Differential equations are used to model change throughout the sciences. Course topics include: techniques for solving first order differential equations (separable equations, exact equations, integrating factors), with applications (population dynamics, mechanics); homogeneous and general second order linear equations; the Wronskian; higher order linear equations; power series solutions; the Laplace transform. General theory such as existence and uniqueness theorems will be discussed as appropriate.
MATH-203 - Differential Equations
Minimum Credits: 3
Length: 60 hours
Prerequisites: MATH 201 or 205 (may be taken previously or concurrently)
Delivery Method:
Cost: $365.28
Lab Fees: $83.73
Total: $449.01
Course Outline: https://outlines.cotr.bc.ca/pdf/courses/Course-outline-MATH-203-Fall-2022.pdf