
Electricians are in high demand – start your career here!

Looking for a high voltage occupation that is challenging, secure and financially rewarding? A career as an electrician might be the right fit for you!

To work as an electrician, you should:

  • Have good communication and reading skills
  • Be physically fit and good with your hands
  • Have a knack for math and working with mechanical things
  • Enjoy using tools, figuring out plans and solving problems

Electricians perform a variety of tasks on electrical systems. They need to be up to date on electrical building codes and in touch with developing electrical technologies. Electricians who specialize in new technologies such as solar power, wind power, fuel cells, wiring for smart homes and automated systems for high-tech industries are expected to be in demand.

To become an Electrician there are two ways to start.

Electrician Pathways

Foundation Program

  • 24-week full-time program
  • February and August intakes
  • You do not need an employer to take the Electrician Foundation program! In fact, the main reason to take the Electrician Foundation program is to gain experience and knowledge about the electrical trade to make it easier for you to find an employer to sponsor you for the remaining three levels of your apprenticeship.

If you are a high school student, contact the counseling office at your high school for information on how to become a Youth Train in Trades student and get a jump-start on your trades training while you complete your high school diploma. Learn more about the Youth Train in Trades program.

Electrician Foundation Training Schedule

*ElectricianFDTNJuly 29, 2024 January 30, 202524 Weeks
*ElectricianFDTNFebruary 10, 2025July 24, 202524 Weeks
*ElectricianFDTNAugust 5, 2025February 5, 202624 Weeks
*ElectricianFDTNFebruary 9, 2026July 23, 202624 Weeks

 *Projected | All dates subject to change |

Apprenticeship Program

To begin an apprenticeship to become an electrician, you must:

  • Have an employer sponsor
  • Register with SkilledTradesBC
  • Complete your apprenticeship training

College of the Rockies offers all three levels of Electrician Common Core technical training and Electrician, Construction Level 4 and Electrician, Industrial Level 4.

Electrician Apprenticeship Training Schedule

*Electrician Common Core1March 24, 2025May 29, 202510 Weeks
*Electrician Common Core1January 6, 2026March 13, 202610 Weeks
*Electrician Common Core2March 25, 2025May 30, 202510 Weeks
*Electrician Common Core2September 2, 2025November 6, 202510 Weeks
*Electrician Common Core2March 24, 2026May 29, 202610 Weeks
*Electrician Common Core3January 6, 2025March 14, 202510 Weeks
*Electrician Common Core3October 7, 2025December 12, 202510 Weeks
*Electrician Common Core3January 5, 2026March 12, 202610 Weeks
*Electrician Construction4January 6, 2025 March 13, 202510 Weeks
*Electrician Construction4March 24, 2026May 29, 202610 Weeks
*Electrician, Industrial4June 2, 2025August 7, 202510 Weeks

 *Projected | All dates subject to change |