
MGMT-480 - Sustainable Business Project Implementation

Minimum Credits: 3 Length: 90 hours Prerequisites: MGMT 470 Delivery Method: Blended Cost: $802.44 Course Outline: https://sps.cotr.bc.ca/Outlines/Course Outlines/MGMT480.pdf

In this course, students are provided with a supported opportunity to implement the project proposal developed in MGMT 470. Beginning with an instructor-approved comprehensive plan for a project related to some aspect of sustainable business, students comply with research ethics protocol and work within a regular job environment or an arranged practicum situation. Each student maintains a log or diary of field work and collects, analyzes, and discusses data. The project method and implementation varies based on the student’s work-based situation and the nature of the chosen project. The course includes regular scheduled meetings with the instructor and input from the work environment supervisor and co-workers.