Discovering a sustainable path

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Growing up in Cranbrook, attending College of the Rockies was an appealing option for Stephanie Beveridge. Not only did it give her the opportunity to stay in her hometown, but without a clear career path in mind, she was able to take a wide variety of course options. It was the Business program’s spotlight on sustainability that helped her to gain focus.

“The College introduced me to sustainability and the concept of a triple bottom line: people, planet, and profit,” she said. “This shaped how I approached assignments later in my education and then what I looked for in a company after graduation.”

Stephanie earned her Accounting diploma from the College before moving on to Ryerson University in Toronto to complete a Bachelor of Technology.

Degree in hand, she packed up and moved across the country again to accept a job at Hemlock Printers in Vancouver. As Account Manager, she helps clients with a range of print projects including marketing materials, books and magazines, stationery, packaging and more. The sustainability knowledge she gained in the College’s Business program has proven to be especially useful; Hemlock is a North American leader in sustainability and has been a carbon neutral company since 2007.

Having the benefit of experiencing educational opportunities at both College of the Rockies and a large university, Stephanie believes there are many benefits to starting small.

“The College has everything you need to start your post-secondary education,” she said. “If you’re funding your schooling with student loans, the debt at the end will be much lower if you stick to a college for as much of your education as possible. It can seem like a ‘later problem’, but your future self will thank you.”