Health and Wellbeing
Maintaining our physical and mental health is very important, and not always easy. At College of the Rockies we believe in promoting a healthy and safe environment for every student, employee, and visitor. The College, our provincial and federal governments and our surrounding communities provide numerous resources, most free-of-charge. You’ll find contact information on them below.
Supports and Resources

Counselling Resources
- College of the Rockies Counselling Services
- Crisis Lines
- Online Chat Providers

Wellness Resources
- Mental Health Supports
- Anxiety and Depression
- Mindfullness

Sexualized Violence Prevention and Response Support
- Education and Support
- Campus Resources
- Community Resources

Community-Specific Resources
- Safehouses
- Foodbanks
- Addiction Services

Campus Health and Wellbeing
- Health and Wellbeing framework
- Student H&W mini-grant project

Communicable Disease Prevention
- Tips for cold and flu season