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ENGL-092 - English – Provincial Level (Essential English)

Minimum Credits: 3 Length: 90 hours Prerequisites: Either ENGL 070, Composition 10, Literary Studies 10, New Media 11, English First Peoples: Literary Studies + New Media 11 or equivalent or permission of the instructor. Corequisites: A computer course is recommended. Delivery Method: Directed Studies, Online Cost: $82.01 Course Outline: https://outlines.cotr.bc.ca/pdf/courses/Course-outline-ENGL-092-Fall-2022.pdf

Students in this course will build skills for expressing personal experiences, opinions and thoughts through a number of interesting topics. They will develop communication and critical thinking skills to prepare for some post-secondary programs, but mostly for the workforce. Students will read and reference the work of Indigenous authors and explore Canada’s diversity. All student assignments are designed to teach the essential skills needed in the workplace.