
Beginner Pottery Wheel

Cost: $399.00 + GST Reference ID: GIAR-966

Course Overview

An introduction to the fundamentals of pottery wheel throwing in a fun, learning environment. Students will be introduced to centering, basic functional vessel formation and glazing processes. In-class dedication will be rewarded with the completion of your very own projects to take home!

Please note while we recommend attending all classes to get the most from your experience, the first and last classes are mandatory.

Meet our instructor: Suzanne Cooper has both a diploma in Ceramics from Selkirk College in Nelson BC and a Bachelor of Fine Arts with Distinction/Honours in Ceramics from Alberta University of the Arts (AUA) in Calgary (among other liberal/fine arts degrees–she self describes as a bit of a “nerd”).  She has been working professionally as a Pottery Wheel Throwing Instructor at various institutions for over 15 years and truly loves to teach. Suzanne is social and super fun (but no nonsense–getting progressive results from her students is important to her) and she balances her teaching life with maintaining her own studio practice of both functional and sculptural ceramics. Her interests lie in seeking beauty, healing, personal growth, joy, laughs and pleasure through the use of clay for both herself and her students. 

Golden - Wednesday September 18th, 2024