Composting Project
College of the Rockies is converting food waste generated by its Cranbrook campus’ cafeteria, Professional Cook program, and Class Act Dining Room into compost thanks, in part, to $30,000 in grant funds from Columbia Basin Trust. We operate a commercial composter through a collaborative effort between the Sustainability Committee, Facilities and Students on an annual basis.
Learn more about the launch of this effort.
Solar Energy on Residence Building(s)
The Cranbrook campus’ residence building utilizes two types of solar technology on the facility’s roof – photovoltaic and solar thermal – which allows the system to pull in as much heat as possible.
Learn more here.
Kootenay Centre Solar Project at Cranbrook Campus
The College also installed photovoltaic panels on the roof of the Cranbrook campus’ Kootenay Centre building which was determined to be the biggest consumer of electricity and had the best physical space for the solar panels.
The project generates 109,000 kilo-watt hours of electricity per year, enough to operate 14 houses for a year – while reducing the College’s greenhouse gas emissions by 12,000 kilograms of CO2e (carbon dioxide equivalent). Combined, the solar systems have saved 26 tonnes of CO2 from entering the atmosphere.
The Pinnacle Hall trades building has a solar wall along one side which helps to draw heat into the building, improving indoor air quality and reducing heating and operating costs.
Leed Certified
The south entrance expansion, completed in 2010, achieved certification by the Leadership in Energy in Environmental Design (LEED) certification program, indicating the new construction meets the highest environmental performance criteria in Canada.
Lights Out Campaign
The Lights Out concept has been applied to all our computer labs and in-office computers. All students and employees are actively encouraged to be part of this campaign. “When you finish working on a computer, please shut them down completely. Shutting down the computer not only saves energy, but it also gives students a fresh boot-up when they access a machine.”
Blue recycling bins are placed throughout our campuses. The College Community is asked to please make note of which bins accept which material. Also, a complete recycling center is located at the east side of the main parking lot at the Cranbrook Campus — wherein Students and Employees can deposit cans, newspaper, paper, glass and milk jugs. There are similar drop off centres, which also accept plastics with the triangle number logo, located at the east side of the Wal-mart parking lot in Cranbrook, and at transfer centres throughout the Kootenay Region.
Water Bottle Filling Stations
Our Facilities Department have installed “Water Bottle Filling Stations” throughout Kootenay Centre. These machines dispense chilled, filtered water into your own reusable water bottle. Our goal is to reduce the amount of plastic waste created through purchased water. With that in mind, we have also phasing out water bottles in the Kootenay Centre Vending machines altogether!