
OFAD-260 - Word Processing 3

Minimum Credits: 3 Length: 120 hours Prerequisites: OFAD 155 or a current typing speed of 25 gwam, OFAD 158, OFAD 160, OFAD 165 Delivery Method: Online Cost: $365.28 Course Outline: https://sps.cotr.bc.ca/Outlines/Course Outlines/OFAD260.pdf

Word Processing 3 advances a student’s ability to access and manage knowledge and to communicate effectively in a business environment. Students are introduced to design features to enhance report formats with elements that add structure, provide a consistent image, and increase readability of business documents. Students improve productivity and creativity by applying advanced MS Word software features including mail merge. The speed objective is 55 gwam with 5 or fewer errors on a minimum of three 5-minute timings.