FIRE-215 - Incident Safety Officer

Minimum Credits: 2 Length: 32 hours Prerequisites: NFPA 1001 – Fire Fighter 1 & 2 and NFPA 1021 – Fire Officer 1 Delivery Method: On-campus Course Outline:

This course complies with the standards set by Chapter 5 of NFPA 1521 (2020): Standard for Fire Department Safety Officer Professional Qualifications. To provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to perform the duties of the Incident Safety Officer (ISO) during incident operations and training evolutions. This course is designed for fire and rescue services responders who may be designated by the  Incident Commander (IC) as an ISO while working within an Incident Command System (ICS). These  assignments may occur during structure firefighting, wildland firefighting, technical rescues, hazardous materials responses, and training evolutions.