL 060 is a course designed to enable students to function more effectively in educational, work and personal situations. Skill areas are integrated and include reading, writing, strategies for communication and learning, as well as critical thinking. An integrated approach also assists learners to acquire a better understanding of themselves, their communities and their participation in Canadian society by using real-life materials, activities and experiences in their studies, which students then can apply in their daily lives. Desired results include improved self-confidence, self-reliance and self-evaluation.