Help For You to Find Your Path

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Image shows two women and two men standing together.

Have you been thinking of going to university or college but you’re not sure where to begin?  Are you lost trying to find the right career choice or figuring out what courses you need to get where you want to go?  These are questions our friendly folks in Student Services can help you answer.

Our Education Advisors will work with you to explore your interests and find careers that match them.  Once you’ve learned what your interests are, the Advisor can work with you to figure out how to turn your interests into a career.

The Education Advisor will then work with you to develop a career plan, choose programs and/or courses you need to get there and even help you to find some sources of funding to help with the costs.

Are you a student with a disability?  Our Disability and Learning Support Coordinator works with students with learning disabilities, physical or psychological challenges to help maximize your success and help reduce barriers so you have equal opportunities and equal access to information.

Aboriginal learners can connect with our Aboriginal Education Coordinator and Education Advisor for assistance with funding applications, academic advising and planning, assessments and referrals and for help connecting with the regional Aboriginal communities.

Once you’re a student at the College, the support does not stop.  Our Career and Placement Officer can help you find part-time or full-time employment and can assist with finding a placement for program practicums, if needed.  She’ll also provide group workshops on resume and cover letter writing, interview skills, job searching and networking.  Individual employment consultations are also available.

Advisors are available throughout the academic year to provide study skills counselling and to arrange peer tutoring for students needing an extra bit of help.  And if you find yourself struggling with College life, or life in general, our counsellor is available for personal counselling appointments.

So if you’re thinking about starting a post-secondary education, stop by our Student Services office at the Cranbrook main campus (or talk to the lovely ladies at any of our regional campuses).  Find out what makes us Small College Proud.