We’re excited to be kicking-off the fall semester on Tuesday, September 8! This will be a semester unlike any we’ve seen before, but we know College of the Rockies students are up to the challenge.
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the overall number of people in our buildings will be significantly reduced. Most classes will be held online or via web-conferencing, with some – physically distanced – on-campus learning for those programs that require it, such as trades, health programs, and science labs.
In our effort to help keep our students and employees safe, we have implemented the following additional safety protocols for the fall 2020 semester:
- Restricted access to campuses: Access limited to employees and students who are participating in face-to-face educational programming or services, and employees performing core functions. All employees and students will be required to present their College ID at the entrance. Public access will be limited to those with pre-booked appointments.
- Self-assessments: All employees and students will be asked to do a COVID-19 self-assessment/health self-check. Those who are symptomatic or who are assessed to be at risk will be asked to stay away from College campuses for 14 days.
- Signage: College campuses have been outfitted with floor and wall signage reminders to maintain physical distance.
- Hand-sanitization and masks: All campuses have been equipped with numerous hand-sanitization stations. Masks are required if physical distancing is not possible. Disposable masks will be available at the main campus entry point for students and employees.
- Occupancy limits: All common areas and classrooms will be assigned occupancy limits to allow for safe physical distancing. Plexiglass will be set up between work areas in science lab and trades shop areas. Grab-and-go fresh pre-made sandwiches and coffee will be available in the cafeteria with limited seating.
- Student services: All student services are available but will be delivered, for the most part, virtually. There will be a limited number of employees working in registration, with plexiglass barriers in place. The Campus Store staff are available to fill online and telephone book orders, and Library Services will be open on a limited basis with careful public health guidelines in place. Limited access to areas such as the gym and weight room will be available to support student health and wellbeing, with enhanced cleaning of these areas.
- International students: Many international students chose to stay in Canada to work and prepare for the fall semester. Any students arriving from abroad will be required to self-isolate for 14 days upon arrival. The College’s International team will work closely with international students to ensure this requirement is followed.
These are unique times that we’re experiencing. We appreciate the cooperation of our students, employees, and the general public in adhering to the above safety protocols.
In the words of Dr. Bonnie Henry, “be kind, be calm, and be safe.”
Have a great semester!