College of the Rockies Offering International Internships

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A photo of four nursing students studying a large piece of paper along with two locals from Kenya as one Kenyan writes on the paper.

College of the Rockies will facilitate 30 international internships for young people over the next three years. The International Youth Internship program provides youth between the ages of 19 and 30 the opportunity to apply for intern positions in Africa and the Caribbean.

Along with its partners Selkirk College and Bow Valley College, College of the Rockies received a combination of $1.5 million from Global Affairs Canada to fund the International Youth Internship program. The initiative is part of the Government of Canada’s Youth Employment Strategy.

The International Youth Internship program aims to provide eligible Canadian youth with international experience, skills and knowledge that will prepare them for future employment, increase employment opportunities by promoting awareness to Canadian organizations of the advantages of hiring young professionals, and to provide opportunities for Canadian youth to deepen their understanding of what it means to be a global citizen and to engage in international development.

“College of the Rockies is proud to provide this opportunity to its graduates and other eligible Canadians as part of our continued effort to promote learning abroad,” says Kerry Brinkert, College of the Rockies Manager, International Projects and Partnerships.

Eligible participants must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada between 19 and 30 years of age, graduates of a diploma or degree program, and have not previously participated in the International Youth Internship program.

The College will send ten interns per year, between 2018 and 2020, for six month positions. The initial placements will take place in June 2018 and will see interns support the work of partners in Dominica, Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania.

Internship duties will include assisting partners in carrying out market research related to eco- and adventure tourism, developing programs for and supporting access to education by students with disabilities, and supporting women and girls in accessing and succeeding in male-dominated trades training programs.

Applications must be submitted by Friday, March 23.