NURS-110 - Health and Healing 1: Introduction to the Context of Health and Health Promotion

Minimum Credits: 6 Length: 42 hours Prerequisites: Completed or concurrently enrolled in: NURS111, NURS113, BIOL181, ENGL100, and BIOL181 Delivery Method: On-campus Course Outline:

Students are introduced to health promotion and explore how health is conceptualized. Students examine their own personal beliefs relating to health and examine emerging impacts on health, such as climate change. Students examine the health of diverse Canadians using a variety of health information sources in order to understand the individual and macro level conditions that impact health. Students examine the Canadian health care system, its effect on health status, and factors that contribute to health inequity, including gender, sexual orientation. There is attention to the exigencies that impact Indigenous health, and an introduction to the Social Determinants of Health. Students are introduced to the concept of primary health care and explore the contributions of professional nursing to the health of individuals, families, and communities across the lifespan.