College of the Rockies’ Unique Partnership Still Filling an Industry Need

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College of the Rockies’ unique Mining Apprentice Partnership (MAP) with Teck Resources Elk Valley Operations has been in existence for nearly two decades.

The first of its kind in BC, the innovative training and work placement model used in the MAP provides opportunities for apprentices to gain the work experience and training they require.  The College sponsors apprentices and provides the technical training needed to fulfill the current apprenticeship curriculum and Teck supervises the program participants in work experience placements with Teck’s Elk Valley Operations.

MAP is a complement to Teck’s in-house apprenticeship training, providing an additional stream of Red Seal mechanics and electricians to address gaps in Teck’s skilled trades cohort. MAP is an opportunity for people who have completed Foundation or Level 1 apprenticeship training to complete their training to the Red Seal level at Teck’s Elk Valley mines. During their time, they will spend approximately one year at each of three mines, obtaining a well-rounding training experience.

Entry into MAP is by an application and interview process, with the College posting four to six positions each year.

This program has been very successful, with most participants going on to full employment, often at the mines where they apprenticed.

Heavy Duty or Electrician apprentices interested in knowing when MAP positions are posted should contact


Just a few of our MAP success stories:

  Image of young man sitting in front of a panel of wires and switches.

Read Darius’ Story                                           Read Brett’s Story                                         Read Alysha’s Story