HOSP-145 - Employability Skills for Co-op Work Experience

Minimum Credits: 3 Length: 45 hours Prerequisites: A minimum of C- (55%) in HOSP 110, RECR 102, TOUR 111; and, a minimum of C- (55%) in either ENGL 100 or COMC 101 or COMC 110. HOSP 115 is a required course, either taken prior or concurrently. Delivery Method: On-campus Cost: $365.28 Course Outline: https://outlines.cotr.bc.ca/pdf/courses/Course-outline-HOSP-145-Fall-2022.pdf

This course is intended to prepare Hospitality Management students for the Canadian workplace as well as co-op work experience as part of a registered co-op course. The course focuses on assessing a student’s strengths and areas for improvement, developing of a personal brand, identifying and improving of employability skills, strengthening communication skills, and managing work expectations. Students will familiarize themselves with co-op work experience activities including learning to set goals and objectives, writing work reports and receiving employer evaluations.