College of the Rockies Calling On Alumni

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College of the Rockies is celebrating 40 years of providing post-secondary education to the region. Sam Steele Days is celebrating 50 years of the Sam Steele Sweetheart Youth Ambassador program.

In honour of these two big anniversaries, the College is calling on graduates from the past forty years to help us celebrate by being part of our float in the Sam Steele Parade.  No matter if you took a full program, just a course or two, or if the College was called East Kootenay Community College while you were here, your participation would be greatly valued.  This event is a precursor to further anniversary celebrations that will take part later in the year.

The time commitment would be minimal for alum that choose to take part; the College would need you for the duration of the parade only.  This is a great opportunity to show that you’re a proud graduate of your local College – and you’ll get a free t-shirt as well.

If you would like to take part in the Sam Steele parade float, are looking for more information, or are an alumnus that would like to be kept informed of other College events, contact Darryl at