STAT-206 - Calculus Based Statistics

Minimum Credits: 3 Length: 45 hours Prerequisites: MATH 104 or MATH 114 may be taken concurrently Delivery Method: On-campus Cost: $365.28 Course Outline:

This course is intended for students who are pursuing Engineering or a Bachelor of Science degree. Topics include probability theory, random variables, expected values, variance, moments, probability distributions (binomial, hypergeometric, Poisson, normal, geometric, negative binomial and gamma), estimation (properties of estimators, method of maximum likelihood and method of moments), hypothesis testing (type I and II errors, and generalized likelihood ratio tests), distributions (χ2,t and F) and their tests, goodness of fit and contingency tables, regression and ANOVA.

Statistics are used to analyze data throughout the sciences, including Biology, Chemistry, Commerce, Computer Science, Engineering, Geology, Mathematics, Medicine and Physics.