College of the Rockies Implements Changes to Adult Upgrading for New Year

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Image of College of the Rockies Dean of Trades and Technology, Jack Moes
Dr. Jack Moes will begin his new role as Dean of Trades and Technology at College of the Rockies on September 1.

College of the Rockies is implementing changes to their Adult Upgrading program for the winter semester.

To offset tuition costs, the College will be offering completion awards for students who successfully complete an adult upgrading course but who did not receive an Adult Upgrading Grant.  These awards are applied as a credit toward a student’s next course registration and range from $75 to $450.

Student Aid BC Adult Upgrading Grants are intended to assist lower income learners with the costs of tuition, fees, books, unsubsidized childcare and transportation.

As of January 1, 2016, tuition for semesterized Adult Upgrading courses will be $305.76 each while tuition for directed studies courses will be $450 per course.  Students who are currently enrolled in directed studies courses at the College will be able to continue their courses, tuition-free, until April 30.

WorkBC’s British Columbia Labour Market Outlook forecasts 935,000 job openings by 2024.  More than three quarters of these jobs will require some post-secondary education and training.  Adult Upgrading aims to improve the transition to post-secondary and vocational programs for those who may be underprepared academically.

Adult upgrading in post-secondary education focusses on literacy, basic education, academic upgrading and employment preparation.  Courses can include computer studies, education and career planning, English, science, mathematics and social sciences.

At the College, Adult Upgrading courses are offered at four different levels: fundamental, intermediate, advanced and provincial.  Many courses at the advanced and provincial levels are available by regular semester delivery (September to December, January to April).  Courses at all levels are also available by directed study.

“Our primary goal for our adult upgrading programming is to provide a supportive learning environment that prepares students for successful transition into post-secondary programs and their career objectives,” says Jack Moes, Dean of Instruction.

“Directed study courses provide great flexibility through a tailored personal training plan that can lead students successfully to their own, individual learning goals.  These courses are personalized and structured for the readiness and objectives of each student.  This delivery method is aimed at increasing student success, while at the same time continuing to provide some of the access and flexibility our adult upgrading learners require.”

Students will be able to begin directed study courses in January, February or March in the winter semester.  Fall semester intakes will be in September, October and November.

Find out more about Adult Upgrading courses.