
Dental Assistant

If you’re looking for a secure career with good income potential and opportunity for growth that is also personally fulfilling, look no further. Dentists, hygienists and patients all rely on professionally trained Dental Assistants. In only 10 months, our Dental Assistant program can prepare you to write the National Dental Assisting Examining Board exam prior to registering with the College of Dental Surgeons of BC.

Our spring Preventative Clinic sees over 200 patients each year, providing you with plenty of hands-on experience. You will also take part in two three-week practical experiences in a dental clinic which will further prepare you for your rewarding career.

Individuals in this occupation should:

  • Be approachable, relaxed and trustworthy
  • Have strong interpersonal and communication skills
  • Have well-developed fine motor skills
  • Enjoy working with people and as part of a team

Program Overview

Course Descriptions

Admission Requirements

Your Costs

Career Info

Low-cost Preventative Patient Care Clinic

Dental Assistant Certificate – Block Transfer Agreements