Take A Look At Us Now…

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Image shows College of the Rockies logo

We’re getting a makeover!  At our 40th Anniversary Celebration on February 2, the College’s new logo was unveiled.  This is a “soft launch” of the new look with the full implementation taking place in time for school in September (so expect to see both logos floating around for the next several months).

You may wonder – why did we change our logo?  What was wrong with the old one?  Trust me, no one understands a resistance to change more than I do.  The truth is, there wasn’t necessarily anything WRONG with the old logo, but as we look ahead to the future and update the way we do things a little we thought maybe it was time to update our look as well.

I mean, if we sported the same haircuts and clothing that we had 20 years ago, surely the general feeling would be that it was time for a bit of a refresh, no?  (Can you imagine everyone still running around sporting the Rachel?  Am I showing my age with that reference?)

So, we have a new look and a new logo.  It pays tribute to our place in the Rockies but doesn’t give the sense that the mountains are the only thing that we’re about.  The design is simple, modern and approachable and the continuous flowing shape signifies life-long learning, sustainability and opportunity.  Plus, it looks pretty cool.

I hope you like our new look.  We look forward to introducing it more and more over the coming months.