College of the Rockies Student Reflects on Semester Abroad

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Image of BBA student Kyler Robertson on the beach in the Dominican Republic.
College of the Rockies Bachelor of Business Administration student, Kyler Robertson, took some time to enjoy his surroundings while studying in the Dominican Republic.

When College of the Rockies’ Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) student Kyler Robertson departed for his semester in the Dominican Republic, a blizzard was approaching the Calgary airport. Twelve hours later he was in the hot, humid city of Santo Domingo and ready to continue his business studies.

Robertson’s study abroad opportunity was made possible through a partnership between the College’s Business program and International department.  A relationship between the College and La Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE) in Santo Domingo already existed with the College hosting UNIBE students in the past, opening the door for the College to reciprocate by sending Robertson to study there.

“International opportunities like this, combined with the business courses delivered at the College, provide our students with the opportunity to prepare for the increased globalization and diversity that business is faced with today,” says Business program coordinator Greg McCallum.  “We are thrilled to have been able to facilitate this opportunity for Kyler.”

Robertson, a third-year BBA student, applied for the College’s new BBA Semester Abroad Scholarship as well as the Irving K. Barber One World Scholarship to fund his trip abroad.  While in Santo Domingo, he lived with a Dominican home-stay family and had the opportunity to take Business courses at UNIBE while also continuing his College BBA studies online.

Overall, Robertson found his experience a very worthwhile one. “Having College of the Rockies offer international experiences like this to students is very valuable and I would recommend other students take the opportunity to experience living outside of their comfort zone and be exposed to different cultures,” he says.  “I gained tremendous knowledge and experience that I will be able to take with me for the rest of my life.  I hope this program continues to grow.”

Robertson graduated from the Business Administration Marketing diploma program this year and was the recipient of the Governor General’s Bronze Medal, considered to be the greatest honour bestowed upon a graduate of a two-year program.  The medal is presented to the student who has achieved the highest academic standing in a two-year or associate degree program.

Learn more about College of the Rockies’ Bachelor of Business Administration program.  Find out more about scholarship opportunities.