ENGL-101 - Introduction to Poetry and Drama

Minimum Credits: 3 Length: 45 hours Prerequisites: Minimum 65% in either English 12, English Studies 12, English First Peoples 12, ENGL 090, or equivalent. Note: ENGL 100 is recommended for students who need to focus on composition skills. Delivery Method: On-campus Cost: $365.28 Course Outline: https://outlines.cotr.bc.ca/pdf/courses/Course-outline-ENGL-101-Fall-2022.pdf

An introduction to the critical reading of literature through the study and analysis of poetry and drama across historical periods from Shakespeare to twenty-first century poets and dramatists. While this course will teach students how to perform college-level literary analysis of canonical texts, it will also teach them how to question and evaluate the cultural narratives that literature circulates. As such, the class will explore questions of gender, class, race, nationhood/nation building, and the problematic literary canon in order to develop strategies for negotiating complex literary texts and to become better, more nuanced readers.