Taking Care

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A recent national survey indicated that mental health issues are rising among post-secondary students.  The National College Health Assessment finds that more college and university students are reporting being in distress than three years ago.

According to the survey, a fifth of Canadian post-secondary students experience feelings of depression, anxiety or other mental health issues.  In addition, 5% more female students and 1% more male students reported having experienced sexual touching without consent since the survey was last completed in 2013.

Whether the increase is a result of more students experiencing mental health issues – or reflects an increase in reporting – is difficult to know.  But regardless, College of the Rockies takes the mental and physical health of our students seriously and have supports available for all students.

George Dunne is a Registered Clinical Counsellor with the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors and a member of the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association.  Though he sees the increase in mental health issues as a cause of concern, he is not surprised by the results of the survey as he has seen a similar pattern in the work he does.

If you are a student who is experiencing social, emotional or personal concerns, George is available for short-term, personal counselling and crisis intervention.  Appointments with George follow all confidentiality guidelines – meaning the information you share will remain confidential except in very few circumstances involving legal matters or serious risk to health and safety. When applicable and requested by the student, the College also has a very good referral protocol in place for outside mental health agencies.

To book an appointment to see George, phone or drop by the Student Services reception desk in Kootenay Centre.  You can reach them at 250-489-8243 or Toll-free at 1-877-489-2687 ext. 3243.  If you require assistance after-hours, contact the Crisis Line at 1-888-353-2273 for 24-hour crisis support and referral for the region.

It is important to remember that seeking out help is a sign of strength, not weakness.  Counselling can help put your problems in perspective and make them more manageable.  Talking about your concerns in a confidential and supportive environment can make a world of difference. George welcomes the opportunity to meet you to talk about self-care.

Find out more about the counselling services available at the College.