The Bursaries and Awards application for current College of the Rockies domestic students will open on September 1, 2024.
Adele Thompson Memorial Bursary
Kinesiology or University Studies students
Award: $650 tuition
Eligibility: Awarded to a female student enrolled full-time with plans to continue in the Kinesiology program or a University Studies program at College of the Rockies with an interest in women’s health.
Selection: Financial need and academic achievement. The student demonstrates or shows a commitment to a healthy lifestyle.
AECBC Bursary (UACE Students)
UACE – Adult Upgrading Program
Applications are currently closed.
Award: $500 tuition
Eligibility: Awarded to a current Upgrading for Academic and Career Entry (UACE) student entering into a full time program at College of the Rockies in the fall.
Selection: Financial need and academic achievement.
Agnes McCoy Memorial Bursary
Indigenous Students
Award: $500.00
Eligibility and Selection:
Awarded to a College of the Rockies student of Indigenous Ancestry who has shown dedication and perseverance to overcome obstacles during their studies. The candidate will have demonstrated dedication to the preservation of their culture and values. Preference will be given to Ktunaxanin̓tik, and/or to those who:
- Have demonstrated preservation of the Ktunaxa Language and Culture.
- Are single parents advancing their education, and/or have overcome obstacles during their studies.
- Focus of studies is in the Social Work, personal wellness or helping field.
The bursary will be granted on the basis of financial need in addition to one or more of the eligibility criteria. The purposed of the bursary is to honour the work of Agnes McCoy who dedicated much time and effort to support Indigenous students and to assist Indigenous people to pursue post-secondary education, primarily in the Social Work field.
BC Hydro Scholarship
Full-time Programs
Amount: $500 tuition award
Eligibility: Awarded to a student enrolled in any full-time program, who has completed the first year of the program in good academic standing (preferably 75%) and will continue their studies at the College of the Rockies in the fall.
Selection: The student will have a balanced lifestyle (e.g., fitness, community involvement and other interests), is knowledgeable and committed to the protection of the environment and efficient and safe use of electricity.
BDO Canada LLP Scholarship
Business Administration
Amount: $1000 tuition award
Eligibility: Awarded to a full time student who has completed two years at College of the Rockies in the Business Administration – Accounting Major program and is continuing into the third year of the Bachelor of Business Administration program at College of the Rockies in Cranbrook.
Selection: Academic achievement.
Brian Pagnucco Computer Technology Memorial Award
Business Management or University Studies
Amount: $300
Eligibility: Awarded to a full-time student enrolled in the Business Mangement or another post-secondary institution in a computer related program and excelled, particularly in their computer classes.
Selection: Academic achievement and recommendation by an instructor. Preference will go to a student with high marks in their computer classes.
Business and Professional Women’s Club Scholarship
Business Management or University Studies
Amount: $350 tuition award
Eligibility: Awarded to a full-time female student in the University Studies or Business Administration program who has excelled in their studies and plans to continue in post secondary studies to obtain a degree.
Selection: Based upon academic achievement.
Canadian Federation of University Women – Cranbrook Scholarship
Amount: $1,000 tuition award
Eligibility: Awarded to a female student who graduated from secondary school in the College region and who has completed at least one academic year at College of the Rockies.
Selection: Award presented to a female continuing her education full-time at the College of the Rockies based on academic achievement.
Canadian Federation of University Women – Cranbrook Bursary
Amount: $1,000 tuition award
Eligibility: This award is presented to a returning female student who is enrolled in full-time studies at the College of the Rockies.
Selection: Based on the a combination of demonstrated financial need and academic achievement.
Canfor Early Childhood Education Awards
Canfor is offering 12 awards for $2000 each.
Eligibility and How to Apply: Applications are now closed.
Chevron Canada Resources / Molnar Scholarship
Engineering or Sciences
Award: $1,000 tuition
Eligibility: This Scholarship is awarded to a student enrolled full-time in Engineering or University Studies Sciences program who demonstrates financial need and a strong work ethic. They must be. The recipient must also be continuing their education at College of the Rockies or leaving to complete their degree in Engineering or Sciences. Academics will also be considered and preference may be given to a student who is a single parent or is changing careers
Selection: Academic achievement and financial need.
Cindy Oliver ABE Bursary
Supported by the Federation of Post-Secondary Educators of BC
Amount: $500 tuition award
Eligibility: Awarded to a returning student currently enrolled and continuing in part or full-time ABE studies at the College of the Rockies.
Selection: The bursary will be awarded based on a combination of demonstrated financial need and demonstrated commitment to studies not necessarily reflected in a student’s grades. A letter of recommendation or notice of assessment must be submitted by a Faculty Association member. Preference will be given, though not limited, to a female student studying part-time.
CITO/ITA Construction Trades Award
Carpentry or Electrician Foundation Program
Amount: $500 tuition award
Eligibility & Selection: These scholarships are for current full students enrolled in any Foundation Carpentry or Electrical Trades program who demonstrates financial need.
C.N. Parkin Memorial Bursary
Any program
Amount: $250 tuition award
Eligibility: Awarded to a student who is entering the first year of a baccalaureate degree program at College of the Rockies, or continuing into the second year of the program at College of the Rockies or a Canadian University.
Selection: The student must be the child of a CP Rail employee. Include in the additional information section of your application: the name of the CP Rail Employee; your relation to a CP Rail Employee; their years of service with CP Rail; location of service with CP Rail. The student must demonstrate financial need and show potential for success by traits such as perseverance, self motivation or personal achievement.
Coca-Cola Bottling Company Scholarship
Any program
Amount: $500 tuition award
Eligibility: Available to students who have attended any full time program during the current college year, and have successfully completed the first year of their Academic and Career/Technical program or at least six months of Vocational and ABE training. Students must be planning to continue their program in September.
Selection: Academic achievement at the College, and contribution to College and community life.
College of the Rockies CUPE Local 2773 Scholarship
Any program
Amount: $500 Tuition Award
Eligibility: These award is available to a child, grandchild of a CUPE Local 2773 member or a CUPE Local 2773 member currently enrolled and continuing in any full-time College of the Rockies program.
Selection: Preference will be given to the children of CUPE Local 2773 applicants.
College of the Rockies Faculty Association Bursaries
Any program
Amount: Two tuition awards @ $750 each are administered in April of each year and applied towards tuition in either the Summer or Fall semester.
Eligibility: Student must have attended classes at the College for at least one semester (on a full-time basis) and plan to attend classes at the College in the following semester. Students from ALL program areas are eligible to apply.
Selection: Demonstrated financial need and scholastic achievement (B Average). A letter of recommendation from one program instructor must accompany application. Submit your letter of recommendation to Financial Aid.
College of the Rockies Faculty Association Family Award – Essay Required
Entrance or Continuing Student Award
Amount: $500
Eligibility: 1.Be the child, step-child, grandchild or step grandchild of a CORFA member (No age cap) Note: A Step child is defined as the biological or adopted child of a Spouse (Spouse in BC is defined as a marriage or 2 year common law arrangement). 2. Be entering or continuing in a fulltime College of the Rockies program that is taught by a CORFA member (ie. Not a Continuing Education or Contract Training program).
Selection: Student must submit a short essay to the financial aid and awards office stating how this award will benefit them in their future goals.
College of the Rockies Faculty Association Scholarships
Any program
Amount: Two tuition awards @ $1,500 each
Eligibility: These awards are available to students who have attended any full time program during the current college year, and have successfully completed the first year of their Academic and Career/Technical program or at least six months of Vocational or ABE training. Students must be planning to continue their studies in September at College of the Rockies.
Selection: Academic achievement at the College, and contribution to College and community life.
College of the Rockies Fernie Campus Scholarship
Fernie Resident
Amount: 2 – $500 tuition awards
Eligibility: Awarded to a student who is a resident of the Fernie area currently enrolled at the Fernie Campus who plans to enrol at the College of the Rockies as a full-time student in an Academic, Career/Technical or Vocational/ABE Program.
Selection: The selection of the award and recipient will be based upon the applicant’s demonstrated level of achievement and dedication to the attainment of their educational goals. Recommendation from a Fernie Campus Faculty.
College of the Rockies Student Activity Award
Amount: $150
Eligibility: Supported in part by funds from the Art Meier and Howard Baldwin Trusts. Awarded annually to a full-time College of the Rockies student who has made significant contributions to the quality of student life during the academic year.
Selection: Nominated by the Student Life & Athletics Coordinator in the Gymnasium.
Columbia Basin Trust Bursaries
For residents of the Columbia Basin Trust region
Amount: Awards from $250 to $1,500
Eligibility: Applicants must have a minimum of three years of continuous residency immediately prior to their application in the Columbia Basin Trust region as defined here: Columbia Basin Trust Region ( Students who might have resided temporarily outside this region for education but retained their permanent address in the region will be deemed as eligible.
Selection: Awarded based on demonstrated financial need. Applicants must be enrolled full-time (60 per cent of a full course load) in a recognized undergraduate program leading to a degree, diploma or certificate, including trades certification at College of the Rockies. Students with recognized documented disabilities may be eligible to study at a 40 per cent course load.
Columbia Brewery Scholarship
Any program
Amount: $500 tuition award
Eligibility: Available to a student who has successfully completed one academic semester and is continuing their program of study.
Selection: A student that demonstrates a unique commitment to making a difference in his/her community and does so through values that are shared at the Columbia Brewery: individual excellence, teamwork, integrity and a passion to win.
Columbia Power Corporation Scholarships
Amount: Two – $500 tuition awards and two – $1,000 tuition awards
Eligibility: Awarded to students who have demonstrated a real desire to excel with a high grade-point average. Applicants must have a minimum of three years of continuous residency in the Trust’s mandate area immediately prior to their application. Students who might have resided temporarily outside the Trust’s mandate area for education but retained their permanent address in the Basin will be deemed as having lived in the Basin. Students must be registered for full-time studies (minimum 60% course load) in a degree or diploma program and funding must only be applied against the cost of tuition and/or books.
Selection: Academic achievement with a demonstration of a real desire to excel.
Cranbrook Rotary Centennial Bursary
Successful applicant must be a Cranbrook resident
Amount: $1,000 tuition award
Eligibility: Available to College of the Rockies students who currently reside in Cranbrook and have attended any program during the current academic year.
Selection: Awarded to a student who contributes to the community (through any number of means), with good academic standing, a positive attitude, and a demonstrated need for financial support. Preference to a student intending to return to the College in September, for academic or apprenticeship training.
Cranbrook Snowmobile Club Scholarship
Amount: $1,000
Eligibility: Must be a member in good standing or a child of a snowmobile club member in good standing.
Selection: Student must state they are a member on their application and/or who they are related to that is a member. Some community service may be considered.
Credit Union Foundation – Joseph (Joe) C. Selby Memorial Scholarship
Business Administration
Amount: $800
Eligibility: This award will be awarded to a College of the Rockies student who has successfully completed one year of the Business Administration Program and achieved high marks in his/her Economics course(s) and is continuing their education in the next year at College of the Rockies in the Business Administration Diploma Program.
Selection: Academic achievement in Economics and the Business Administration program overall. Demonstrated financial need will be taken into consideration.
Credit Union Foundation of BC – Pioneers Memorial Bursary
Amount: Three tuition awards: $500 tuition award, $300 tuition award and $200 tuition award.
Eligibility: These awards are available to students who have successfully completed one academic semester and are continuing their program of study.
Selection: The demonstrated need for financial help to continue their program, satisfactory progress in their studies and community involvement.
Creston Valley Gleaners Society Bursary
Amount: $500
Eligibility: These awards are for Creston students continuing into any full time program at College of the Rockies
Selection: The demonstrated need for financial help.
Creston Valley Hospice Award
Amount: $500 tuition
Eligibility: Awarded to a Creston UACE (Adult Upgrading) student returning or transferring to a full time program.
Selection: Preference will be for a student who has demonstrated an interest in pursuing a health care or social work career working with seniors. Strong work ethic and/or community engagement.
Cummins Western Canada Bursary
Mining Apprenticeship Program or Heavy Duty Equipment Technician
Amount: $600
Eligibility: Awarded to a student currently in or entering into the Mining Apprenticeship (MAP) or Heavy Duty Equipment Technician program at College of the Rockies and shows financial need.
Selection: Financial need.
DH Radstaak Scholarship
UACE (Adult Upgrading) student
Amount: $300
Eligibility: Awarded to a UACE student continuing on at COTR in a post secondary program.
Selection: Based upon academic achievement.
Dr. & Mrs. A. G. Lowden Bursary Award
Amount: $400
Eligibility: Awarded to a student enrolled with the College of the Rockies in the Human Service Worker and/or Health Sciences program who has exhibited exemplary community service in the East Kootenay.
Selection: Proof of registration at College of the Rockies and demonstrated record of participation and leadership and volunteerism within the current year. Must be a resident of BC and a Canadian Citizen. Recommendation by the East Kootenay Addictions staff.
Dr. Nicholas Rubidge Award
Amount: $400
Eligibility: Available to students who have attended any full-time program during the current college year and have successfully completed the first year of their program of study. Students must be planning to continue into the second year of their program at College of the Rockies. Or, available to a student who has completed any full-time program at College of the Rockies that is at least one academic year in length.
Selection: Awarded to a student who has made the greatest contribution to student life at College of the Rockies.
Dustin Bourns Leadership Award
Adventure Tourism Business Operations (ATBO) student
Amount: $1,000
Eligibility: Based upon recommendation from ATBO instructors.
Selection: Awarded to a diploma student who demonstrated strong leadership skills.
Echoridge Education Foundation Scholarship – 2nd Year BSN
Bachelor of Science in Nursing – 2nd Year
Amount: $1,000
Eligibility: Awarded to a 2nd Year Bachelor of Science Nursing Student who has outstanding academic achievement and personal qualities. Recommendation by faculty and must be a Cranbrook Resident.
Selection: Outstanding academic achievement and personal qualities.
Echoridge Education Foundation ECE Scholarship
Early Childhood Education
Amount: $500
Eligibility: Awarded to a top student in the Early Childhood Education program who has outstanding academic achievement and personal qualities. Student must be a Cranbrook resident.
Selection: Outstanding academic achievement and personal qualities. Recommendation by the program faculty and/or awards committee may be possible if a suitable candidate does not apply.
Echoridge Education Foundation Scholarship – Welding Level C
Welding, Level C
Amount: $1,000
Eligibility: Awarded to a top welding student who has outstanding academic achievement, personal qualities and is recommended by the faculty. Student must be a Cranbrook resident.
Selection: Outstanding academic achievement and personal qualities.
Eddy Brown Memorial Scholarship
Business Administration
Amount: $300 tuition award
Eligibility: Awarded to a full-time student enrolled in the Business Administration program at College of the Rockies who is continuing their training.
Selection: A dedicated student who has shown outstanding achievement in their computer classes. Recommendation of Instructor(s).
Elk Valley Skills Centre Scholarship
Any program
Amount: $1,000 tuition award
Eligibility: Awarded to a current College of the Rockies student who has been a resident of the Elk Valley for at least two years and is returning to College of the Rockies in the fall in any full-time program.
Selection: Academic achievement and financial need.
Engineers Canada Indigenous Access to Engineering
Engineering or Sciences or Math student
Amount: $500 tuition award
Eligibility: Awarded to a top Indigenous student in Engineering who shows strong work ethic.
Selection: Academic achievement and a recommendation from Instructor. Student must be continuing in the program or transferring to complete their degree.
Fernie Student Association Tuition Award
Fernie Campus
Amount: $300 tuition award
Eligibility: One award to be given to a full-time student who is currently enrolled in the College of the Rockies Fernie Campus and has actively contributed to the student association.
Selection: A dedicated student who has shown outstanding achievement. Recommendation from Fernie Campus faculty.
G & M Clark Bursary
Amount: $500 tuition award
Eligibility & Selection: Awarded to a female student who excelled in a full-time program who has shown financial need and contributed to student life at the campus.
Howard Scholarship
Adventure Tourism Business Operations (ATBO) student
Amount: Tuition and student fees, up to $6,700.
Eligibility: The Howard Scholarship is offered to students enrolled in 1st year Adventure Tourism Business Operations (ATBO) at College of the Rockies, and open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents, as well as international students. Applicants should submit a draft tourism business concept (no more than 3 pages) as part of their scholarship application directly to the ATBO program coordinator in Golden.
Selection: The recipient will be a student intending to enter 2nd year ATBO who demonstrates a love for Golden and a passion for the tourism industry. Selection is based on a recommendation from the ATBO program coordinator and will be awarded to a student with a positive attitude, who works well in a team, and is prepared for class.
Hutchinson Accounting Scholarship
Amount: $1,000 tuition award
Eligibility: Available to a 1st year College of the Rockies student in the Accounting Diploma program.
Selection: Awarded to the Accounting Diploma student with the highest GPA, who is pursuing 2nd year studies at College of the Rockies.
Hutchinson Bachelor of Business Administration Scholarship
Amount: $1,000 tuition award
Eligibility: Awarded to a third year BBA student continuing to 4th year.
Selection: Awarded to a third year BBA student with the highest GPA, who is pursuing their fourth year at COTR.
Hutchinson Bachelor of Science in Nursing Scholarship
Amount: $1,000 tuition award
Eligibility: Awarded to a first year BSN student continuing in year 2 of the program.
Selection: Awarded to a first year BSN student with the highest GPA, who is pursuing their second year at COTR.
Hutchinson Practical Nursing Scholarship
Amount: $1,000 tuition award
Eligibility: Available to a 1st year College of the Rockies student in the Practical Nursing Diploma program.
Selection: Awarded to the Practical Nursing student with the highest GPA, who is pursuing 2nd year studies at College of the Rockies.
Indigenous Education Department Award
All Programs
Award: $500 tuition
Eligibility: Awarded to a College of the Rockies student of Indigenous ancestry, who has shown dedication to their studies, academic achievement and a commitment to supporting the success of others
Selection: The candidate will have demonstrated an interest in the well-being of others and a commitment to the preservation of Indigenous values. The student must also demonstrate academic excellence and a commitment to their program of study.
International Learning Abroad Scholarships
Irving K. Barber British Columbia International Scholarships (for study/work and travel overseas)
Irving K. Barber British Columbia International Scholarships will be given to British Columbia students who are chosen, on a competitive basis, from a pool of eligible applicants pursuing part of their post-secondary studies, co-op experiences, internship, and other approved experiential learning activities overseas. Successful applicants must clearly demonstrate academic merit as well as links between their study/work abroad experience and their educational and personal goals.
One World Scholarships:
Awards from $2,000 – $5000
One World International Scholarships of between $2,000 – $5,000 are awarded to students participating in study, or work-abroad programs that are either experiential learning opportunities (language or cultural training), or that provide credits toward the BC academic credential they are working towards.
To be eligible to apply for this Scholarship, you:
- are a Canadian citizen, permanent resident (landed immigrant), convention refugee, or protected person living in Canada;
- are a resident of British Columbia, defined as having a primary residence in the province for at least 12 consecutive months prior to the date of full-time enrollment in the program for which the scholarship is applied for;
- have clearly demonstrated significant community and/or school involvement and academic achievement, supported by two references submitted with the application;
- are enrolled full-time in an academic program of at least one year at a BC public post-secondary institution leading to a credential and have been accepted into an eligible international program outside of Canada or United States;
- are not planning an international experience in a country from which you have immigrated within the past 10 years;
- have not previously received a One World International Scholarship or a Premier’s International Scholarship;
- plan to begin your international experience within 12 months of receiving the scholarship; and,
- will return to British Columbia after completing your international experience for further education or work.
Apply on the Irving K Barber website.
Apply by December 15, 2023.
Premier’s Scholarships:
5 – 10 scholarships worth $6000 to $10,000 each
The Premier’s Scholarship is open to eligible College of the Rockies students enrolled in a program of at least one year in length, leading to a credential. Students must have been accepted into a study or work abroad program that forms an integral part of their credential studies. Recipients are selected on a competitive basis from a pool of applicants across the province who are pursuing a portion of their post-secondary academic studies overseas. Selection of scholarship candidates will be based on criteria such as academic excellence, community and/or institutional involvement and suitability for study/work abroad.
How to apply: Visit the IKBBC website for more information and to apply.
Applications are now closed and will re-open in January of 2024
International Learning Travel Awards
Whether for one week or a full semester, there are enormous benefits to studying abroad. However, the cost to do so may be a barrier to some students. College of the Rockies makes a significant investment to reduce the costs of College-organized field schools and field trips abroad. We ensure that what you pay is only about half the total per-student cost for these experiences.
With respect to semesters abroad or summer schools with a College partner, the College offsets student costs through International Travel Learning Awards to eligible students.
- Canadian citizen, permanent resident (landed immigrant), protected person living in Canada, or convention refugee studying at College of the Rockies who has been selected to participate in an exchange program abroad with a College partner.
- Enrolled in a program delivered at or by the College of at least one year or two semesters in length during the academic year.
- Completed at least one semester (full time; minimum 60% course load) at the College by the time of the proposed travel.
- Arranged with the College to ensure that credit for studies abroad will transfer as credit in the student’s program at the College.
Amount Available:
For full-time semester abroad studies with a College partner:
- $2,500.00
For summer school participation with a College partner:
- $1,500.00
How to apply:
- No separate application process is necessary. All students who apply and who are accepted for a semester abroad or summer school abroad with a College partner and who meet the eligibility requirements above will receive an International Learning Travel Award.
Irving K Barber Transfer Scholarships
Ike Barber Transfer Scholarship Program
Applications are now closed. The Ike Barber Transfer Scholarship Program re-opens for application in January of 2024.
$5000 Scholarships
Over 150 Scholarships of $5,000 each will be available to students transferring between BC post-secondary institutions in order to complete their degrees.
The goals of the scholarship program are to increase educational opportunities for students from public colleges across BC and to recognize outstanding public college students by providing them with scholarships to complete their degrees in British Columbia. Students from other post secondary institutions, but excluding research universities, may also be eligible for scholarships if they must transfer elsewhere to complete their degree program.
Detailed eligibility criteria and access to the online application can be found on the Society’s website:
J. Hugh Campbell Memorial Scholarship
University Studies – History
Amount: $400 tuition award
Eligibility: A student who has completed at least one year of study on a full-time or part-time basis in the arts and who continues his/her studies towards a degree at a university. The student’s chosen field for further study would include history, although his/her major could be in another field.
Selection: A dedicated student who has shown outstanding academic achievement.
Jeff Lakes Memorial Scholarship
Mountain Adventure Skills Training (MAST) students
Amount: $300
Eligibility: Awarded to a top student enrolled in the Mountain Activity Skills and Training Program at the Fernie Campus.
Selection: Presented to a successful recipient based on recommendation of the program instructor who will consider all competencies of the student’s performance during the program and their contribution to the College and Community life.
John Bracco Memorial Bursaries – ECE Program
Early Childhood Education Program
Amount: $700
Eligibility: Awarded to a student enrolled in the Early Childhood Education or Education Assistant program at the College of the Rockies. Preference will be to a Cranbrook resident student continuing their education at the College of the Rockies in the Child, Youth and Family studies diploma programs.he Rockies in the a Child, Youth and Family Studies Program.
Selection: Financial need. Preference will be given to a Cranbrook resident enrolled in the Early Childhood Education Program.
John Leask Memorial Scholarship
Academic programs
Eligibility: Available to students who have attended any full time academic program during the current college year, and have successfully completed the first year of their Academic program. Students must be planning to continue their studies in September.
Selection: Academic achievement at the College and contribution to College and community life.
John McKay Bursary for Practical Nursing
Award: $400
Eligibility: Awarded to a deserving student in the Practical Nursing program who has shown satisfactory class attendance, successful academic and clinical evaluations, caring attitude towards peers and faculty, along with a high degree of effort displayed in all areas of the program.
Selection: Based on financial need.
Kimberley Skills Centre Scholarship
Any program
Amount: $1,000 tuition award
Eligibility: Awarded to a current full time College of the Rockies student who has been a resident of Kimberley for at least 2 years and is returning to College of the Rockies in the fall in any full-time program.
Selection: Academic achievement and financial need.
KinClub of Cranbrook Scholarship
Amount: $1,500 tuition award
Eligibility: The recipient must be a full-time student at the College of the Rockies who is continuing their education at a University in the upcoming fall. The student must be from the Cranbrook area, with preference given to a graduate of Mount Baker High School who has been involved in the community.
Selection: Academic achievement.
Kokanee Ford Automotive Entrance Bursary
Amount: $1000 bursary
Awarded to an Automotive Service Technician student in the Foundation program or any level of apprenticeship training. Applicants must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents from Creston, BC.
Kootenay Dental Society Scholarship
Amount: $500 tuition award
Eligibility: This scholarship is available to a full-time student at the College of the Rockies, who has been a resident of the East Kootenay region for at least one year prior to application and is continuing their education as a full-time student in the fall semester in a health sciences program.
Selection: Academic achievement, extracurricular activities and financial need.
Kootenay Savings Bursaries
Any program
Amount: $500
Eligibility: Awarded to a student who has completed their first year, is registered for second year studies and has demonstrated satisfactory academic performance. Recipients must be current Kootenay Savings or Credit Union member.
Selection: Financial need.
Libby Neve Memorial Arts Scholarship
Amount: $500 tuition award
Eligibility: Awarded to a student who in enrolled full-time in the University Studies-Arts program with plans to continue their studies in any arts program.
Selection: Based on financial need.
Lieutenant-Governor’s Medal
The Lieutenant-Governor’s Medal was established in 1979 by the Ministry of Advanced Education. The Medal is awarded to full time students to recognize excellence in vocational and career programs two years or less and has now been expanded to include two-year diploma programs, as well as four-year undergraduate programs. Eligible recipients include British Columbia residents, out-of-province and international students in good standing enrolled in their last year of studies who will graduate during the academic year.
Also new, students will be now nominated for demonstrating outstanding contributions in support of inclusion, democracy and/or reconciliation on campus or in their community. Nominations will be submitted to the Financial Aid and Awards Office by the deadline. The recipient will then be chosen by the Scholarship and Awards Committee and presented at the graduation ceremony.
Nominations are now closed.
Award Criteria:
Demonstration of one or more of the criteria will be required to identify an award recipient.
Students must be nominated for one or more of the following criteria:
Inclusion and Diversity are sources of strength and at the heart of the success of B.C. communities.
This award criterion recognizes students who have promoted diversity and inclusion on campus or in their community. Students must demonstrate strong collaboration and unifying efforts, through the promotion and display of tolerance, and respect for others. Institutions may wish to consider the significance, impact and outcome of a student’s contribution, and the personal example set by the student, when making nominations under this category.
- A student may be recognized for their work in building community through the organization and coordination of events, activities or services, that contribute to a more welcoming and supportive environment on campus,
- A student may be recognized for their work organizing a community response to an act of intolerance.
This criterion recognizes students who have strengthened democracy through civic engagement or the advancement of human rights. Students must demonstrate recognition of the fundamental rights and dignity of all persons at a local, national or global level. Institutions may wish to consider the significance, impact and outcome of a student’s contribution, and the personal example set by the student, when making nominations under this category.
It is important to note that the Lieutenant Governor’s medal program for Inclusion, Democracy, and Reconciliation is a non-partisan award. Activities directly tied to or coordinated by a political party or movement are not considered grounds for nomination.
– A student may be recognized for their contribution to student governance or promoting social change and public discourse on campus, in their community or online.
– A student may be recognized who has supported, advocated or empowered minority rights and/or the most vulnerable in society such as those with mental health or addiction challenges, the homeless, new immigrant youth or refugees.
In 2015, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada urgently called Canadians to take action to transform society by establishing a renewed relationship with indigenous peoples.
This criterion recognizes students who have answered this call to Reconciliation and are undertaking important efforts to heal their communities.
Institutions may wish to consider the significance, impact and outcome of a student’s contribution, and the personal example set by the student, when making nominations under this category.
- A student may be recognized for their collaboration with a local Indigenous community to start a for-profit business where proceeds support programming for indigenous women.
- A student may be recognized for teaching indigenous ways of knowing and doing (an indigenous language, law, dance, or another custom) to other students.
In granting this award, institutions may also give consideration to students who have overcome significant personal challenges and/or may be members of historically disadvantaged groups that face sociocultural barriers to full participation in B.C. society. For example, single mothers, members of the LGBTQ+ and two-spirit students, or students with refugee status.
Maple Leaf Rebekah Trades Bursary
Trades programs
Amount: $350 tuition award
Eligibility: A College of the Rockies student continuing his/her studies as a full-time student in a Trades program or other post-secondary institution, if necessary full-time.
Selection: Financial need and nomination or recommendation of instructor.
Meetings That Matter – Leadership in Tourism and Hospitality Management Student Award
Eligibility: The MTM Award is presented to a College of the Rockies student in the Hospitality Management, Tourism Management, Adventure Tourism Business Operations, or Bachelor of Business Administration program. Applicants may be Canadian citizens, permanent residents, or international students.
Selection: To a returning, transferring, or graduating student who exhibits natural leadership qualities and demonstrates a passion for the tourism industry.
Miro Micovski Memorial Bursary
Sponsored by the Golden Campus Student Association
Amount: $500 tuition award
Eligibility: Awarded to a student who has attended a full-time program at the Golden Campus with plans to return in the fall in any full-time program.
Selection: Financial need.
Open Shop Construction Industry Education Bursary
Amount: $500
Eligibility: Open to students in the construction trades on a rotating basis. Carpentry Foundation, Electrician Foundation, Piping Foundation and Welding Level C will be considered.
Selection: Financial need.
Paul Sims Scholarship
Amount: $250 tuition award
Eligibility: Awarded to a student intending to enter or continue in a full-time program at College of the Rockies for the upcoming fall semester.
Selection: Based on academic achievement and financial need.
Remo Morandini Memorial Scholarship
Amount: $300 tuition award
Eligibility: Awarded to a student who has attended an entry-level trades program on a full-time basis for a minimum of six months and has demonstrated satisfactory performance in the program together with demonstrated effort and dedication to his/her studies.
Selection: Recommendation from Trades Instructor.
Robert Fields Memorial Bursary United Commercial Travellers
Amount: $500 tuition award
Eligibility: Awarded to a full time student from enrolled in either the Bachelor of Science in Nursing or the Practical Nursing program.
Selection: Financial need and preference will be given to a student from Cranbrook, Kimberley or Creston.
Rocky Mountain Naturalists Club Memorial Scholarship
Natural/Cultural Heritage or Resource Management
Amount: $1000 tuition award
Eligibility: Criteria: 1. Have completed one year of post secondary studies. 2. Have taken several courses in earth or natural sciences, such as: Biology, Ecology, Chemistry, Environmental Studies, Geography, Geology. 3. Be planning further post secondary studies in earth or natural sciences. 4. Be continuing in a program of full-time studies at a recognized university, college, technical/vocational school in a two year minimum program. 5. Have demonstrated passing academic achievement. 6. Preference will be given to a student who, in the past five years, has volunteered or has work experience in earth or natural sciences.
Selection: Have demonstrated a record of contributing volunteer service to her/his community.
Royal Bank Scholarship
Business Administration
Amount: $500 tuition award
Eligibility: Awarded to a full time Business Administration student, returning to the College of the Rockies in the upcoming fall semester to continue either the General Management Diploma or the Marketing Diploma portion of Business Administration.
Selection: Academic Achievement.
Ruth Walker Memorial Scholarship
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Amount: $1,000 tuition award
Eligibility: A College of the Rockies Bachelor of Science in Nursing student who has successfully completed year 1 or 2, and is continuing their program of study.
Selection: Scholastic achievement based on evidence of academic ability and the ability to integrate theory into client centered practice. The preferred student must be a Kimberley resident who graduated from Selkirk Secondary School. If this residency criteria cannot be met, then the scholarship can be awarded to the most deserving nursing student from the East Kootenay region.
Sarah Whetham Memorial Scholarship – Essay required
University Studies – Sciences
Amount: $1,000 tuition award
Eligibility: Awarded to a female student enrolled full time (minimum of 4 academic courses per semester) in University Studies – Sciences program. Must be continuing with Canadian Post-secondary studies in physics, engineering, or math. Applicants must submit to the financial aid office a 200 to 250 word essay describing how their chosen education path might make the world a better place.
Selection: This award is based on academic merit, minimum of a least a B+ average in two out of three math and science courses in the previous semester(s) but not necessarily the student with the highest grade point average.
Senior Citizens’ Association of Cranbrook Health Care Assistant Bursary
Health Care Assistant or Licensed Practical Nurse
Amount: $500 tuition award
Eligibility: A full-time student enrolled in the Health Care Assistant or Licensed Practical Nursing program at College of the Rockies. A student that demonstrates competency and contributes to the program. Attendance 90%.
Selection: Academic achievement and financial need. Recommendation of Instructor.
Sonja Amy Loucks Early Childhood Education Bursary
Amount: $500.00
Eligibility: This awarded is awarded to a full time student in the Early Childhood Education program who demonstrates financial need.
Selection: Preference will be given to a Cranbrook resident in financial need.
Sophia Hedman Trust Foundation Tuition Award
Teacher Education Program or Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Amount: Two tuition awards @ $1000 each
Eligibility: Each applicant must have completed one year of continuous full-time studies at College of the Rockies and plans to enter directly into the Teacher Education Program (UVic) at College of the Rockies or has completed year 1 or 2 of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program at the College of the Rockies and is planning to continue the program.
Selection: Have the highest academic achievement during his/her studies at College of the Rockies. Demonstrate financial need and demonstrate an interest in the teaching of children or a caring attitude towards those individuals in need of medical care.
Sustainable Business Scholarship – Essay required
Bachelor of Business Administration Program
Amount: $1,000
Eligibility: Applicants must be enrolled full-time (minimum of four academic courses per semester) at College of the Rockies in the Bachelor of Business Administration or Post-degree Diploma program in Sustainable Business Practices and continuing full time into year three or four of the degree or year two of the post-degree diploma program.
Selection: This award is based on academic merit, but not necessarily the student with the highest grade point average. The applicant must have at least a B average in the previous two semesters. The applicant must have excellent teamwork and collaboration, as demonstrated in the College of the Rockies Business Management 411 course. A student who has not completed this course may submit a reference regarding previous teamwork in an equivalent stressful semester-long (three month) project. All applicants must submit a 200-250 word clear and concise essay to the financial aid office describing clearly such teamwork and collaboration.
Tembec Industries Inc. / Rotary Club of Cranbrook Scholarship
University Studies – Forestry/Engineering
Amount: An award of $1,000 tuition, paid in two $500 installments; one in September, the other in January, upon confirmation of enrolment of both Fall and Winter semesters
Eligibility: Awarded to a full time student who has completed one or two years at College of the Rockies and is continuing their education at the college or is transferring to a British Columbia post-secondary institution. Preference given to a student whose program of studies is directly related to forestry or engineering.
Selection: Selection for awards are solely considered on the student’s academic standing and performance. Preference given to a graduate from Mount Baker Secondary School.
Tiana McLellan Memorial Scholarship
Business Administration
Amount: $450 tuition award
Eligibility: Awarded to a student enrolled as a full time Business Administration Diploma student and returning to the College of the Rockies in the upcoming fall semester to continue their studies in the Business Administration Diploma program. Must be a local resident of either Kimberley or Cranbrook.
Selection: Financial need, academic achievement, a letter of recommendation from an instructor and an explanation why they should receive the scholarship. Preference given to a graduate from Selkirk Secondary School.
TransCanada Pipeline Foundation Scholarship
Sciences, Business Administration and Trades
Amount: $500 tuition award
Eligibility: Awarded to a full-time student in either University Studies, Sciences, Engineering, Business Administration or a Trades program and planning to continue their studies full-time in the fall.
Selection: Academic achievement, minimum 80% and financial need.
Ujamaa Bursary Information and Online Application
“Ujamaa is a Swahili word for ‘cooperative or collective economics.’ It can also be used to define ‘community’, or it can be a neutral term when describing something communal e.g. brotherhood, sisterhood.
Ujamaa is one of the Seven Principles of Kwanzaa (Nguzo Saba). Kwanzaa is such a significant and symbolic holiday for the African and the Black community as it is a chance for us to celebrate ourselves, our unique history and our culture, hence it being a perfect fit for the bursary as well as its introduction during Black History Month.” – Michelle Chan, BBA, Black History Month coordinator – 2021
Amount: College of the Rockies Faculty Association (CORFA) offers $1500 to be split between up to three applicants to be applied to any education-related or living expense. This bursary is available in the fall semester.
Eligibility: The student must be a member of the Black, Indigenous, or People of Colour (BIPOC) Community. Student must have attended classes at the College for at least one semester (on a full or part-time basis) and plan to attend classes at the College in the following semester. Students from ALL program areas are eligible to apply. This bursary is open to both International and Domestic Students.
Selection: Demonstrated commitment to furthering their education. Student must submit a short essay (up to 300 words) stating how this award will benefit them and their community. If there are multiple qualified applicants, grades may be used to determine the recipients.
Valerie Hillstrom Bursary for the Arts
Amount: $500
Eligibility: Awarded to a student in University Studies, Fine Arts or Education, continuing their studies in music, theatre, fine arts or education.
Selection: Financial need with preference to a single parent. Involvement with community choir or theatre would be an asset.
Velma McKay Bursary
Amount: 2 awards of $500 tuition
Eligibility: Awarded to a current College of the Rockies student who is registered in any course or program other than UACE and has an expectation of passing as verified by the course or program instructor. The recipient must have successfully completed at least one ABE course at College of the Rockies and show financial need.
Selection: Financial need. Academic achievement.
Verdun Casselman Memorial Scholarship
University Studies (Agriculture, History or Journalism)
Amount: $1250 tuition award
Eligibility: A College of the Rockies student furthering his/her studies as a full-time student in the field of agriculture, history or journalism.
Selection: Academic achievement, community source/activities and preferably a rural resident in the Cranbrook area. Along with a completed Scholarship Application, you will be required to submit the following: In your comments section make a statement of the philosophy of the late Mr. Casselman. Find out more about “Ties to Water” written by Mr. Casselman.
Welding Program Advisory Committee Award
Amount: Trophy, Gift and $500 tuition award
Eligibility: This award is presented to the best all around student in the welding program
Any award may be withheld, reduced, or cancelled for any of the following reasons:
- Lack of suitable candidates
- Failure to meet terms and conditions of the award
- Withdrawal from the College
- Reduced income on invested funds
- Withdrawal of the award by the donor
Please note that at the present time all of the awards listed here are available only for Canadian or landed immigrant students, unless otherwise stated in the award’s eligibility or selection criteria.
Financial Aid Office
Box 8500, Cranbrook, BC, V1C 5L7
Phone: 250-489-8264
Toll-free: 1-877-489-2687 x3264