East Kootenay Teacher Education students give back to local schools

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Image shows group of Education Students' Association - Cranbrook Division members sitting behind a table filled with baked goods.
East Kootenay Teacher Education program students at College of the Rockies’ Cranbrook campus host bake sales as one way to raise funds for local schools. Pictured (back row l-r Martha Palmer, Nicole Hare, Josie Ruoss, EdSA President, Erin Kaldstad. Seated l-r Brooke Leyenhorst, Carly Trinder)

Students in University of Victoria’s East Kootenay Teacher Education program (EKTEP) have raised nearly $1,200 for Kootenay elementary schools as a ‘Thank You’. The schools have hosted EKTEP students in their classrooms providing the aspiring educators with valuable real-life learning opportunities. The UVic Faculty of Education and College of the Rockies have partnered to offer this program in Cranbrook for the last 29 years.

“We have amazing support from School District 5, as well as other districts,” says Josie Ruoss, President, Education Students’ Association (EdSA), Cranbrook Division. “They welcome us into their classrooms and offer an opportunity for us to grow in our professional development. We think it is important to thank and give back to the amazing students and educators at the local schools.”

Since September 2018, the EdSA has raised $1,195.10, money which has been used for classroom books for: Canyon-Lister Elementary School in Creston, Steeples and TM Roberts Elementary Schools in Cranbrook, Marysville Elementary School, and Jaffray Elementary School.

The goals of the EdSA fundraisers include giving back to local schools who support the EKTEP, and creating opportunities for students to get involved in the education community.

“We raise the money through monthly bake sales and through social events,” Ruoss adds. “Half of all the money we raise is donated to local schools while the other half is used for orientation activities for first-year EKTEP students, as well as student professional development.”

The EKTEP program provides Kootenay residents a unique opportunity to gain a Bachelor of Education degree while remaining close to home. Students also benefit from the rural teaching perspective offered in Cranbrook, as rural teaching is one of the fastest growing opportunities in education.

Learn more about the East Kootenay Teacher Education program held at College of the Rockies at cotr.ca/teacher-education.


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Heather Jackson
Manager, Communications and Marketing
College of the Rockies