This time of year, a lot of Top 10 lists circulate. We decided to get in on the fun! Happy Holidays.
10. Small class sizes. You’ve heard it before – but what does it really mean? It means you can actually GET TO KNOW your instructors. They know your name. They care whether you do well or not. They’ll probably even compliment you on your new haircut (which, by the way, you can have done by our very own hairstylist students).
9. The lifestyle. We’re in the Canadian Rocky Mountains, people! Not only do we have breathtaking scenery but you can get to a local ski hill from many of our campuses in minutes.
8. The people! Students and staff alike at College of the Rockies are a pretty rad group. (Do people still say rad? Whatever, we’re all REALLY nice).
7. Convenience. There are tons of online courses available…you can even complete some entire programs from home – ALL WHILE WEARING YOUR PAJAMAS.
6. Free stuff!! That got your attention, didn’t it? At College of the Rockies you get WIFI throughout all our campuses AND parking – ALL FOR FREE! That’s money you can save and use toward your next semester’s tuition, toward books, toward food (or beer…ya we know, it will go toward beer).
5. Vitamin D! How many colleges can offer you that? Well, our main and Gold Creek campuses are located in Cranbrook – which has the most sunny days a year on average in the WHOLE PROVINCE! So stock up on all that healthy vitamin D. It’s free at College of the Rockies.
4. BOGO! Who doesn’t love a great BOGO offer? Well, with our Dual Admission agreements with both the University of Victoria and University of Lethbridge – you can become a student at TWO institutions with just one application.
3. Learn about the world – without all the expense and hassle of actually travelling. We have students from over 30 different countries at College of the Rockies. Or, if travelling is your thing – we also have a bunch of international opportunities for our domestic students as well.
2. Learn to kick butt! Students who start at College of the Rockies and then transfer to a university to complete their degree graduate with among the highest grade-point-averages in the province for transfer students. And 85% of students transferring from College of the Rockies actually complete their degree – the highest completion rate of transfer students from any BC institution.
1. Location, Location, Location. Did we mention that we’re in the freaking Canadian Rocky Mountains? I mean, seriously, is there a more amazing place to go to school, ski, snowboard, hike, snowshoe, etc., etc. Come join us in January – and find out for yourself what makes College of the Rockies the place to be!