GUEST BLOG Meet Jake Marchi: A Student and an Adventurer

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Image of young man hiking in the mountains.

Jake Marchi is a student at College of the Rockies. He is also a passionate outdoor enthusiast. Jake loves to be outside and spends his time searching for new wild spaces in the Kootenay area. Student Ambassador Josie interviewed Jake to get to know him better and to learn why he chose College of the Rockies.

Where did you go to high school?

Mount Baker Secondary School.

Where did you grow up?

I was born in Kimberley; I have lived there my whole life. I currently drive from Kimberley to Cranbrook for my classes at the College.

What space would you consider your “happy place”?

My happy place would probably be somewhere outside hiking or ski touring. I hiked Snow Crest Mountain this summer – that was fun. Some other places I have been to are in the Whiteswan and Height of the Rockies areas.

What program are you in?

I am in University Studies for a Bachelor degree in Science. I am hoping to transfer to university this upcoming fall. I would like to go to either Calgary or Kelowna, somewhere close to the mountains.

Why did you choose College of the Rockies?

So that I could stay close to home. It’s a lot cheaper than other colleges and universities. I can live at home and save some money this way.

Do you have any advice for future or current College of the Rockies students?

Get outside and explore the area! A lot of people don’t realize what the area has to offer until they’ve been here for a while. Once they go out and explore, they realize how great it is to live here.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Hopefully with a job, something chemistry related because that’s my favorite subject. I hope I am still getting outside as much as possible.

What is your favorite hobby or activity?

It depends on the season: in the winter ski touring, in the summer hiking.

What is one outdoor activity you have you never tried but would like to?

I would like to try ice climbing. I have done some rock climbing but ice climbing sounds really fun.