
ATBO-121 - Backpacking Level 1

Minimum Credits: 2 Length: 48 hours Prerequisites: None. Corequisites: ATBO 106 Delivery Method: On-campus Cost: $243.52 Lab Fees: $354.25 Total: $597.77 Course Outline: https://sps.cotr.bc.ca/Outlines/Course Outlines/ATBO121.pdf

This experiential learning course will expose students to the basic skills required for successful wilderness travel. Backpacking and camping techniques, equipment, trip preparation, navigation, route finding, group management, and leadership skills are covered. Mountain environment and natural history topics will be presented. The students will learn minimum impact wilderness travel techniques. This course incorporates backpacking and overnight camping in a wilderness environment. The emphasis on this course is in learning the skills and knowledge required of a professional backpacking guide.