
TOUR-237 - Sustainable Tourism

Minimum Credits: 3 Length: 45 hours Prerequisites: A minimum grade of C- (55%) in ENGL 100 or COMC 101; and in TOUR 111 Delivery Method: On-campus, Online Cost: $365.28 Course Outline: https://sps.cotr.bc.ca/Outlines/Course Outlines/TOUR237.pdf

This course examines the relationship between tourism and the economy, the environment and society. It introduces the concept of environmental stewardship and sustainable tourism, best practices in these areas, and management strategies to maximize benefits and minimize impacts to ecosystems, communities and visitors. Students will identify and analyze tourism impacts (both positive and negative) and explore how tourism relates to stewardship, sustainability approaches, planning, and various strategies to maximize the benefits and minimize the impacts to ecosystems, communities and visitors.